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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Chapter 2 - 10+8+4+5 (27)/62 Turns Killed off Lachesis again so I could warp back to Nodian. Eltshan isn't too bad, and the knight ring doesn't save as many turns in chapter 3, I don't think. Magic ring + Light sword is awesome at clearing out the logjam between Nodian and the sleep staff dude. Stats after arena, maybe... Note changes from the last chart are due to me redoing the start of chapter 2. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF MDF ITEMS Siglud 27.19 59 25 2 20 18 18 17 3 Silv. Sword, Speed/Magic/Shield/Barrier, Light Swd Alec 12.65 35 11 0 12 14 4 8 0 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Javelin, Cutter Cuan 22.11 52 25 2 15 16 5 17 3 Hero Lance, Javelin, Horseslayer Azel 11.80 33 0 12 10 15 4 3 8 Thunder, ElFire, Elite Aideen 17.50 32 0 18 9 15 19 5 10 Relive, Warp, Return, Libro Deirdre About to be Manfloy'd
  2. Not really, he stays out of range, and has enough HP to live brave paladins (barely). Plus Generics have worse defence/HP, so they are targeted instead.
  3. Chapter 1 - 22/35 Turns All you need to know is that Deirdre prayer tanked Jamka's 3 shots at 3 HP. Recruited Aira for her sword later on. I promise I'll actually have stats this time. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF MDF ITEMS Siglud 18.61 50 21 1 16 16 15 14 3 Silver Sword, Speed Ring, Javelin Alec 09.32 34 10 0 11 13 5 9 0 Steel Sword, Iron Lance Cuan 13.38 43 20 1 13 14 5 14 4 Steel Lance, Javelin Azel 06.86 33 0 11 10 12 3 3 7 Thunder, Fire Aideen 10.00 32 0 15 8 12 15 2 10 Relive, Warp, Return Deirdre 06.26 28 1 15 9 12 6 3 19 Aura, Live Sigurd proc'd magic, Cuan got Magic and Resistance, and Deirdre got defence and strength.
  4. Yeah, I was talking about the thunder sword bit. Doku meant Lakche, I'm sure.
  5. In theory, it would be good to have against the hoard of hand axe dudes before Dannan.
  6. This is definately better than what the original script is.
  7. wait, it doesn't? ASS I need to save it till the end, otherwise those chodebag curates with fortify in final will keep healing Medeus. I suppose Suicide!Tomas and Suicide!Roger could kill them with Killer Bow crits. I don't really know where else I would need it, actually. Tested it, yeah, it doesn't damage him, although I should have known that already. FUN FACT: In normal mode, 3 uses of the geosphere kills all enemy units on the map, except for 3 generals (who have 1 HP remaining) and Medeus himself.
  8. Chapter 21- 3/155 Turns Reclassed Barst to Berserker, and gave him an energy drop so he would ORKO the boss without a crit. He critted anyway. Roshea bought 2 energy rings and 2 Speedwings from the secret shop for Barst. I don't have enough money to make Hardin my Medeus killer, so Berserker!Barst with a forged Silver Axe will have to do. Or maybe Hero!Barst with Mercurius would have been better. Oh well. Got either Tomas's Master Seal from the boss, Parthia time! Ass, he can't even use Parthia yet >.< Silvers it is. UNIT LEVEL CLASS HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL Marf 14.70 Lord 37 13 11 17 17 9 0 B Sword Jeigan ??/10.26 Dracoknight 21 9 14 10 4 13 3 A Lance D Axe (D Sword) Gordin Deceased WRYSSSSSS 15.73 Mage 19 15 9 7 9 2 6 C Tome (C Staff) Barst 16/17.81 Berserker 49 29 20 27 16 18 0 A Axe D Sword (C Lance) Lena 19/05.69 Sage 25 15 14 13 20 5 15 A Staff D Tome Roshea 11/02.66 Dracoknight 31 13 13 9 6 11 3 B Lance E Sword Hardin 16/11.66 Dracoknight 41 22 20 22 13 14 4 A Lance D Sword Athena 14/07.35 Swordmaster 38 14 18 22 9 9 3 A Sword Roger 10/02.61 Hunter 27 10 8 15 8 10 3 C Bow E Sword Rickard Descesed Tomas 10/01.00 Sniper 32 10 12 12 4 7 3 B Bow Xane Nobody Cares Etzel ??/08.30 Sorcerer 31 11 14 11 8 7 13 B Tome D Staff KIA List: Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south. Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably) Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights. Radd - Chapter 9, just because. Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away. Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :( Rickard - Chapter 20, OHKO'd by Ballistae while opening the drawbridge Gordin - Chapter 20, Brave Lanced for more Generics Chapter 22 - 9/164 Turns I was one square away from an 8 turn clear, but I didn't feel like restarting. Sacrificed Wrys, although I would have liked another fortify user now that I think about it. Xane should do. Also, just did a calc, after 3 Geosphere uses, Max Strength Berserker Barst misses the Medeus kill by 1 HP, as does max strength Dracoknight Hardin with Gradivus. GAHHHHH
  9. In my LHM Draft, I had a level 10 base strength Lyn, I somewhat feel your pain
  10. RNG. It's generics. Also, started Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns Jeigan god levelled. Between his two levels, he's got HP, Str, Skl, 2 Lck, and Defence. Marth is alright too, I guess. UNIT Class LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 08.75 23 8 6 12 12 9 0 C Sword Jeigan Paladin ??/03.24 22 8 11 9 3 10 6 B Lance D Sword Chapter 2 - 5/10 Turns Could have gotten 4, but I'm lazy. Chapter 3 - 6/16 Turns Sacrificed people to the killing edge. Generics inbound! UNIT Class LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL Marth Lord 10.45 25 9 8 12 13 9 0 B Sword Ossa 1.0 Mercenary 08.00 21 7 8 11 0 5 0 E Sword
  11. IIRC, Funds is one of the easier ranks in this game, I don't think that would have been it, although you never know,
  12. I imagine some units like Machis will bite the dust, but otherwise, it shouldn't be too tough to skip out on killing some of the others.
  13. Alright, just checking, I thought it was just a LTC. This game moves really slowly though >.<
  14. Yes, because Marth's move is taken up when he recruits Beck.
  15. Especially with above average stats. My Garcia is above average in speed by a point, so it makes a huge difference too, especially on Garcia.
  16. You couldn't get the village? I didn't have headphones avaliable, so I couldn't listen to the audio if you explained there
  17. Thanks, I was just about to mention it. Time to gogogogo. And Doku, you're still better at me at the first gen, I think, I've just always had Aideen/Sylvia advantages. Leaving the other results up as a reference, unless others object. Prologue - 13/13 Turns Sigurd couldn't ORKO the dude on the bridge, so I had to take an extra turn to Evans. Alec got the speed ring this time around, because Azel couldn't reach. Time for LevinxAideen and AlecxTiltyu Stats after arena. Sigurd sucks.
  18. Fuck it, I'll redo the whole thing, I was wondering how Eltshan missed, and it was an EP thing. Sorry for all the confusion, I should have noticed it in the first place. FE4 drafts are fun anyhow :)
  19. She's the only warper, and can save a few turns in chapter 2 3, and 4, which is more than any other unmounted unit can do, aside from Sylvia, who is free. But it does sacrifice a combat unit, although with Sigurd, you don't really need anyone else.
  20. I think H5 is easier in a draft actually, the first couple chapters aside. Once I hit chapter 6, Barst pretty much ORKO'd everything, and hasn't stopped since,
  21. Sylvia is free, Soul Also, suprised Aideen went that late.
  22. After Chapter 12 was over, Barst has pretty much just wrecked everything, and Hardin does now as well, albeit with worse durability. Chapter 21, 24 and Endgame might be tough though. I actually think Barst might be the best unit in H5 drafting (excluding Shiida, obviously) because of his early hammer useage and massive strength early on. He's pretty close to not ORKOing (he needs Silver now), but he should be good till the end. Athena isn't half bad with Mercurius either.
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