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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. The monsters have the evasion of a rock so I doubt it. L'arachel usually doesn't have survival issues, unless Dolza wanders off onto the middle ship or something.
  2. I don't add my immediate family on facebook for privacy reasons, (and the fact that I have many other ways of contacting them) but I do add other family like aunts, uncles and cousins that I don't see too often.
  3. I preordered it as well, I'm picking it up after classes today. Come on Sonic Team, don't fail me again
  4. I'll try to recall the RNG abuse that was needed, I might miss something, but you'll see in the video. - Saleh landing a Crit on Valter (~25%?) - Seth landing a Crit plus another hit on Orson with a Killer Lance (Around 60 Displayed hit) - Seth landing a Spear crit on Lyon (Ch. 17) (~17%x2) - Seth landing one 7% crit on Lyon (final) in 4 attacks Otherwise, it was pretty clean. Fortimiis didn't require any, Gerik Garm'd twice, Seth Audulma'd twice, and Myrhh finished.
  5. Nils. And Wallace is nigh invincible in Eliwood Mode, its just his movement sucks.
  6. Yeah, Chapter 14 probably was the toughest chapter in the entire playthrough, but I had Gerik clear out the enemies in the throne room (well, the ones with ranged attacks, like the Sniper, and two Fighters) from over the south wall, and yeah, I had Seth, Franz, and Forde as Paladins rushing. Franz made it with zero spaces to spare.
  7. I don't think 18 was possible in 4, I had 6 in my HM log, but I'll probably be able to get 5. Chapter 14 required the most thought, because I needed the 7 turn with the secret shop, otherwise I wouldn't have Warp by Chapter 16. The first 8 chapters will probably be up sometime tonight.
  8. My normal mode run is done, 82 Turns total. I'll just throw this down until I edit the footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsbsHbTOPJs
  9. I'm going as Brock from Pokemon. My buddy is going as Ash and we're going to disrupt his Halloween party with a pokemon battle. /nerd
  10. I would personally have the Altean Horses in a FEDS draft, as they come out of the prologue so overlevelled they destroy stuff for the entire game without any effort, while Shiida has issues on Non-Knight/Cav enemies until promotion. Also, Dorcas was the first pick in an FE7 draft?
  11. After seeing Trim's stellar performance in the H5 draft, I just imagined what he could do in Normal mode. I mean, (s)he's going to just stomp it.

  12. I think Chapter 4 took one retry because Seth missed an 80 something Javelin, one restart on Chapter 7 because I made an error in Vanessa's positioning, one on Chapter 11 because I was testing to see if Vanessa could live a ballista shot, and one on Chapter 8 because Seth missed Tirado once and he Great Shield'd twice. Chapter 12 will be annoying, and I'm worried that Saleh won't get enough WEP Exp because of chapters being slightly shorter (I think), and he didn't hit A Staves until turn 2 of Chapter 16... As for the Normal/Easy differences, I'm pretty sure it's just the tutorial, but I'm not actually all that familiar with this game.
  13. I just have been going through normal mode (the enemy stats are the same as easy IIRC, but no tutorials) and I have these turncounts thus far, i'll probably finish up tonight. If you want, I could probably record the whole thing and upload it as one huge video since Youtube finally removed my 15 minute limit. [spoiler=Turncounts]P - 1 1 - 3 2 - 4 3 - 4 4 - 2 5 - 3 5x - 7 6 - 3 7 - 4 8 - 5 9 - 4 10 - 3 11 - 6
  14. May have to possibly restart due to emulation issues due to the size of Goldenrod City.
  15. Continuing on... I catch a Sentret, and name it Jesus. Make a slight detour to route 46 to grab a Spearow for Sprout Tower and Bugsy. I don't know if I'll give this one up when I get to Goldenrod. I name it Ho-oh. I give Sentret some exp along the way to Violet, and Spearow more or less solos sprout tower. Spearow Leer spammed Pidgeotto until it died, then Totodile scratched it to death. POKEMON NATURE LEVEL HP ATK DEF SpA SpD SPE Totodile Modest 13 36 22 22 18 18 19 Spearow Jolly 11 30 21 14 9 13 24 Sentret Brave 6 21 12 10 10 12 7 Time: 0:52 Ran towards Union cave, wild pokemon were pricks. Got some levels on Sentret, and more importantly, she got quick attack, which compensates for her awful speed. Killed some trainers in Union Cave, then Sentret took on the well until he got poisoned, and Totodile took over. He evolved in the gym, and Spearow was sacrificed to Scyther. Finally went to the pokemon center for the first time since Violet, and easily killed my rival with a combination of Spearow and Crocanaw. I don't think it would be very fun trying to take on Bayleef with only Crocanaw, as it has Reflect, Synthesis, Razor Leaf, and Poisonpowder, which is annoying. POKEMON NATURE LEVEL HP ATK DEF SpA SpD SPE Crocanaw Modest 20 57 37 38 33 32 33 Spearow Jolly 13 34 24 16 11 14 28 Sentret Brave 11 30 17 15 15 17 9 Time: 1:28
  16. Alright, Time to get this rolling. Chose Totodile as my starter, named him Dragonite. Ran to Mr. Pokemon's house and back to my Rival, killing several Pidgeys. Rival growl spammed, so it took a while for him to be taken down. POKEMON NATURE LEVEL HP ATK DEF SPC SPD SPD Totodile Modest 8 26 15 15 13 13 13 Time: 0:14
  17. Isn't the chapter 7 one a stealable item? I got the energy ring instead, as it's much more useful. And it probably is tougher in Hard, as Eirika didn't even double the bandits. Idk, maybe i'll check the easy mode stats sometime. I'm pretty sure they're significantly worse.
  18. Sorry about the delay all, Cable company pulled my internet for a few days because I'm poor. Tauros, because he's cool. Also blues, some pokemon like magnemite that have been drafted are still in the OP. I didn't check for others. And I'm so starting this today. I'm going to be much worse at a pokemon draft than a fire emblem draft.
  19. Put some unit that isn't 2RKO'd by the Cavs+Horseman in the entrance to the castle, GeneralWolf! might be able to if he's not doubled by the cavs.
  20. I wanted Myrhh to land the final hit, but she was out of range initially. Tethys can get Saleh in range, while Saleh doesn't waste his first move by rescueing Myrhh, another unit who is out of range, in range. I might just have Seth and Gerik kill the Goat Demon next time though, Gerik might double with Garm. And I didn't get the pure water, because I needed Nessie to shuffle Seth around.
  21. I bet about a quarter of active members will post here in the first place anyway.
  22. 3 Turning chapter 4 requires Steel Axe! Garcia, as he ORKO's everything (including the boss) with a strength proc, I forget who I used to take out the north enemies, I think Gilliam got a point of speed and did it or something. And I gave my boots to Tana, to enable a 1 turn clear of 17, although you might be able to do it otherwise. A 10 Mov flier is generally very nice though. Also, for LHM, I might have been able to improve on a couple of chapters by early promoting Sain/Kent, but here are mine from my semi-recent efficient run of it. P - 5 1 - 4 2 - 4 3 - 3? 4 - 8 5 - 3? 6 - 3? 7 - 2 7x - 3 8 - 4? 9 - 4? 10 - 5? I can't quite remember them all, and am too lazy to check my topic, but the numbers seem right.
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