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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. And it's an update. Chapter 17 Units Deployed: Eliwood, Serra, Priscilla, Florina, Lucius, Kent, Sain, Matthew Eliwood ORKO'd a shaman when nescessary, and killed the boss. Serra and Prissy, healed, Florina killed shaman and their reinforcements, Lucius softened up Shaman for Matt and got quite a few himself, Kent and Sain took care of the east, then the south. Matthew stole various goodies, inculding two pure waters, a vulnerary, and the bosses Guiding Ring. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL SUPPORT Eliwood 11.73 24 9 10 14 14 7 5 A Sword C Hector Hector 08.05 26 11 8 7 4 10 0 B Axe C Eliwood Lyn 08.50 21 6 12 15 7 4 1 C Sword Marcus ??/01.27 31 15 15 11 8 10 8 A Lance A Sword B Axe Lowen 10.05 29 9 7 10 6 11 3 D Sword C Lance Rebecca 06.49 20 5 9 7 6 3 3 C Bow Dorcas 09.02 35 9 11 8 6 4 0 B Axe Bartre 07.14 33 13 8 4 6 6 2 C Axe Oswin 10.06 29 13 10 5 3 13 3 B Lance Matthew 08.14 22 5 7 16 6 5 2 C Sword Serra 06.00 19 4 7 10 10 3 8 B Staff Guy 09.05 26 8 15 14 7 5 2 B Sword Erk 08.15 22 9 10 10 5 3 6 C Anima Priscilla 06.16 17 7 8 9 9 4 7 B Staves Florina 06.98 21 7 10 12 9 4 6 D Lance Wil 06.67 23 6 7 7 8 6 1 D Bow Kent 10.33 26 9 9 10 7 8 4 C Lance D Sword Sain 10.09 27 12 7 7 6 8 0 C Lance D Sword Lucius 06.04 20 8 8 10 2 1 7 D Light Raven 06.63 26 8 12 14 2 5 2 C Sword Canas 08.46 21 10 9 8 7 5 8 B Dark EXP Gained: 1769/1450 Turns Taken: 11/11 Total: EXP Gained: 9697/7650 Turns Taken: 76/90 Also, do you gain exp at a quicker rate in EHM than HHM, I've taken part in one less chapter, and I have 1000 more exp, I don't think Marcus and Lyn Mode use would affect that much.
  2. Bishop!Katarina doesn't have enough Weapon Exp to use again, she only gains 30 on her base of 76, putting her 20 Staff uses away from again. Plus, we already have Malliesia, and Yumina that will be able to use again without much effort, and Etzel and Wendall should have a staff rank lead on her as well if we are using them. Jeorge has a unique niche (albeit not all that important) of having exclusive Parthia for quite a while(unless you early promote Ryan/Gordin then Jeorge is still better statwise), providing OHKO's on Flying stuff and having good chip damage. And an avaliability lead.
  3. Vanessa is top because she saves turns by riding on a flying horse, and she exists from Chapter 2 on. When Seth doesn't exist, she's pretty important, when Seth does exist, the only thing she has credit to is the Chapter 7 drop, and the rest is shared with Tana.
  4. TBH, Roshea dodged a 96% hit that would have killed him in final, so he was really lucky. Ogma is better earlier on than Barst, but he can't reclass to anything else effectively, and doesn't have hand axes. Plus I just fed him every stat booster so he was pretty ridiculous.
  5. It was quite obvious you stopped caring about turncounts early on, and just wanted to finish. I'm sure if Bal finishes/had finished, his turncount would be near mine.
  6. I had no idea who's turn it was, I asked a while back, and recieved no response. Not that I care, I don't plan on using any other pokemon anyway.
  7. I don't think it's possible for Duessel to even die, can any enemies aside from the boss even hurt him? For the chapter, torches and the torch staff are your friend. It isn't hard if you see what you're fighting.
  8. Integ, I finished! 183 Turns on the H5 draft. Barst for Jesus tier. And holy crap, I beat my H3 draft by almost 40 turns
  9. Marth 81B 28W 38/14/11/19/18/9/0 He sucked shit early on, then got some sexy levels that meant abosolutely nothing. He was about as durable as a wet piece of paper. Shiida 57B 24W Dead ??? YOU ROCK GIRL Jeigan 132B 34W Dead 21/9/14/10/4/13/3 MVP of the early chapters. Draug 13B Invaluable Meatshield Base Invaluable in Chapter 3's turncount. Even though he wasn't drafted, I think he contributed more than some drafted units. Gaggles 50B 14W Dead ??? He poked a few wyverns, and his earlygame chip was very nice. Then he had like, 8 strength in Chapter 20, as did Roger and Tomas, and he lost the dice roll. Wrys 41B 22W Dead ??? Holy fuck Wrys was magic blessed. He had like 15 magic at level 17. He was OHKO'd by everything ever though. Barst 247B 157W 57/30/21/28/17/19/0 I honestly think he might be the best overall pick in a H5 draft. Barst from chapter 6 on, he was my best unit every chapter. He had more wins than anybody else had battles. Lena 4B 1W 26/15/14/13/21/5/17 She was actually really useful, and allowed me to make Wrys a mage for meaty chip damage early on. Hardin 140B 86W 44/22/24/25/14/12/7 If Marth was a wet piece of paper, Hardin was a damp piece of paper. Still, his offence was irreplaceable. 2nd MVP, next to Barst. Roshea 58B 18W Same as Ch. 23 100% useless beyond Javelin chip. Rickard 5B 1W (wtf) Dead ??? how did he kill something let alone get into 5 battles Roger 43B 14W Same as Ch. 23 I honestly thought he would be better. He had a brief period of doubling after his recruitment, then he sucked forever. Tomas 24B 8W 33/11/13/15/5/7/3 Once he promoted, he was nice with the longbow. ... ok, he was pretty useless too. Xane 17B 13W Who Cares Two Barsts or Lenas woop Athena 65B 35W 40/15/18/23/10/9/3 She was actually required to kill the Chapter 17 boss O.o Her bases and Mercurius use were nice. I would say she was slightly edged out by Lena is usefulness. Etzel 8B 6W Same as Ch.23 Filler with Excalibur sized chip damage and staves. Nagi 5B 4W Base :D
  10. Chapter 23 - 7/171 Turns Fed Hardin and Marth a speedwing, so Marth wouldn't be quaded, and so Hardin would double. Hardin, Marth, and Barst ran to the top of the tower, getting rid of stuff as they went. Generics succumbed to swarm. Tomas hit A Bows. UNIT LEVEL CLASS HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL Marf 15.07 Lord 38 14 11 19 18 9 0 B Sword Jeigan ??/10.26 Dracoknight 21 9 14 10 4 13 3 A Lance D Axe (D Sword) Gordin Deceased WRYSSSSSS Deceased Barst 16/19.59 Hero 47 25 29 26 16 20 3 A Axe D Sword (C Lance) Lena 19/06.83 Sage 25 15 13 13 21 5 16 A Staff D Tome Roshea 11/02.79 Dracoknight 31 13 13 9 6 11 3 B Lance E Sword Hardin 16/14.17 Dracoknight 42 23 23 23 14 14 4 A Lance D Sword Athena 14/08.20 Swordmaster 39 14 18 22 10 9 3 A Sword Roger 10/04.13 Horseman 28 12 10 15 9 10 3 C Bow E Sword Rickard Descesed Tomas 10/03.50 Sniper 33 11 12 14 4 7 3 A Bow Xane Nobody Cares Etzel ??/09.44 Sorcerer 32 12 15 12 8 7 13 B Tome D Staff Athos II ??/06.00 Dracoknight 27 12 10 8 0 16 3 C Lance E Axe KIA List: Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south. Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably) Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights. Radd - Chapter 9, just because. Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away. Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :( Rickard - Chapter 20, OHKO'd by Ballistae while opening the drawbridge Gordin - Chapter 20, Brave Lanced for more Generics Wrys - Chapter 22, Brave Lanced for more Generics Chapter 24 - 4/175 Turns Those curates were bitchy so I killed the Geosphere on them. I think i'll just go suicidal!Tomas and uh, some other unit that can kill a curate in Final. Barst capped strength and speed as a zerker. Chapter 24x - Just had Barst blast through it. I got a generic with 28 defence for final O.o Final - 8/183 Turns Holy fuck, it's finally over. Unit analysis in the next post. Medeus was killed by suicide!Nagi and Barst. The ballistae 1HKO'd everyone not named Marth, Nagi, Barst, Hardin, or Athena.
  11. Yeah, you can only play as Sonic/Fat!Sonic, but in some "sidequests" you have to have your furry friends do stuff to help you complete stupid objectives (for instance, you have to collect 35 medals in Sky Sanctuary, and you have to bring along Knuckles to do so (even though he's only ever on screen when you push Y to make him dig.) Only lazy part about the game, imo, and lack of multiplayer. And it's stupidly short, I beat it in about three hours today, half an hour of which was playing with one hand because I was eating lunch. All in all, the game is pretty well done though, I enjoyed it.
  12. Most of the units on the FE8 tierlist are useless, due to Seth. Even on the Sethless list, scrubs like Ross and Niemi are 100% superfluous. On topic, Geitz is the best, although FE6!Bartre is decent too, due to massive strength and bows. Garcia is pretty awesome early on in SS too, and isn't too bad until he stops 2HKO'ing.
  13. I'll just get my cart back from a friend, and start a bit later on, probably.
  14. My shaver animation only glitches when it misses. On another note, I got the Angel of Life achievement when Jaffar lived, but Canas didn't, but I didn't get it when Canas lived.
  15. The only one who can actually do something useful is Wade, and he isn't anything special. And clipsey, remember Wade actually has to connect with the hammer.
  16. I'll have to restart, because Desu_____ emulator is stupid, I'll try No$GBA. I'll probably have an update later tonight my time sucked anyway
  17. I wanted Artur promoted in time to get Warp for Chapter 20, and I think he hit A Staves in Chapter 18. Saleh was able to get A staves easy enough by chapter 16. (Well, kind of) I probably couldn't get the energy ring, and Vanessa would have to at least dodge the archers, 1 soldier, and possibly the ballista, and Eirika would have to crit. I don't like the odds on that one. Chapter 9-13 is uploading, but it will be a while because my internet is mexican.
  18. [spoiler=Response, spoilered so it wouldn't take up a ton of space]P - No RNs burnt, I just attacked with Eirika because she doubles and would have finished on the EP anyway (if she didn't die). Seth didn't really need the 4 exp or whatever he would have gotten. 1 - Even if the soldiers did block Eirika to the north, as you said, Franz would have kicked one out of the way, or Seth could have used the Silver Lance on the boss 2 - I remember thinking I wanted Vanessa to get some exp, then I said "Fuck it" and just let Seth kill them anyhow. on the bandits to the north, I could have had Franz back of instead of attacking on the last player phase, so Eirika could have finished (because she doubled, and Franz didn't). 3 - I got the treasure for fun, the only ones that I really wanted were the hand axe and javelin. I facepalmed a little when Seth missed the boss. And for Fortimiis, Gerik had Garm to boost his speed, and Seth did get a speedwings. I think Gerik had exactly enough, and Seth had one additional speed. 4 - On my test run, I had Vanessa take care of the south area, because with a strength proc, she ORKO's the two enemies that Franz killed on turn 2 EP. Artur could have killed the east enemies instead of Garcia, but it's too risky. 5 - I could have easily got all the villages, but I mispositioned Artur on turn 1, and he couldn't reach the secret book village, and I didn't feel like restarting. Didn't need the guiding ring anyway, although I could have sold it, I guess. 5x - The killer lance was the only item I really wanted. Ephraim faced (low) death chances on the last EP, but that aside, he was fine. 6 - In all honesty, I was going to restart to get the halberd, then I thought of when I would ever need it. This was the closest Seth came to dying in the entire run, lol. And I don't think I healed him once. I was staff spamming the healers (mostly Moulder) in case something went horribly wrong and Saleh didn't have warp in time. And Joshua only had the armourslayer because he had it from getting the Ch. 5 village. I don't think he was ever deployed after this map anyhow. 7 - If Eirika doesn't suck you can do this in 3 turns (if she can OHKO/ORKO with a crit) but mine couldn't double or OHKO, and her odds of survival were really low. 3 turns only really ever occurs in drafts where Eirika is like level 15. 8 - I actually don't know if I ever use the silver lance The only time Silvers are better than Killers are when they OHKO/ORKO when Killers don't, and it's pretty rare in this game.
  19. If SP doesn't win, I'll be really surprised. Unless Nags shaves enough earlygame turns with Marcus, and gets Saul warping early.
  20. Haha, you could've had TWO Catria's flying around. I'm coming up with this chapter 23 strategy that involves feeding almost all my drafted units to swarm bishops. Marth being doubled and ORKO'd too annoying. Of course, I could take like 25 turns or something ridiculous, but I want to finish this shit normally. Whenever I get around to it, that is.
  21. Even on normal it's pretty annoying, your units still have no resistance, and enemy magic is still pretty high.
  22. I did give Seth a Killing Edge to kill Caellach though I even if Valter did have the Hoplon Guard, Saleh could have reached him by turn 4, but I wanted staff exp. The only thing that prevented a 4 turn was those stupid troubadours, actually.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWG_9hVBRak Chapters 1-8. I was too lazy to cut out the shopping and such, but most of these chapters are pretty trivial. Only difference from hard mode was chapter 4.
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