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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. There's no way possible to do it in 4 turns without the Silver Lance bro, or a 50% hit Wolf Beil Crit. Chapter 12 - 5/12 Turns Hector made killing the hand axe dude his #1 priority, while Marcus charged north to kill the boss after Hector had chipped at him on the turn 5 enemy phase. Eliwood got the secret book and sold it, allowing Lowen to buy some stuff at the armoury. Eliwood got a peg kill after a wounded one targeted him for some reason and suicided on him. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LEVEL SUPPORT Hector 05.52 23 10 4 6 6 10 2 C Axe Eliwood 01.37 18 5 5 7 7 5 0 C Sword Marcus ??/01.57 31 15 15 11 8 10 8 A Lance A Sword B Axe Lowen 03.85 24 7 5 8 3 8 1 D Lance D Sword
  2. I'll take the Brave Lance and Brave Sword. Take that Cog of Destiny. Also, Janissary, you might want to edit the weapon list, I didn't look all the way down, but I saw that Steel Sword was still an option, even though Integ stole it picked it a while ago.
  4. Just don't burn RN's until you get like a 3% crit, or have Marcus dodge like 15 50% hits at 3 HP.
  5. Post reserved for chapter 23. I didn't get the guiding ring off the enemy mage, but I don't think i'll need it. I got the white gem however, so that was nice. I got quite lucky on the last turn, but I knew the RNG (after many failed attempts), so I knew exactly what would happen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6hL7cYf0Tk&feature=youtube_gdata Also, just barely managed to get Rath to level 10. 5 Turns.
  6. With one RN burn in chapter 11, you can take the south route, and get more exp. Balcerzak has a video on his channel, I probably have on mine as well, I can't remember NOO I HAVE ROLF FUUU- I actually can't quite remember who I had before, but it was more legit that Makalov or Rofl.
  7. Chapter 2 - 7/11 Turns Marcus picked up Roy, and carried him to near the boss, whom Marcus 0RKO'd with the armourslayer. Lance picked up scraps. Merlinus bought stuff. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 01.66 Base Marcus 01.81 Base Lance 05.30 24 8 7 10 4 7 2 D Lance E Sword Chapter 3 - 7/18 Turns Marcus carried Roy for a while, then dropped him off so he could kill some cavs in the way. Lance picked him up, and dropped him in seize range on turn 6, and Marcus 0RKO'd the boss with the armourslayer on turn 7. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 01.78 Base Marcus 02.46 32 9 14 11 10 10 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 07.06 25 8 8 12 4 7 2 D Lance E Sword Chapter 4 - 8/26 Turns I had to wait for Rutgar :( Much easier in Normal mode. Missed the angelic robe. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 03.92 20 6 6 8 9 6 0 D Sword Marcus 02.96 32 9 14 11 10 10 8 S Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 08.89 26 8 8 12 4 7 2 C Lance E Sword Rutgar 04.57 22 7 12 13 2 5 0 C Sword
  8. And I take Lowen, then Renault. Also, chapter 11 was done in 7 turns, and I got the red gem (since Matt is allowed to steal) UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Hector 03.75 19 9 4 6 5 8 0 C Axe
  9. Also, Kenneth's is the default, but I'm pretty sure you figured it out by now.
  10. Eirika pulls off 3 crits in a row by trading something to Eirika and burning 1 RN, I believe.
  11. WALLACE :D You guys know my picks if i'm off in some other topic if Whitefang shows up.
  12. Yeah, and I'm not taking the extra turns, he's not gonna save the ~5 turns it takes to recruit him. And Renault is a pretty cool guy, and can spam fortify in final, so Athos can kill more shit.
  13. After Lowen, I'll have to take Renault or Geitz, lol. And I actually detest Lowen, he looks like a plant and usually hits like a pillow and only once because he doesn't double. And Harken is badass and solos shit with hand axes.
  14. He's actually boarderline invincible in EHM, it was funny.
  15. I couldn't pass up Harken this late, and I already have lol 4 paladins. EDIT: You could pick Wallace
  16. It's my turn right? Isadorrrrrrrra and Harken Don't forget Integ still has the purple one.
  17. DERRP. I'm silly When it's my turn, I'm picking Kent, then Sain then, in that order, as I'm gone now.
  18. I mean I'm not guarenteed both Christmas cavs like I thought I was. Unless the other two derp hard.
  19. Florina's a great first round pick. I would have chosen her, but I just don't like her, and Fiora has Pent, Kent, Sain, and Florina herself to choose from, all of which are 1st/2nd round picks. EDIT: Lyn supports Kent guys, so he's still there. I can't believe we all missed that.
  20. I was just looking through your turncounts, and I believe your total should be 74, not 70, you probably forgot to add a 4 turn chapter somewhere along the way.
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