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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Holy shit Cam, 22 turns? Nicely done. Merging all of Chapter 2 in this post. Chapter 2: 37/76 Turns I need to use arenas better. Evans to Heirheim - 10/49 Turns Rush and kill shit along the way. Sigurd ignored what's his face with the return button's crew, and left them to be dealt with by the others. Heirheim to Anphony - 9/58 Turns asdf Shield ring. At least Sigurd has it now. Lex ended up killing Voltz by accident Anphony to Mackily - 8/66 Turns Sleep staff was a complete non issue, as Sigurd can still reach him in one turn without being in range of the staff. He hit the knight with a Javelin, then retreated out of staff range. The next turn, Noish/Cuan (can't remember) finished off the knight, and Siggy whacked the boss with his silver sword. Mackily to Agusty - 10/76 Turns Stupid archerknights and horseslayer. Hero Lance Cuan and Silver Sword Siggy finished off this boss. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Rings Sigurd 22.24 54 23 00 25 14 14 21 09 Barrier, Shield, Skill Noish 13.80 41 12 00 09 09 04 10 01 Lex 19.90 45 15 00 10 12 09 11 00 Cuan 16.41 45 18 00 11 11 06 12 03 Midir 13.48 39 15 02 11 20 03 07 00 Speed Ayra 14.77 38 14 00 23 21 06 08 01 Deirdre 09.65 31 00 18 12 12 07 03 19 Aideen 08.80 32 01 14 08 11 13 01 10
  2. Lucius is getting one shotted by the dragon. And why would you have either of them attack, it is much easier with Athos, or hell, even Hector.
  3. No, I doubt it. Also, is there a penalty for Dew giving his money away? Same with Ethlin.
  4. Ignore this, my file didn't save at all in chapter 2 for some reason.
  5. Just like the level 5 Nino I used in 28x? But I can see that you're not going to change your mind, so good luck.
  6. You're going to need Bartre to max his level if you want a good exp rank.
  7. Soul - Florina, Lucius, Lowen, Heath, Pent, Harken WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
  8. I'm planning on Hero Gerik, because if he goes ranger, he'll never use bows, and 1-2 range is more important than 1 more mov. As for Cormag, I would prefer Wyvern Lord, and I still have some speedwings kicking around in case his speed doesn't turn out well.
  9. I'll just be doing screenshots. Prologue 14/14 Turns Chalphy to Jungby - 6/6 Turns With 2 strength procs, you can do this in 5... However, Sigurd failed to proc any strength, so this had to do. Cuan mosied down to clean up scraps, Noish saved one village, Lex the other. Lex is terrible on this map. Jungby to Evans - 8/14 Turns 1 HP away from a 13 turn One strength proc in 5 levels for Sigurd. Midir somehow ended up with the bosskill. Cuan and Midir used the church. Note that Midir got the speed ring. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Sigurd 10.77 41 16 00 12 12 10 13 04 Noish 05.08 35 11 00 08 08 04 09 01 Lex 08.58 36 14 00 10 12 09 10 00 Cuan 07.02 37 18 00 11 10 06 11 03 Midir 04.26 34 10 01 08 09 03 07 00 Chapter 1 - 25/39 Turns Evans to Genoa - 6/20 Turns Aideen and Dew ran towards my army, while Sigurd rushed to Genoa, killing Kinbois along the way. My other units picked up scraps, and for some reason, the enemy archers liked targeting Midir at full health opposed to Noish and 10HP... Also, despite Sigurd being in Ayra's range, she decided to chase Aideen instead. Genoa to Marpha - 7/27 Turns Ayra was in Sigurd's range, and was recruited immediately. She took out the troop that was chasing Aideen, while Aideen and Midir had their convo. Cuan drew some enemies up towards the others for some exp, and then Sigurd ran for Verdane. Sigurd, Lex, Ayra, and Cuan took out the other wave of enemies, and Sigurd killed whatshisface that stole Aideen. Marpha to Verdane 12/39 Turns Forests suck. Everyone except Aideen and Midir went through the Spirit Forest, the Aideen went to the villages to get gold, and Midir wasn't needed, so they built love points. Sigurd blasted through the chokepoint, recruited Deidre, killed Jamka (although I wanted his bow) and rushed the castle, after silencing Sandima. Deidre got a few kills along the way, and Lex got his Hero Axe on the last turn. UNIT LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Sigurd 16.92 48 20 00 19 12 14 15 04 Noish 08.93 38 12 00 09 09 04 10 01 Lex 10.58 38 15 00 10 12 09 11 00 Cuan 10.47 39 18 00 11 11 06 12 03 Midir 08.03 37 11 01 11 12 03 07 00 Ayra 09.12 34 13 00 20 18 04 07 01 Deirdre 06.45 28 00 16 10 12 06 03 19 Aideen 04.40 29 01 13 08 09 11 01 10
  10. Chapter 13 (Ephraim): Units Deployed: Ephraim, Seth, Duessel, Franz, Joshua, Natasha, Moulder, Colm, Tana, Artur, Garcia, New Units: Gerik - Excellent bases carry Gerik a long way. He comes at level 10, and with a promotion item, so he can be insta promoted if need be. He's durable, hits hard, and is more often than not fast enough to double. Tethys - Some people hold dancers in very high esteem, and rightfully so, they are great to have around. Feed her a robe, and she will be able to take a hit. For some weird reason however, I dislike Tethys. First few turns of this chapter can be tough, because of Selena wielding Bolting. Watch the HP of your units. Also, suicide pegs appear on turn 2, so watch your sword locked units and magic users. Pirates will appear to try to destroy the southern village if you take too long as well. I sent Seth solo down to the south village, with Garcia protecting Natasha from the pegs. Tana dropped Duessel across the river, and he headed for Selena. On Gerik's side, he chilled out until Joshua, Franz, and Moulder arrived as backup. Colm stole the speedwings of a mage. Duessel ended up killing Selena, and hit S in axes. 7 Turns. [spoiler=Unit Stats] UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP SUPPORT Ephraim 15.61 33 13 16 17 15 13 4 A Lance Seth ??/10.35 39 16 17 14 16 14 10 S Lance A Sword Franz 18.10 33 14 15 19 6 10 1 A Lance D Sword Gilliam 06.85 27 11 7 3 4 10 3 C Lance Vanessa 06.02 20 7 11 16 7 8 6 C Lance Moulder 10/02.73 22 8 8 15 2 2 5 A Staff D Light Ross -06.11 16 6 4 4 10 3 1 E Axe Garcia 14.74 36 16 11 10 8 6 1 A Axe Niemi 01.00 Base D Bow C Colm Colm 06.47 22 6 4 13 11 5 1 D Sword C Niemi Artur 10.92 26 9 10 10 2 3 10 C Light Lute 01.00 Base C Anima Natasha 07.42 19 6 6 12 11 4 11 B Staves Joshua 19.24 37 16 20* 20* 12 7 4 A Sword Forde 13.24 30 10 11 9 9 10 2 B Lance D Sword Kyle 12.51 32 13 9 9 6 11 2 B Lance D Sword Amelia -10.00 Base Tana 11.90 26 9 12 17 14 6 10 C Lance Cormag 12.90 33 15 10 11 6 14 3 C Lance Duessel ??/11.60 43 18 13 14 8 19 9 S Axe A Sword A Lance L'Arachel 03.71 Base Dolza ??/01.03 Base Ewan -10.00 Base Marisa 05.00 Base Gerik 14.04 36 15 15 17 10 10 4 B Sword Tethys 01.70 Base And a question, Rouges still have the ability to steal, correct?
  11. I think it deserves less actually. It hits like a truck, but is pretty damn slow, and has no type coverage at all, and no movepool. Like, Magneton is completely walled by a Graveler 25 levels lower than it.
  12. IIRC, I sold one red gem and one blue gem, and used no stat boosters. Just refer to the tables, and note everything is worth double its sellling value. That being said, I would have been fine using a couple stat boosters, but I got a ton of money from arenas.
  13. I've finished Radiant Dragon's HNM Tactitian Stars draft with 109 Stars.
  14. Unit Analysis: Hector is a pretty cool guy. Looks about average to me, but I'm not bothering to check. High skill though. Dancer/Bard. Helped Serra and Prissy promote. Maxed luck and speed, average everywhere else. Look at all those green numbers. Too bad she comes so late. As much as he sucked early on, he wasn't bad down the stretch. Boarderline invincible. Better stats than Prissy, and got an S-Rank in Light magic, at the cost of 2 move. Serra also promoted earlier. Not bad for a low tier character. Looks pretty blessed to me. Not that it mattered much, he just overkilled even more than he would have. Not as godly as my last Marcus, but he's fucking Marcus so it doesn't matter. These stats are deceiving, as they aren't too far off what he was when he promoted, then he got really shitty level ups. Doubled for his entire gametime. Thanks for the 5* in funds bro. Was level 10 promoted in Crazed Beast, so was overkill for the whole game. There are my final results. No idea how good that is. I doubt I could have got a 5* in funds with promoting Matthew.
  15. I'm going to run out of units to give exp to. I'm doing a calc now to see how much more exp I need. And my funds will probably dip down due to the stupid Sands of Time Funds rank. Chapter 30 - 6/0 Turns Prissy warped Hector, then cleaned up, while Nino took out the north. Hector Brave Axed Kaim repeatadly. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20/04.28 44 19 17 16 9 18 12 A Axe D Sword C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/20.00 43 20 26 14 15 12 18 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/12.30 36 16 18 21 23 7 22 A Staff B Light Erk 20/19.64 43 19 21 26 12 12 17 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/10.51 28 18 18 18 26 8 21 S Staff D Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Ninian 14.02 24 1 1 21 18 9 14 Dancer Louise ??/12.20 34 16 17 21 19 10 16 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/17.25 37 25 22 22 17 13 19 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 20/07.06 35 21 23 22 21 8 22 A Anima E Staff EXP - 26325/25850 Yep, my Exp is done now. 4.75 Levels in hand, and VoD has a huge requirement. 32597/36050 It's virtually impossible to 5* exp, even with promoting Matt, I fall around 200 exp short, and destroy my funds. Chapter 31 - 12/14 Turns My 5* in everything somehow lived another day. Uh, all my 20/20 units just sat there, while the other units killed stuff. GOGOGOGO HECTOR. Kept Denning alive till the last turn. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20/09.32 49 23 19 17 12 21 13 A Axe C Sword C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/20.00 43 20 26 14 15 12 18 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/16.16 39 19 19 24 26 7 25 A Staff A Light Erk 20/20.00 43 19 21 26 13 12 17 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/14.27 30 18 18 21 29 8 23 S Staff C Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Nils 14.04 25 1 1 21 18 10 14 Dancer Louise ??/15.33 36 17 17 23 19 11 17 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/17.25 37 26 22 23 18 14 21 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 20/11.45 39 22 25 26 22 9 24 S Anima E Staff Chapter 31x - 6/5 Turns Used the arena as much as possible. Bought some tomes and javelins. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20/10.12 50 24 20 18 12 21 14 A Axe C Sword C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/20.00 43 20 26 14 15 12 18 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/18.42 40 20 19 25 27 7 27 A Staff A Light Erk 20/20.00 43 19 21 26 13 12 17 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/15.80 30 18 19 22 30 8 24 S Staff C Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Nils 14.04 25 1 1 21 18 10 14 Dancer Louise ??/17.43 38 17 17 23 20 11 18 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/19.68 37 26 22 23 18 14 21 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 20/14.03 41 24 27 26 23 9 25 S Anima E Staff Turns so far - 260/272. EDIT: One second thought, no. Chapter 32 - 10/13 Turns No warping nescessary. Hector just ran to Limstella, killed her, and seized. Got everything. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20/13.56 53 27 22 18 13 21 14 A Axe C Sword C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/20.00 43 20 26 14 15 12 18 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/20.00 40 20 19 25 27 7 27 A Staff A Light Erk 20/20.00 43 19 21 26 13 12 17 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/20.00 30 18 19 22 30 8 24 S Staff C Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Nils 14.56 25 1 1 21 18 10 14 Dancer Louise ??/19.10 38 17 17 23 20 11 18 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/20.00 37 26 22 23 18 14 21 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 20/20.00 41 24 27 26 23 9 25 S Anima E Staff Still 5* in everything. Final Part 1: Opened the doors with door keys and killed shit. Athos and Nino killed Nergal. 5 Turns Final Part 2: Luna double = 1 turn Well, looks like I'm done. Analysis to come.
  16. I'm finishing this tonight. Chapter 29 - 10/18 Turns Everyone is now promoted. Fiora went to the shop to buy some tomes (to be sent to Merlinus, so Prissy could attack stuff) while everyone except Serra and Hector went for Linus. When the wyverns showed up, Hector recruited Vaida, and then the Wyverns were attracted to Serra due to lower defence. Nino promoted mid chapter, and is pretty deadly. Erk and Louise killed Linus. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20/01.00 41 17 16 15 8 17 10 A Axe D Sword C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/20.00 43 20 26 14 15 12 18 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/12.30 36 16 18 21 23 7 22 A Staff B Light Erk 20/19.64 43 19 21 26 12 12 17 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/07.86 28 16 15 17 23 8 21 S Staff D Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Ninian 14.04 25 1 1 21 19 10 14 Bard Louise ??/12.20 34 16 17 21 19 10 16 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/17.25 37 25 22 22 17 13 19 S Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 20/04.89 33 20 22 20 20 8 20 A Anima E Staff
  17. It might be faster to take a Florina penalty on some chapters, like Heintz's chapter (7 I think...) If this was a rule from the start, a more fair way to do it would be Lyn and Florina free, with 2 other units each.
  18. Chapter 28x - 15/10 Turns aka Nino's training grounds. Got all the treasure, 2 units maxed out their level (shit) and uh, yeah. Gave Hector the boots, forgot to give Nino Afa's drops, but w/e. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/18.21 41 20 23 14 13 12 17 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/20.00 57 18 15 22 22 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/09.43 34 14 17 20 21 7 20 A Staff B Light Erk 20/16.87 41 19 20 26 12 12 16 S Anima D Staff C Priscilla Priscilla 20/01.90 26 14 11 15 18 7 17 A Staff E Anima C Erk Fiora 20/20.00 50 23 25 28 14 11 24 S Lance D Sword Ninian 13.03 24 1 1 21 18 9 14 Dancer Louise ??/10.77 32 14 15 20 18 10 16 S Bow A Pent Pent ??/11.65 33 20 22 19 16 12 17 A Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 15.06 25 15 15 17 16 4 13 B Anima Tactics won't be hard to make up... I'm still worried about funds and exp though. 23790/22350 Exp. I have a 14 level buffer, although Cog of Destiny will probably nullify that. Thankfully, I have 3 0 exp chapters left.
  19. Chapter 27 - 10/14 Turns Serra grabbed Pent's physic staff, and used it enough to promote. Next chapter is a Serra solo. Looted all the chests. Didn't recruit Karel. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/17.34 41 20 23 14 13 12 17 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/15.31 53 17 13 21 19 25 8 A Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/01.00 31 10 16 17 15 7 16 A Staff D Light Erk 20/14.83 40 19 19 26 11 12 15 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 18.58 23 12 10 14 18 5 13 A Staff Fiora 20/17.76 48 22 25 28 13 11 23 S Lance E Sword Ninian 10.28 22 0 1 18 17 9 11 Dancer Louise ??/07.18 30 13 14 19 17 10 15 A Bow A Pent Pent ??/08.97 33 19 21 18 15 12 16 A Anima A Staff A Louise Chapter 28 - 16/20 Turns Nino get. Serra took that one shine tome, and almost broke it by the chapter's end. I promoted Prissy, but being the derp I am, I don't have a fire tome for her to use. Nino even got a couple levels. Got all the chests, and Louise killed Ursula. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/17.89 41 20 23 14 13 12 17 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/17.13 54 17 13 21 21 25 8 S Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 20/06.29 33 13 17 19 18 7 18 A Staff C Light Erk 20/15.13 40 19 20 26 12 12 16 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 20/01.10 26 14 11 15 18 7 17 A Staff E Anima Fiora 20/18.17 48 23 25 28 13 11 23 S Lance E Sword Ninian 11.51 23 0 1 19 17 9 12 Dancer Louise ??/08.99 31 14 14 19 18 10 15 A Bow A Pent Pent ??/10.72 33 20 22 18 15 12 16 A Anima A Staff A Louise Nino 07.66 20 9 10 12 10 4 9 C Anima
  20. Yes. If he steals something, he drops the last item he has in his inventory. There is a stealable door key near the bottom, if you pass that off to someone, they can take care of the south tresure room, as the archer in there has a chest key, leaving Matt to go north. Chapter 25 8/0 Turns I can't get my healers exp because none of the enemies can hit my overpowered units Got the Elysian Whip. Uh, all my characters sans Matt and Hector roflstomped. Had Matt attack a couple of cavs so Priscilla could heal him if they hit. Hector and Matthew got a C Support. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/16.20 40 20 23 14 13 12 17 S Axe A Lance A Sword Lowen 20/13.10 51 17 12 20 19 24 7 A Lance B Sword C Axe Serra 16.97 26 7 14 15 13 4 11 A Staff Erk 20/12.80 39 19 17 26 11 11 15 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 16.89 21 12 9 13 17 5 12 A Staff Fiora 20/16.01 47 22 25 28 13 11 22 S Lance E Sword Ninian 08.08 20 0 1 16 15 8 7 Dancer Pent & Louise gogogo. Chapter 26 - 12/11 Turns Boring defend chapter. Used Matthew as wyvern bait to get some exp. I can't wait till Serra and Prissy promote. Oh, Lowen and Marcus got a C support. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe C Matthew Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword C Hector Marcus ??/16.44 40 20 23 14 13 12 17 S Axe A Lance A Sword C Lowen Lowen 20/13.58 51 17 12 20 19 24 7 A Lance B Sword C Axe C Marcus Serra 18.31 27 8 14 16 14 4 12 A Staff Erk 20/13.78 39 19 18 26 11 11 15 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 17.89 22 12 9 14 17 5 12 A Staff Fiora 20/16.32 47 22 25 28 13 11 22 S Lance E Sword Ninian 09.18 21 0 1 17 16 9 10 Dancer Louise ??/05.06 29 12 14 18 17 10 13 A Bow A Pent Pent ??/07.50 33 19 21 18 14 11 16 A Anima A Staff A Louise
  21. Chapter 24 - 15/13 Turns Used the arena to great success. Sent Kent up to recruit Wallace so he wouldn't go after Lloyd, and a Silver lance and elixir (and another unit to carry stuff instead of Merlinus) is always nice. Marcus and Lowen went up the east side of the map, then waited around for a bit, then killed Lloyd. Everyone else stayed around the start, and Fiora and Erk used the arena. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe Matthew 20.00 33 7 10 20 9 7 5 A Sword Marcus ??/15.46 40 20 23 14 12 12 16 S Axe A Lance A Sword Lowen 20/11.34 49 17 11 19 17 24 7 A Lance B Sword D Axe Serra 16.61 26 7 14 15 13 4 11 A Staff Erk 20/11.23 38 19 16 26 11 11 14 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 16.06 21 12 9 13 17 5 12 A Staff Fiora 20/14.85 46 22 25 27 12 10 21 S Lance E Sword Ninian 07.19 19 0 1 16 15 7 9 Dancer
  22. Except Florina. Chapter 23 14/9 Turns Too lazy to redo this for a better turncount. I can blast through Genesis anyhow. Got all the desert items, Fiora promoted. It was weird seeing promoted Erk run around on this level. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe Matthew 17.19 30 7 9 20 8 7 5 B Sword Marcus ??/12.64 39 19 21 12 12 10 16 S Axe A Lance A Sword Lowen 20/05.66 43 12 11 15 16 20 6 A Lance B Sword E Axe Serra 12.32 24 5 12 13 12 4 8 A Staff Erk 20/05.65 34 16 15 22 9 10 12 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 11.99 18 10 9 12 13 4 9 A Staff Fiora 20/01.44 37 18 18 20 10 9 17 A Lance E Sword Ninian 04.21 17 0 0 14 12 6 7 Dancer Exp update: 12910/13250 Chapter 23x - 11/21 Turns Yay free exp. Got all the items, including some nice silver weapons, and uh, killed shit. Serra used the unlock staff a few times, then healed, while Priscilla just sat and continuosly used a barrier staff on Hawkeye. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP RANK SUPPORT Hector 20.00 38 17 14 12 8 16 5 A Axe Matthew 17.38 30 7 9 20 8 7 5 B Sword Marcus ??/13.12 39 19 22 13 12 10 16 S Axe A Lance A Sword Lowen 20/10.71 48 16 11 18 17 23 7 A Lance B Sword D Axe Serra 13.91 25 5 13 13 12 4 9 A Staff Erk 20/07.88 35 16 16 23 10 11 13 S Anima E Staff Priscilla 13.86 19 11 9 12 15 5 11 A Staff Fiora 20/03.10 39 18 19 20 10 9 17 A Lance E Sword Ninian 05.41 17 0 0 14 12 6 7 Dancer This will only last so long.
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