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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Haha I don't care if it looks like my old team, they are two very viable early picks. And Cord and Darros will probably be hitting C in Axes ~ the same time, because Cord doubles almost anything onwards from chapter 4, Darros will never double anything but Knights and maybe mages. And yes, every time a unit attempts to attack, you get WEXP, even if they miss. Of course, I always shove the Devil Axe on Cord anyway.
  2. Cord >>>> Darros. By a lot. I would say Bord > Darros as well, because of earlygame hammer. Speaking of Cord... I choose him.
  3. I know its favouritism, but Darros really should not be the 11th pick. And eclispe, stop picking the team I had last time!
  4. Ogma, Barts, Cord, Caeser, and oddly, Matthis. Horace on Gaiden playthroughs.
  5. Barts. A unit list would be extremely helpful. In other news, I'm gone from Monday - Wednesday, so I'll send a list of my picks in order to you, Darros, so you guys can continue picking.
  6. I like how she didn't get luck, but got Def and Str.
  7. I got really lucky and ran a generic Paladin to the closest Gharnef, who said his battle quote so I knew he was the real deal, and Wendall pulled a 2% crit chance out of his ass for a 0HKO. Starsphere would be really useful, just give a dracoknight/paladin it and gradivus and let them rip it up.
  8. Now that I think about it, I could have gone to 24x as well, because my Marth sucked too much to be useful with Falchion, and the Starsphere and Lightsphere could have come in handy. Good run everyone.
  9. Uhhh, Frey I Vote Bantu and Maria for Jean-Marc if he doesn't show up.
  10. Ok, here I go, the end is tonight. Chapter 23 7/141 Turns Beck killed the curate holding the pure water, and it was sent to the convoy for Marth to use in his ascent of the tower. Wendall wtfCriticaled Gharnef with Starlight, and took out the mages around him, aided by a barrier staff from Boah. Shiida and Gordin flew/rode up the keep, clearing the way for Marth. Chapter 24 5/146 Turns Beck provided chip damage, Shiida flew down and killed most dragons, Jagen flew to the ??? Shop and bought 3 robes, 3 shields, and 1 scroll. Draug and Horace eventually made it down and finished off manaketes, and Marth did nothing but seize. Palla and Barts killed one dragon. The old duo did nothing. Endgame 4/150 Turns Shiida got one critical with the Gradivus, and killed Medeus on the enemy phase. The curates were gone thanks to Horace and Beck. Boah (yes Boah was useful in Endgame) and Gotoh used Fortify staves, and Marth hid in a corner because he was doubled by most dragons. Unit stats on turn 3 of epilogue: Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 21 11 Lord 36 17 0 16 15 22 11 1 A Sword Jagen 9 22 Draco 24 8 1 14 11 5 13 3 A Lance E Axe Draug 9 23 Zerker 48 19 0 13 23 11 10 0 A Axe Wendall 12 03 Bishop 29 1 12 5 17 10 5 12 A Tome B Staff Boah 8 65 Bishop 23 1 5 8 11 7 5 13 B Tome A Staff Horace 10 14 Hero 30 16 1 22 21 9 10 3 C Axe D Sword Beck 18 50 Shooter 32 10 2 10 14 11 17 0 Ballistae Palla 5 66 Swdmstr 38 15 1 23 22 7 12 4 B Sword Gotoh 19 66 Sage 38 3 11 20 20 16 13 12 A Tome A Staff Barts 9 63 Hero 42 19 1 29 24 13 14 3 A Axe D Sword Gordin 8 16 Paladin 47 13 1 15 18 17 20 6 B Lance E Sword Shiida 17 68 Draco 60* 24 1 26* 23* 30* 23 3 A Lance E Axe
  11. You can unequip them. Ex: Click the unit you want to disarm --> Item --> Iron Bow --> Remove That character will now not be able to counterattack, but still can hold on to the equippable item.
  12. You csn use them in any way as long as they perform no action other than moving. They cannot attack, or buy stuff from shops. One action that they can do I believe is trade items, but I never had an excuse to in my last playthrough.
  13. You cannot use faceless units without a 4 turn penalty. Just remove their weapons, and kill them off/let them sit around. As a tip, they can be used as sacrifices so your other units can move more freely.
  14. Almost finished Chapter 23, but Gharnef was the one furthest away, and Jagen died, so I restarted. I'll be done tonight for sure.
  15. That's a good pick. You need not worry.
  16. ... I am after JB25, not eclipse, right?
  17. ... Am I to assume you gave Marth the Lightsphere to reduce the effect of terrain? I may finish the run tonight.
  18. Darros, you have two of the same topics. I might do this one as well, if there isn't going to be a pool for the top 5 from the other pools. I'll go 4th for now, but I may have to pull out. We'll see.
  19. See page one. The goal of a drafting tourney is to complete a game in as few turns as possible. You take turns picking characters, till there are none left. All people can use certain characters that would give players a distinct advantage if drafted (Marth, Jagen). There are other rules listed on the first post if you are interested. And here's my take on my drafted characters: Marth - Awesome early game, then couldn't kill anything late game due to getting speed screwed. Needs a big level buff in the prologue, or else he's screwed. Should wear the boots 100% of the time. Jagen - Your best unit early on (Silver Lance), fades quite a bit, but can still do some decent chip damage late game, and his utility is second to none. Gordin - Mine got blessed in defence, and was a good unit once he hit level 15, but his early game is relativly decent, a steel bow hit sometimes means that you can avoid a couterattack. Dracoknight Gordin is taking 3 damage from silver lances late game. Draug - Slow start, but once he starts doubling, he's off. Almost unstoppable upon promotion. Could have gone higher IMO. Shiida - I had my doubts about taking her in the first round, but it payed off. The Wing Spear is incredible, and you get lots of them. Barts - Gamesaver early, I could see him going in the first round. Awesome bases are too hard to ignore. He had a period where he stopped doubling, but then he promoted into a Hero, and is absolutly deadly. Wendall - His healing early game is useful, but honestly, I have only used Excalibur about 5 times in my playthrough. Base speed is awesome, was going to use him to take on Gharnef, then I had to feed him speedwings because he didn't gain in it at all. BOAH - Actually kind of useful to have around, having two staff users is VERY useful. Horace - Definatly good have gone higher in the draft. Low HP, awesome offence as a Hero for a prepremote. Only knock is weapon levels. Beck - Great late round pick. Good for killing those out of reach fortify curates. Palla - Not as great as I anticipated, couldn't double till promotion. The things she could double she couldn't kill. (Minus mages) I would have maybe wanted a thief next time, to pick up extra treasure. I forgot I drafted Maria, and I think Jeorge. I took one look at Maria's Bases and just let her sit in her cell, she isn't worth quite a few extra turns. Should have picked Etzel. And nobody is going out of their way for a prepremoted Sniper with crappy bases, and crappy growths. IMPORTANT EDIT: The_Steel_Lance has completed his run, 173 turns. He also forgot the boots. No access to a computer to post himself. Eclipse, are you going to wait till I finish my run to post turn count, or are you ok with posting it now, so I can see if I have to beat a lowturn count other than Core's.
  20. I actually never thought of the Master Seal scenerio....
  21. Chapter 21 3/126 Turns Stuck the Starsphere on Shiida, and gave her Gradivus, and she killed everything. Jagen went to the secret shop, where he bought the shop out of boosters, except for goddess icons, I want enough for the defensive boosters as well. Not much to it. On a side note, if you use Gradivus to heal HP, it counts as a use, even with the Starsphere. Chapter 22 8/134 Turns Just charged the keep, used a whole bunch of stat boosters before, and Dracoknight Gordin was unstoppable. Unit Lvl Exp Class HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Marth 19 36 Lord 35 16 0 14 14 20 10 0 A Swords Jagen 9 22 Draco 24 8 1 14 11 4 13 3 A Lance E Axe Gaggles 6 44 Draco 36 14 1 15 17 15 22 3 C Lance E Axe A Bow Draug 5 86 Zerker 44 17 0 11 22 10 10 0 A Axe Shiida 7 67 Paladin 42 18 1 26 25* 24 14 6 A Lance E Sword Barts 6 61 Hero 41 18 1 26 22 12 14 3 A Axe D Sword Wendall 10 22 Sage 27 3 13 5 16 8 5 8 A Tome B Staff Boah 7 67 Bishop 23 1 5 8 11 7 5 12 B Tome B Staff Horace 9 11 Horseman 28 16 1 17 16 9 8 3 D Bow E Sword D Axe Beck 14 30 Shooter 30 10 2 7 12 9 17 0 Ballistae Palla 3 37 Swdmstr 36 15 1 23 22 7 12 4 C Sword
  22. Chapter 20 5/123 Turns Marth ran across the river towards the throne, Draug took care of one General, Horace and Barts the other. Had Marth hold Mercurius and Starsphere to preserve uses. Palla fought some rounds at the arena, and Gordin blocked off the bridge after Jagen opened it. Fun Fact: Jagen wasn't doubled and could take two shots from the Pallys. Shiida Wing Speared Camus, and recruited a Silver Lance. Got the Pachyderm for Beck. Chapter 20x. Palla Promoted. There are a surprisingly few amount of enemies here. Got all chests thanks to Marth's movement.
  23. Yeah, Idk where you were looking, but I seem to have 6 turns for chapter 7. Thanks for making me look anyway, because I found the other error.
  24. I would say 4 turn penalty. I didn't start this however, so I have no clue.
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