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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 1 VS Tharja @Ephraim's Lance attacks Flavia @Balmung! 31 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (86) Vengeance (91, 26) (40) Flavia's PAVISE activates! She takes 15 damage. (65/80) Flavia counters! 11 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (76) Luna (99) Pavise Tharja takes 11 damage! (69/80) Flavia doubles! (34) Flavia's LUNA activates! (36) Tharja's PAVISE activates! She takes 16 damage. (53/80) Elieson's turn. Elieson Espinosa Specific 80/80 Motors 80/80 Cordelia 80/80 Cordelia 80/80 Flavia 65/80 Flavia 80/80 Gangrel 80/80 Gangrel 80/80 Aversa 80/80 Tharja 53/80
  2. TURN 2 VS Cordelia @Brave Lance attacks Terra @Celica's Gale! Terra's VANTAGE activates! 13x2 damage 43% hit, 0% crit (34) Terra;s VENGEANCE activates! (74, 49) Miss! (77) Terra's VENGEANCE activates! (59, 21) Cordelia takes 41 damage! (39/80) Cordelia counters! 28x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (64) Cordelia's VENGEANCE activates! (44) And Terra falls. Carmine Sword's turn. CARMINE GREENMINID TERRA 00/80 CORDELIA 39/80 FLAVIA 80/80 WAS SEEN! 80/80 WALHART 80/80 CHROM 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 SUMIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 PRIAM 80/80
  3. I uh, read the wrong units skills for Terra, there was a roll for *something* after Sumia attacked, and it was this (46) So nothing actually, changed, but you may reconsider your move if you want.
  4. because there's literally no point in not having robin/cordelia on every single team
  5. TURN 1 VS Terra @Celica's Gale attacks Sumia @Hector's Axe! 16x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (49) Terra's VENGEANCE activates! Sumia takes 16 damage! (64/80) (77) Terra's VENGEANCE activates! Sumia takes 16 damage! (48/80) Sumia counters! 41 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (13) Sumia's LUNA activates! (46) Terra takes 56 damage! (24/80) Terra doubles! (93) Sumia takes 16 damage! (32/80) (53) Terra's VENGEANCE activates! Sumia falls. greenminid's turn. CARMINE GREENMINID TERRA 24/80 CORDELIA 80/80 FLAVIA 80/80 WAS SEEN! 80/80 WALHART 80/80 CHROM 80/80 AVERSA 80/80 SUMIA 00/80 CORDELIA 80/80 PRIAM 80/80
  6. TEAM CARMINE TEAM GREENMINID STATS UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT SAGE!TERRA 80 27 46 44 46 47 30 40 89 92 22 ASSASSIN!FLAVIA 80 41 29 50 47 45 30 30 98 93 25 CONQUEROR!WALHART 80 49 23 40 39 44 49 33 82 80 20 SORCEROR!AVERSA 80 29 47 39 41 43 41 44 80 83 19 BRIDE!CORDELIA 80 41 38 44 44 44 41 39 88 88 22 ----------------------------------------------------- BRIDE!CORDELIA 80 41 38 44 44 44 41 39 88 88 22 ASSASSIN!WAS SEEN! 80 39 29 50 50 44 31 30 97 97 25 DREADFIGHTER!CHROM 80 43 38 41 42 46 38 42 84 86 20 GENERAL!SUMIA 80 48 30 43 38 45 48 36 87 79 21 ASSASSIN!PRIAM 80 43 28 49 46 45 33 28 96 91 24 (13) Carmine Sword goes first!
  7. I'm not to privy on speedrunning, but how to the lategame chapters work? Would it be worth it for someone like Saleh to sit around and spam barrier for a bunch of turns so he could just warp people in the last couple of chapters to cut down on enemy phase combat? Normal mode has less enemies too, so it's probably still better to just fly Vanessa to bosses or something. Although with buyable energy rings, warp might be slightly faster, especially on chapter like 16.
  8. OK i'm back from holidays and ready to host stuff again. If people (or Espinosa) send me their teams, I can continue/start matches again.
  9. i can start hosting things again on monday night. Probably gonna be up like 22 hours straight or something crazy tomorrow since i have to drive a looooong ways.
  10. Gg lol. Had like 5 different instances to win with over 80% success rate and missed out every single time.
  11. Man this game just doesn't like me today. Brave bow Panne I guess.
  12. Yeah, probably. Literally everything else had gone wrong already.
  13. Please use Vengeance this time Cordelia on Gangrel with the brave bow
  14. It's actually abaolutley ridiculous. 5/6 Aethers. I think I'm still in a fine spot though.
  15. More like one less Aether or one more Pavise. I'm still like that though and I'll cry if Sumia gets doubled Aethered and Pavises nothing.
  16. Nice. I guess i'll try to brave lance Chrom with Sumia and have her not proc Pavise 4 times and die to double Aether.
  17. I'm pretty sure one of my units has bond, Cordelia should heal. Cordelia kill Sumia with brave lance
  18. The only reason to use DK over sorcerer or sage is if you're scared of getting walled by tomebreaker
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