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Everything posted by scrub_Lord

  1. Yea, I don't really understand why everyone was/is so quick to dismiss corrin. I really think corrin has a lot more interesting tools at his\her disposal compared to Bayo.
  2. Didn't stop people from trying measure clouds frame data from his trailer. : PI see no harm in people trying to figure out Cory's or Bayo's frame data. EDIT I apologize if this post expressed any negative vibes.
  3. Hmm my only critique is that face could be slightly better. But everything else is simply amazing!!! : D
  4. Maybe special convos akin to base convos in path of radiance and radiant dawn?
  5. Hello and welcome to the forest! : D
  6. Well I like anime so I should be right at home. Also thank you for your suggestions! That game is a visual novel correct? Difficult games are fine. Will look into! Thanks! Hmm I'm not familiar with team ico, but I have heard good things about dragon's dogma.
  7. I don't know, I think it could happen. I wonder what game they would choose.
  8. <3 you guys! Btw thanks for the advise!
  9. Can you draw corrin? Thanks in advance!
  10. *gets hand chopped off by katana* *Throws vampire killer*
  11. All I have to say is I'll believe it when I see it...
  12. Wouldn't be that shocking if capcom went that route honestly.
  13. Well I am kinda serious about the topic. Always good to get a new hobby! Just felt like having some too at the same time : P @Knight of Argentum peace friend I'm just playing along! : )
  14. That could be the final push I need to finally try CT. Thank you for participating!
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