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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. But Muarim does not fit this stereotype. Neither does Gareth, form what we can tell, and i would have a guess that Aran does not fit it, just a guess though, and he does betray Begnion...
  2. I should ask dark a question about every stage I'd get second place
  3. u remind me of people who come up to me in white vans and offer me tootsie rolls, but tootsie rolls suck so i say no =/ you wouldnt say?
  4. i read your sig, and i lold. It was a sacasticish statement. no one is immmune
  5. neither of you know anyhting...
  6. There have to be multiple elephants 30-40 as fayt said to be as strong as Chuck Norris.
  7. actually my friend was chatting me on fb and said the game. so you don't...until now
  8. congratz, you've won a hug if i ever stumble across u irl.
  9. http://i12.tinypic.com/6k5wohv.jpg w00t, its been within 30min for me but not u.
  10. no, hes not even as strong as Boyd.
  11. probably. who can guess my name i did an even worse job than fayt of covering my tracks
  12. If this man is the manliest of men, who is a real man it would take 1. 1 man named Chuck, Chuck Norris. The old spice guy could probly do it with those abs aswell
  13. I couldn't find anything, dick nipples...dick nipples that shit, but no cock shitting dick nipples =[ but the shitting dick nipples made me lol
  14. How am i gonna transfer the speedwing w/ out marcia getting it? does anyone have ideas???
  15. I have never found miccy to be useful with wrath, the only thing i like having her do is thani bomb early chapter bosses.(or armours)
  16. but everyone should have an opinion so other people can call them jackasses :O

  17. thats a better way to put it, Jill is somewhat loyal to people as well, she is just indecisive...or not but thats the best i cna come up with Well, you nailed what affinities have in common. thanks for the new(smart) point of perspective. I'm guessing thunder is motivated by person they follow or w/e
  18. Later in the game he sure hits harder, Miccy does fine with wrath but i perfer Ed with it, look at 1-4 for example, he does great with it there, because as long as he isn't doubled he can likely get a kill.
  19. Love for teh lesbians, which leads to the question, is same sex marriage legal in tellius? PM me answer since this would most likely tkae the thread wayyy off topic. on a more on topic note, Dark will not be slowed down by Sothe + miccy + Fiona. no friggin way he's not winning
  20. Ed is often 2HKO'd in P1 anyways, so if he is in OHKO range it doesn't matter, all you have to do is put him in a spot he can't be attacked. Same as miccy except he's better cause he hits harder, and can use a Forge to help his crit.
  21. I think someone has already said this... Does anyone find it odd how IS made it that most people with the same affinity have something in common, normally there is one exception but there is mainly a trait. Thunder: Aran, Tauroneo, Jill, Muarim, Makalov, Shinon, Lyre, Janaff, Gareth. All of these people are very loyal. aside from Jill and Mak, but Jill is loyal to her beliefs and family(haar included) Mak again is loyal to his family, and the friends that don't wind up hating him.
  22. I was just to lazy to point it out :P @dondon, how is it hardly useful to have innate skill? eddy with inate wrath is pretty nice. As is Mia's vantage, if its a slight advantage to give it to someone else i think the innate feature makes up the ground, unless its a big advantage, like sorens adept, bad idea to keep on him.
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