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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. 7th is really late... i start school like Aug 20th or something, most likely the third monday of the month. i dread the end of summer before summer even starts
  2. Devdan does not fight like 10 mean. i just had a breakthrough, what if danved is Isaiah Mustafa in disguise, since clearly Isaiah could fight like 10 men, and Danved is said to pursue a career in comedy after the events of FE10...and of course i chose danved cause hes the only black guy
  3. someone thought i was ur alt once...i should have said i was cause that would b funny...he apears to be very unliked EDIT: well i didn't mean narga did ban him. It's just narga and smash argued alot so it would be ironic if narga banned him since it seemed they disliked each other(but they could've just shared different views on FE, which they did but it could be only that basic)
  4. augh, i used him...but he died lol. 3-1...OMG i fucking hate this map... Fow + 3 units and only one can tank out attacks...can i just let everyone else die?(besides mia, boyd and Ike obviously)
  5. I was a victim of the same, trial and error, trial and error.
  6. Oh yeah, no problem man. keep your PT intersting :D

  7. wow, that gets you banned? seems a little much to me, but if he had other warns maybe not. for some reason, i have a feeling, just maybe it was narga who did it
  8. Why did he get banned? i used to get on this site back when i sucked at FE to see what people were doing, smash actually had many idea's i agreed with and on here or gamefaqs he had a really convincing arguement about aran, and no one had anyhthing about neph. I've seen the neph now and think she's better, but it still made sense.
  9. Fenrir

    I got caught...

    on the oustide of the door? to make it uber obvious?
  10. I was gonna make one, then i wanted to do a Transfer run, and now im caught up in this draft thing, hopefully i can do one soon.

    anyhow, good luck on yours =]

  11. 3-P 10 turns, Boyd got speed on both levels he had :D as well as getting strength twice, very very nice
  12. would we be talking just 1-P through 1-2 or would 1-3 be included.

    1-2 would be hard to low turn, and you would ahve to miss out on the energy drop, but i think it's possible.

  13. oh, i clicked his torso, but he didn't eat my soul causee instead of duck feathers i used a desert eagle
  14. Wow...everyone on this site is really nice. Somehow this works...60 total P2 turns, 195 total, P3 here i come...-proceeds to get best P3 turn count
  15. 13 turns with my kieran geoffrey penalty... 52 turns for part 2...and counting =[ how am i supposed to beat 2-E with only Elincia and Marcia????
  16. YOUR GONNA PUT TIBARN ON THE HAWK ARMY!!!! I drafted with P4 squads in mind, should be good
  17. that's an odd way to arrange the teams... time to get on with 2-3 -sigh-
  18. Violent video games...the problem is hardly the jelly-blood of COD, the bigger problem for lil kids would be the people they play with, when i play my PS3 i get on my mic, talk with my friends and we'll curse, this may or may not be a problem for 7 year olds. Many of the kids that play watch violent movies, the same thing it really doesn't make a difference in a kid unless its all he thinks about. Research run by who? on people of what ages? and do they play all day? or do they play once a week? what is their backround? most research done like this is helpful, but only to one party of gamers, COD, for example, being the biggest game out their means there are tons and tons of different people types playing this game. You cannot judge the general public by one piece of information, not everyone responds the same way, most people i've met are not at all bothered by violence in video games, because they know it is just a game. as to your other point, parents can allow or cannot allow children to play whatever they want its THEIR kids, it is a totally subjective matter.
  19. you do not recall correctly, only the Queen holds this power.
  20. at the very end, she can attack a dude but not kill, it really isn't important though, because i dont think miccy needs levels, all she'll be doing is healing from here on out.
  21. yet another reason you shouldn't go to bed really early.
  22. you put him so only one tiger can reach. So i can finally thank you, thanks. haha EDI: as usual i phrased what i was saying not as best i could, then narga phrased it perfectly, so thanks, and that was what i was trying to say
  23. Im tired so i didnt read your whole post, just the first paragraph and the first sentences in the next two but...Critforge for miccy is expensieve as mentioned, and on a stage like 1-4, (I've done it many times there) he is attacked and is immidiantly in wrath range, letting him wrath and critkill the Tiger he would normally take a while to kill, pretty nice stuff. Miccy just dies when she takes an attack unless u wanna throw a dracoshield/seraph robe at her which imo is a complete waste, since some laguz (Kyza, Volug) can make good use of a dracoshield and the seraph robe can go to Jill or eddy(even Aran) to improve durability, or be shipped to BEXP better.
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