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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. haha thanks =p lolcats ftw

  2. wow, that sounds pretty awful... also, sorry to be to questiony, but what ended up happening to your brother?
  3. that sucks frog balls man. yeah, having a dad around, at least to pay for stuff is better than not. my mom's dad did drugs, divorced my grandmother, and disowned my mom.(not her brothers. favoritism more?) my mom had to buy her own groceries because my grandmother worked at the library, that would suck dick, but it would be even worse to watch your dad die in front of your eyes. yeah, always nice to know someone like that
  4. i was begining to think you were completely oblivious, or just hadn't seen my other posts. my sister is in college, and i know alot of other college kids who all love it. lololololol i didnt catch tht one i disliked carbination when i was little, the first carbonated drink i liked was coke. The best non-alchohalic beverage.
  5. old people! "Transport now to an old folks home Where the elderly are tossed on their brittle bones The orderlies are stealing, there's no excuse Everyday for lunch they eat boiled goose So I grabbed my boombox and hit the turbo base And what happened next was a total disgrace Everybody started having sex The music was way too powerful A bunch of old people fucking like rabbits It was disgusting to say the least"
  6. he switched his name back to speedwagon for tht post?
  7. what type of things do you ovvereact to? all women are insanely attracted to me because im a redhead, and i(others contributed) have completely deluded myself into think every women would fuck a redhead instantly. everybody should listen to an andy samberg song wen ur sad
  8. since there was sum stuff about abortion and shit like this, i recently watched this vid. i actually like the way he states his points, i agree with him on most levels of his arguent.and hes fucking god at cod
  9. wow, i can fool ppl on xlive AND on the internet into thinking im older than i am :D (not in college if you didnt catch tht)
  10. tell him about masturbation, if he likes it, he'll never do anything else...if hes this dumb as you make him out to be his mom will find out and not let him go to your house anymore.
  11. well its not horrible, your not even 20 so things cant be to bad. i talk to girls fine, growing up with 2 older sisters kinda helped i guess, just stay normal unless you cannot have a convorsation without sexual mention or cursing fuckin nerd get a life jk jk
  12. i never been high, id love to be high and play video games...one time i thought i was gonna get sum weed my friends messed it up... =[
  13. I knew a kid like this...it was a few years ago at a halloween party in my neighborhood and i swear to god he must've like seen me go home cause a month later he shows up at my house and it litterally took me an hour to remember who the fuck he was. then he came over ALL the time, eventually i started being somewhat mean to him and he stopped coming over.
  14. the founding fathers of america were some of the greatest men of their time, time can change a lot but in most cases it doesn't make a brillant man totally irrelevant.(especially if he founded your country) By this train of thought, christians can say, "who gives a shit about jesus hes dead" buddhist's could say, "buddha made some nice points but its been thousands of years so lets get rid of paying attention to what he said" and so on and so forth with other religions. The point being, that america was founded on great principles, and they are still great principles.
  15. How old are you? ages really vary on this site, if your 16 and dont have a love life its k, but if your 45...its not k...
  16. ruining their minds? most teenage dudes watch porn so they've already done this. whenever you start driving or drinking its gonna seem young, but better to learn now than never. example, 16 yr olds are reckless drivers, partially because they're teenagers, but the biggest thing is that they have never driven before so naturally a 35 yr old will be a much better driver, but if we started driving at 35 it might be a little tiny bit safer(but often not even this) but now tons of people wont drive for half of their life.
  17. Fenrir


    i procrastinate, never really regret it much though, i tend to do homework faster than other kids so its fine, i usually get 85+ in all my classes.
  18. Jyosua doesnt have any votes, we're screwed. i voted narga cause hes cool, and srs always gives me warns, as does nightmare...and they both kinda creep me out, and VASM is a pretty sweet guy who listened to me about a project that i still haven't quite finished
  19. if theres one huge thread everyone will get confused and shit =/
  20. would you expand on what life has been throwing at you? or would you rather keep this a private matter? as for bolded, who goes to their family if they have a problem? my dad just feeds me BS and expects me to believe it(and i act like i do) talking with friends is really good, i know a guy who's 22(maybe 23) and as a teenager hes young enough to relate to me, but has some intelligent stuff to say and never forces an opinion down my throat. nice quote btw.
  21. reyson and volug down to high makes much more sense, Ike and Haar are two characters with hardly any flaws, haar has thunder magic and Ike doesn't have much two range but they still will beat the crap out of whatever they go against the entire game.
  22. yes, this makes sense to me as well most likely nobody will change who they are in terms of who they like, i dont "love homo's" but i don't hate them, and people CAN change, i know a pastor who used to be gay. ruining your life with legal troubles or always being with someone you love? you can chose as well as having sex with that person
  23. Fenrir

    I got caught...

    a 14 year old human being who doesn't want to have an orgasm? and is male??? this must be a first. pretty much agreed
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