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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Rhys wins at: chip damage and physic range. Mist wins at: movement. ALL 9 MOVE UNITS INTO HIGH/TOP TIER! mist moves 1 space further, its not like shes frontline or anything, and they dont really need to be building supports. This card fails to impress me.take tht bitch!
  2. possibly, it would be pretty cool to do everything that people suggested... with that i mind, i better not go to the trouble.
  3. i dont think either of them tryed to hard and if they did they totally nailed it. maybe you dont like the intensity.
  4. latin isnt to hard, my mom is the high school latin teacher at my school, which i haven't taken yet but prolly will next yr.
  5. well you have haar so you should be forced to take these penalties in account. lazy =/
  6. no, i meant like is tht what he thinks it stands for.
  7. i had no idea this was true, but now i that think about it, it makes total sense.
  8. that sucks, i want to go to ACL but cant =/ try a bus or ask someone who lives in your town if they're going. i had a dream i was getting a handjob from a really hot chick...then i woke up with a boner O_o
  9. emerald, you would not look like a fool but a comedian. wait what? SF IS DISCRIMINATING BURN THE FOREST!
  10. i liked tht movie alot, i remember me and my friend saw it when we were little and thought we were cool for going to a pg-13 movie XP the past 3 years my favorite movies are... 08 The dark knight. 09 toss up between terminater salvation, and public enemies. 10(so far)Robin hood, im looking forward to seeing salt tho. i felt like this year was the worst for movies in the past 3 years, Aside from these movies i really like the X-men series.
  11. this title does not belong to this film, possibly twilight. i like your theory, but i believe oh shit how do you do the spoiler thing? everything is real.
  12. thats an odd law. if they have better fess up and take penalties >=]
  13. so you could ban yourself everyday, wake up and VASM or someone has un-banned you? that would be cool.
  14. im about to cry at the thought of this...where did u get this idea
  15. in some places its illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk. Rescuing should probably be legal but i dont want to change it since Int is completely done and me and fayt(im forgetting someone i know) are in P4.
  16. idk, maybe u just have tht peronallity to be a mod.
  17. lets see, i got a no change to warn lvl thing from nightmare for being mean to homo's =/ and then like a week later srs warned me for flaming.(i still dont believe this was a valid warn >.>) ive talked to most of the mods and admins, they all seem very different but yet its like they all have something in common. im not going into more detail about mods cause im scared :S
  18. im pretty sure rescues arent allow...if they are i wanna shoot myself in the face this is why i am still at 4-3.
  19. same time for me, but school is awful =/ lucky bastard insanely lucky bastard
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