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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I played all day today It's so similar to halo 3 tho, if i had actually gotten into that game i wouldn't be playing this very long. Still a good game though.
  2. I played that game aton, but now its pretty boring and i dont see why id play it when i can play whatever online game on my PS3 or 360. O Aimbots and shit are boring to me, its fun for like a day but then its just like. "hey i killed you with an aimbot and if im unlucky enough could get banned from XBL"
  3. does anyone actually play reach on this site? thats not to poor for it like obv?
  4. take your shirt off and he'll go out with you...IM JUST SAYIN
  5. Sucks that your a bills fan Texans will make the playoffs for the first time this year x]
  6. I was just looking at FE10 list and maybe you can actually try and change some stuff on there since that doesnt seem to happen much...anyhow, best of luck with that.

  7. So i went to school had an alright day, did all this shitload of HW for the whole week, eat dinner play a little xbox, watch some football and stuff...all the while expecting to get the new Halo, now i cant pick up my friend to go to gamestop, my other friend who was gonna get it got grounded and i dont wanna sit in a line for 30min then go home and play by myself so basically i wont be playing reach all night like id be looking forward to the whole day and weekend =[ woulda been so fun too...
  8. I'm just sayin. 52 more minutes and this woulda been a necro i think
  9. I'm 3+ weeks into school, Wake up at 7:15, take shower get on comp to check FB and st00f. Go to school. First class is algebra and i know most people but i either dont like them or dont know them well enough to make a convorsation...and the teacher is really strict...and im assigned front row... next to a kid with mental problems... Second class, English It's one of my better classes but im not allowed to sit with my friends on most days unless to teacher is feeling nice. Third class history with my crackhead teacher, front row cause my last name starts with B, at least the teacher makes fun of ahnoying kids, lunch is cool cause i can talk to my friends. 4th class is science and its cool cause i sit next to my friend and we talk alot. I now will eat dinner.
  10. oooooo that was a pun but it was somewhat clever, but i hate puns.
  11. In the first game of that series i remember jumping to the hay stacks and being like O SHIT...oh thank god he defied physics and all logic and lived...somehow.
  12. what did he actually say...? and i'll do what 4chan commands.
  13. lol why would anyone bother with courtesy when you can listen to your music loud? NEW RECORD Dont you hate the kids at school who yell while sneesing just to get a bit of attention =/
  14. wow my mom is offended, i showed this to hear and she was like WTF? whatabitch. you do, im the one who gives you sleepin problems coz im doin ur mom(que for =3 music)
  15. well im the half that doesnt have an obssesion with bizz
  16. wow, you cant sleep from peoples heaedphones? come back when you have real sleeping problems. also, why should you give a fuck how loud my music is?
  17. yeah but you have to say this one is catchy and its still good =/
  18. To listen to me whine? about nothing and everything all at onceeeeee.
  19. way to be blatent, but props for being honest.
  20. meh, wasnt even me i just played along with it and laughed at him when we went to school the next day.
  21. there was another one from a long time ago that said, "If he was a kitchen item what would he be?" answer, "IDK something disposable"
  22. one of those social interview things on FB, "what would you do if you were trapped with (i dont wanna say his name) for a night?" kid responds, kill myself. Yes, this is the kid that we all in our spare time make jokes about.
  23. lol, mending hearts is a funny thing to say.
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