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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. and reverse hair, oliver is bald where gheb's hair isnt, while gheb is bald where oliver isnt.
  2. I thought this topic was made by me, this same name thing is gonna get confusing...but its still awesome
  3. Has the idea of a speedrushing list completely died? i liked that idea, this one would be a little less about turncounts(still the main priority) but more about training and playing more casual, while the other list for beating it as fast as possible.
  4. im pretty sure 7/8 of us quit, rage or no idk, but i boredquit.
  5. oh that sucks, I remember being really happy like 4 turning that with zihark/eddy(might've been 6 idk) one of my favorite stages in that game though.

  6. Triumphancy is essential in a critical relashonship. lol but really, whos idea was it to be all"triumphant"
  7. i forgot, when i first made my account i did it very unthouroly(yeah, thats a word) i wanted to reply to something i saw very fast while i still had the thought, so probly didnt care what age i put since its trivial
  8. pre awesome but... that seems cool but its...over 25 =[
  9. hehe naglfar is already taken andddd...yaaaawn no thx
  10. I have sum ideas, but id like to merge mine with someone who says something witty.
  11. thats law, not rules. iggnorance is not an excuse for breaking the law, but this isnt that cutthroat.
  13. idk, i think its just me and my parents not getting along EDIT: wait...thats like the definition of rebeling WELL I MEANT IT IN A DIFFERENT WAY
  14. If everyone said no, you woulda never seen those mia pics...BE MORE EXUBERANT!
  15. haha, i guess you could say that, my sister has told me that...but id liek to blame everyone in my family...im just sayin
  16. So she isnt in your group anymore? or did she just move with her boots on?
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