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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. they're not sick and tired of me!....yet well you said sothe can have dragon foe, yes but id rather just purge it. so sothe isn't in my way but whatever thats mostly just opinionated. and for killing dheg? sothe helps out? not a chance oliver can tele someone up there and probably ca do more damage than sothe on dheg because of dheg's ridiculously high def, and his not as high res. and oliver can rescue someone up there, so can miciah but if you do it with both you get 2 more people. so indirectly oliver is more helpful for taking down bosses.
  2. if anyone you mentioned besides meg(because i have no clue what she looks like at 2nd tier)grabs an earth support they can have some durability. you can give miciah an earth support and she'll have durability...and its very rare aran is going to be worse than sothe for those chapters . really? i thought volke had an icredible part 1 and 2, AND OMG STEFANS P3 OWNS. spirits! boy oh boy we need those to be ORKO'd and sothe has a real "possibility" of doing it! a useless task and its not even guaranteed he can do it O_o with oliver at least you could put a dragonfoe on oliver and have him kill the dragon guarding dheg or he could walk up and rescue someone up there to put more damage on dheg. you can also have him help kill levail. but...he cant kill spirits so he just all out sucks. killing spirits? now thats the shizz.
  3. yes i get what your saying but alot of item cantidates are up there for bexp abuse purposes. so why exclude boyd? thats all i ask lol time machine FTW
  4. HATE: sothe sucks and after 3-6 if you trained ANYONE on db to second tier they will be better than sothe by 3-12 and 3-13. you would Often perfer someone else? please tell me you meant except for the 1-2 times i've put P3 and 4 training into him. because you have to say at least like volke or stefan is better than him. i can give a key to somebody and they'll get me that chest... and a side note, some people were arguing about oliver V lyre and id take oliver over sothe in endgame for purge and healing abilities.
  5. just a question i had if you had to pick file you beat PoR on or if it is automatically all files, example, you had an IkexOscar A support so now the have bond but in another game you had an A IkexSomeoneelse do they both become bonds?
  6. im absolutely positive my soren has activated a flare after adept. and what are you saying? if you meant you cant hit 40 times with brave sword you can if its brand new or if its blessed. but they'll probly be dead by then unless its an armour dude with 40hp+ and your hitting 1s...
  7. i thought ike v pelleas. quote was cool. and i liked to haar battled where he stunned laura, which was funny. and why didnt you use elfire on nailah with soren?!??!?!?!?! lol =P just a question though....
  8. why are you erasing boyd? this isn't a list where you can use character 1, 2 or 3 is it? he's an option to get bexp'd well and there are many others up for just that reason so i dont get why you erase him.
  9. i think i might've had my mia do that once or twice, and im pretty sure i've at least seen some sort of vid with it
  10. No, if we didnt have sothe we could bring someone else, like another healer or something.
  11. i've heard 40 hits is possible. but its never happened to me since it is extremely rare.
  12. Hmm... well, I can't promote him at the start of 2-3, so that means it would just be on 3-9, and after that they join the GMs. It doesn't help that Mak needs 13 levels of BEXP just to promote, either, and I have enough axe users in the GM at that point (Boyd, Titania, Haar, Kieran). I'll tell you what. I'll dump BEXP on him and see what it looks like compared to not using BEXP or dumping it on Kieran. But at this point, getting an extra person for a big BEXP cost doesn't really seem worth it when that BEXP can make everyone else better. it only takes 3 lvls of BEXP if you have a crown ;) and 3 lvls + crown makes 3-9 a hell of a lot easier
  13. definitly he is. "using it to make kieran better" isn't the best idea. because a unit who can solo a map vs. a good unit and another good unit who can double up the map is much much better IMO but its not my game.
  14. yeah because she's healing him every turn or you can let him die, my favorite is to just bench him after 4-e-1 where he gets matrona but after that he can just sit on my bench. especially after nasir comes onto the scene. 4-e-2 is an instant 1 turn so it doesnt even matter. so if you think about it he sits on everyone's bench after 4-e-1 unless you like want xp or want to do something cool on 4-e-2 i've seen a couple vids...
  15. so if the hawks are such H4X why is zihark ahead of them? and nolan better than zihark. that sounds right on to me. for reasons soren37 stated nolan is good;however, the hawks just own everything, does zihark do this? no because of reasons stated by other tauroneo/LEA/nailah/volug/sothe overshadow him, do the hawks get overshadowed in P3 and 4, not by anyone, even ike in part 3 and part 4 they make the desert stage easier, tons easier. and the best part is you never have to worry about them getting RNG screwed because their base stats just rape everyone. to me they're like laguz kings they just need laguz stones/grass. which is a drawback but they still rock.
  16. i'm not saying this becuase of int. int opened my eyes a bit to just how dominant she can be, but she really reduces turns. i think she should move up higher in upper mid and zihark should be taken down to upper mid. even if disarm was reliable, marcia has triangle attacks heather has some nice stealing spots but that doesnt reduce turns and this is an efficiency tier list. but you could say, an energy drop makes someone kill something (with increased atk) so it reduces turns.
  17. they sure as hell did...
  18. it doesnt sound to terrible...but who is urvan going to =p. and 1-5 will be hell but then u do get tauroneo but he leaves and you get jill 1-8 and 1-E could be a bit tricky/really really long
  19. thats probly it since i think most recent data is EM for sure!! :DDD
  20. haha you said girlfriend at the begining and the he/she at then end, and it is quite obvious miccy is likely a man and sothe a women, someone look at his promotion outfit and tell me thats not gay or (for lack of a better word)girly. anyways i would feel quite good about letting my gf go into a place with the savior of the world, i would be more concerned about her going out with him but this is Ike who repeatedly gives elincia a cold shoulder(about frikin 203945898475 million times in PoR it really got boring) and then well aimee...lol, so now im not to concerned. why am i scared of sending her in with her sister? and you are referring to soren correct, this is why i chose my name :D yeah id be worried about soren for sure... and her being possesed by goddess...she prolly wont die...
  21. well then my wii will not recignize it because it just freezes if i say i want to transfer data.
  22. sothe is there b/c of P1 performance but is zihark as good as sothe? i would say hands down no way, sothe joins 3 or 4 chapters earlier and can counter ranged attacks with something besides a wind edge which really sucks, so he wins 1-6-1, 1-6-2 is a toss up, probably zihark though, 1-7 they both suck but sothe can open the locks without key, now zihark is behind alot of people in who your gonna use, and sothe is a free unit, 1-8 sothe wins with better terrain mobility, and 1-E id give to sothe because of chests, i think sothe is much better part 1 character (and is also a free character) because zihark is competing with, tauroneo/muarim/vika/tormod/nailah/volug/sothe almost all of which are better in combat not to mention he gets next to no exp. so using a character like jill or nolan pays off in the long run(PART 3) now in part 3 zihark is at best level 5-6 and he is really bad defensively if you got jill or nolan to class change they are much much better than him and jill is the only flyer and aside from fiona the only cantoing member of DB allowing her to hit n run, which is really helpful. zihark is gonna lose to volug in 3-6 and her comes tauroneo who owns him on 3-12 and 3-13(hes gonna have to compete with 3-13 archer too >.>) so zihark still hasnt stood out in any of his chapters. now part 4 is rolling in and he shouldnt be above level 10(unless you quick crowned or feed kills to him) now he's thrown out since even lucia is higher level than him and is a Swordmaster with blue hair XP. all-in-all zihark can help shave a couple turns in P1 but isn't as helpful as sothe there, or jill, who can kill ike on 3-13. Nolan can also help tons on part 3 whereas zihark? not so much.
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