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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. Would anyone agree with me that zihark should be dropped to upper mid and jill raised to high? i've heard people talking about this but wanna know what majority of people think.
  2. oh... of course =p and i would agree with above poster, tansfers help and make it possible for HM, if only i could get transfers, but my gamecube like broke right before i got PoR so i had to play on wii
  3. Lmao. i guess its because he thinks and so does yune and miciah he could actually protect her, i like what the black knight says in either 1-E or 4-3, cant remember which about how sothe cant really hope to be good at protecting her.
  4. how do you have her solo 2-1? because mostly she has to eat alot of vulneries there.
  5. yes everyone on DB is doubling in 1-3 my miciah had 1024565454 AS by then. nolan doesnt double anyone until around the time aran does. and jill smoking him i wouldnt say so. in part 3 yes but she isnt that useful for most of part 1, aran comes in and is useful from the start wont die unless left around mages. i think overall jill contributes more, but in part one i'd say aran is above all units who start in 1st tier except nolan, and i think he contributes more than zihark. by no means is aran a P1 or even a P3(if hes promoted) clown. he makes contributions and i think he is definitly worthy of his tier spot. you say people that play HM only sit and laugh at EM/NM players? i normally play HM and would say this is an incredibly stupid way to aproach a forum if it was, HARDMODEFIREEMBLEM.NET you could say that but its not HARDMODEFIREEMLBEM.NET the author of the topic doesnt say, HOLY SHIT ARAN IS THE BEST MOST AWESOMEST HM CHARACTER IN FE10 so you saying he's a bad HM character is just stupid.
  6. i dont understand why i am forced to take sothe's useless ass to endgame when i could take someone better, much better. plot wise, all he does is say, omg lekain is here! miciah i know you can probably tell cause hes standing right in front of you but lekain is here!!!!! oh yeah this is the blood pact you probably want to rip it just incase you didnt know. the dragons actualy make scence because kurth becomes king and ena...is like hes helper person? Ike has to kill BK and goddess sanaki helps you recruit lehran and talks with lekain. and miciah because obviouly shes the apostle. the only thing i've ever had him do that is useful is get matrona but you can easily give a chest key to someone and they'll get it, even if its your first PT you can grab one from convoy. so with nothing to gain anywhere why in hell is sothe in the endgame?
  7. my point is, lyre brings absolutely nothing to the table while oliver can at least heal, lyre will not help your turn count, for example. if you could use dheg for the same time as kurth and neither had a tide, would you ever even think about using kurth? obviously not. its similar between lyre and kyza. unless your gonna use 5 units to shove lyre belongs on the bench. i find oliver more useful for 1 turn of 4-4/endgame because he can at least do something lyre is your 5th string shover. oliver your possibly 3rd string healer, and healing is better than shoving so oliver > lyre. of course oliver is 3rd string because no one has been trained, so he's behind elincia and miciah( if you used miciah like none he could be better if she's 3/2/1 for example) he's ahead of, rhys, laura, mist, and bastian? im unsure about bastian but at least he is better than the others given they're untrained.
  8. i dont get why anyone would shove with lyre, all she can do is shove some people(not all) she cannot shove a tiger if your using one and she cannot shove ranulf or ike or gatrie. if theres a situation they would need to be attacked lyre might(probably would) die and then when you need the shove to reach that boss who has a bow on 3-10 who mia kills with steel sword now lyre is dead and so is mia(she kills him he kills her...) just another reason kyza, mordy or the hawks are better...
  9. neph is only easier to train in EM otherwise they're similar... yeah that the only thing killing him a crit.. overall i would say aran is a fantastic character his problem however is at the endgame. and he'll need bexp and probably a speedwing aran and nephenee are both extremely good characters for part 4. as long as you trained and put some bexp into aran(possibly as much as last 5 levels not a stretch on NM and possible on HM) but he isn't the greatest character for the endgame, cant double spirits(excluding thunder) and his resistance is lacking. i actually think its funny because he reminds me alot of haar, and jill reminds me of nephenee. its like they switched it for DB/GM teams who would be on and off the wyverns. i perfer nephenee but its mostly all opion and for NM and EM aran probably has the leg up but i've never used neph much in those modes.
  10. a) he might be in harms way, attracting attention away from units that can ORKO - a negative. or b ) a unit could have simply ORKO'ed that unit anyway. healing probably isn't necessary anyway, units are plenty durable by this point. lyre will never be in harms way at 7def and 11as untransformed even with wildheart shes getting doubled and without wildheart she cant shove ike or gatrie and other laguz, a huge reason kyza or mordecai are better is because im pretty sure lyre cant shove a tiger or laguz bigger than her like ranulf, and the hawks might be(anyone know for sure?)so lyre is not even the best at shoving people, she is the worst of all laguz, similar weight to boyd so if your not chomping olivi you can have him do it(if your not using him) and hes not getting his ass raped like lyre. so lets see, lyre the worst laguz unit in the game at shoving, the worst unit in the game game overall. astrid can do chip damage oliver can heal meg and fiona can be promoted and could do chip damage etc. LYRE O MY FUCKING GOD SHE HITS DOUBLE 0s AND SUCKS BALLS AT SHOVING!!!!! NO FUCKING WAY SHOULD SHE BE LOWER THAN OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!
  11. i would say there is no point on keeping it with zihark, unless you just really like him(which i dont) because whats he gonna do? hit another 10 on a tiger? it just isnt practical, whereas with nephenee it's awesome im using her on current PT and she just rapes face with that thing on. you probably will give other to mia or shinnon but those three are the only ones id give it too. and you have two to pass around so whichever of those two your using with mia at highest position to get it. and i agree with innate adept not being that great, in NM its nice with soren when paired with vantage because he can double in NM but no one plays NM and i guess its not really realistic to use soren in HM. but he's awesome in NM...
  12. why would you try to say lyre is good at shovebotting? i can put in ulki, janaff, or ranulf and if something pops up where i need to hit like a few hp so i can finish and give someone a level ranulf and the hawks do just that and they can also play shovebot, lyre just dies and shovebots but shovebotting is something any laguz can do well so it doesnt move you up a tier IMO. im about to do 3-10 lets see i can take janaff and ulki? no i'll take lyre and lethe since they're both shit and help less but i just want to take them because of personal bias against awesome hawks. Oliver is much better than lyre because he can at least heal. astrid can actually do chipdamage pelleas is nice to kill dragons with d-foe + fenrir,(usually ORKO) and once again can heal and on 4-2 he is free and is chip damage which i would say is better than a none free unit that can only shove.
  13. i dont get how anyone can say volug is better than sothe for 1-E because with all the chests and mages its a stage great for sothe, and volug is completely outdone by nailah. no one else is a theif so its harder to get chests without sothe, 1-5 and 1-6-2 go to volug but 1-6-1 and the fact that sothe comes in sooner make me think sothe has better part one. volug does have better part 3 but hes still not the best on your team if you trained nolan or jill even aran because he doesnt have to deal with laguz gauge. so basically i dont think sothe belongs any higher on tier list but volug belongs at high not top. and with oliver, i kill him most of the time, there is another nosferatu and i dont use it much anyways. and hes a nice good bit of xp for someone, why throw that away? you could sell the tome but IMO xo is worth more than money at that stage in the game, but thats all totaly opionon based at least oliver part.
  14. ok sorry i didnt read that i still think ilyana is better than leo. pemn and neither does caps or growths and more movement doesnt mean anything either. and i thought you were talking about rolf??? well oscar is bad on hawk team with lots of thicket making him bad on two of three teams, so only team you can put oscar on is greil, titan will be there, and she generally has better caps/growths. versatility is nice to have IMO whereas aran or boyd can go anywhere. on 3-4 titan oscar dont slow you down, but they dont speed you up so its a net gain of zero to me, and i think you want to be getting something out of characters, same applies for 3-7
  15. [Resource Allocation Topic, and bexp is a resource. If we do it at all, here is just fine. Besides, GJ (or me) will post a link to it in the first post. It won't be hard to find. may i ask who/what GJ is? i just think of gj as being an abriviation for good job
  16. i'd say oscar is too high beacuase horses are penalized so much in this game on sand they move slow no gaps so like in 3-4 like you said and in 3-7. i know alot of people dont think to highly of boyd but with a speedwing and/or a lil bexp he turns into an offensieve juggernaut ORKOing everything. aran on the other hand NEEDS a speedwing AND bexp to be used in P4 and some P3 chapters but hes the tankiest out of these three and is quite helpful to DB.
  17. i know right! the first time i heard about dark magic i was hoping you could chose what high tier weapon like you could in PoR(like staves or knives) and i wanted dark for soren DX

  18. well no mist is bad in combat thats pretty hard to fix. i guess itd be nice to have bexp guide, but i think it belongs in a different topic.
  19. yeah soren looks cool in 3rd tier especially with rexcalibur, that thing looks sweet

  20. i think she gets mule credit because with a speedwing early haar becomes much much better(look at resource topic P3 tranfer stuff)rolf better in combat no doubt, i've taken both to endgame and ilyana was horrible rolf was decent, but using rolf is not smart because shinnon is much better and requires less training, even getting oscar to a classchange is better than using rolf if you want another bowman, of course oscar cannot use double bow but you can give it to shinnon and make him a friggin god for the endgame.
  21. i would agree with ilyana above rolf because of being a mule alone, rolf does nothing helpful on all of my PT except man a balista in 3-p and i really like jill moving up and zihark down, jill is only flyer on DB zihark is frail and does nothing in Part 3 where jill accellsbeing the best cantidate to kill ike at 3-13, zihark always is second or 3rd best unit, tauroneo, maurim, vika, nailah, BK and tormod are as good or much much better. i dont think he belongs on same tier as nolan either, without nolan can you beat this game? probably not, it might be possible but he at least need to be meatshield on 1-1. and is extremely helpful on 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4. zihark is not on those stages joins at same time as jill who is actually really nice to have to take out the pegusi on 1-6 and can canto on later part of that stage.
  22. reyson wit celerity is amazin, 10 movement ftw
  23. iirc GMs start with 5k...and i like shipping skills mainly to GMs and ilyana can just take savior and celerity in her inventory, unless you think something else is more important. oh god no, there is no proper way to use BEXP because i might be using mist and dumping alot on her while your using much higher levels and using almost none on them.
  24. it doesnt cost an arm an a leg but is it worth it? heather isnt the greatest unit or anything, and a beast killer aint fixin that, another skill, savior/celerity or something would be better IMO
  25. i completely agree about volug, in my opion i would put ike and reyson, possibly haar at top tier, volugs only real strength(where he rips everything) is 1-5 after that, similerly to zihark has people to compete with. Ike and reyson however make every single stage easy. and then on 3-6 and 3-13 you can give nolan a beastfoe and either a Xbow or tarvos and he will tear apart everything volug is a bad cantidate for beastfoe, which hurts his production. volug however does have 9 movement, but on 1-8 and 1-E you have nailah to match that, so IMO volug is only the best person on his for one stage, Ike is the best with or without transfer and requires no items like haar. reyson makes stages much much easier with 4 more units moving again, that is if you feed him a laguz stone. i mentioned beastfoe...XP, and it is spun off tier, so im good...right?
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