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Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. I know this song, i remember it from somewhere...what is it?!?!
  2. Prepare to be put through hell by your balls. >:D yeah, for real.
  3. But why would he do that? glorious procrastinating awaits. you can put it off for 2 1/2 months, read the books in two weeks. Then write the essays the day before thats how you do shit.
  4. That, that would be even worse. & there is a surprising amount of people I've talked to lately who like rolf more than shinnon. @ psych, int doesn't pick laura, and im guessing soul wont get heather or any of his other characters. world might end.
  5. I don't have this problem but i still hate reading because, if i'm sitting on my couch I'd rather be on my computer or playing video games. I can never be in a comfortable position reading things either D:
  6. I loved that book in 3rd grade! and you NEED to troll your dad here.
  7. I just now realized your name is marcia X rolf. PEDO!Marcia. I always loved boyd. no idea he was > Mia on NM drafts. & soul, do the right thing. PUT URVAN IN BOYD'S HANDS!
  8. summer reading. lol. cause of your dad. even more lol.
  9. :awesome: boredom is a sub par excuse as well. agreed agreed
  10. A warm fuzzy bonus and it may make some babes take your clothes off and whatnot. But a bro knows how to handle this.
  11. A true bro needs no beard. he can have a beard if wants, but he will always be a babe magnet.
  12. Just saw this... and it made me smile
  13. That's what i was thinking, do you think Neal will be ok on Silver with sanaki/laura?
  14. I don't know exactly a good way to split my team up. So any advice would be taken Silver: Laura/Sanaki Greil: Ike/Aran/Titan Hawk: Reyson don't know about my Birdies tho.
  15. Erk knows his shit. I concur.
  16. Life's a bitch, life's a bitch... Y U NO PICK EDWARD?
  17. Fenrir


    You know what hank? you're fucking badass.
  18. What tasks would one think you must complete to gain the highly sought after "bro status"? & is it agreed Bro =girl= babe? O, and who's a surefire bro status?
  19. Oh hey nest-- I could've sworn. HE WAS RIGHT THERE! I SWEAR!
  20. Darros, i demand you to rank me!
  21. Let me give you a recap, Nealuchi rocks. Aran is serviceable, got what i expected. Titan is a goddess. Ike is good. and now i'll dump this shit on you 1-E 12 2-p 8 2-1 9, with brom and neph penalties. 2-2 11 with only a Lucia :D 2-3 7, with geoff/kieran 2-e 3 3-p 10 or less, ends on other so i dont recall. 3-1 11 with a shinnon 3-2 4 3-3 12 3-4 7 with Ranulf 3-5 4 3-6 15, this stage ahnoys me =/
  22. Yeah i saw that to lol, what a letdown...i still got my damn axe
  23. Yay! =] thanks!

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