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Posts posted by Loopulk

  1. Does anyone have the text files for the currently existing events for FE8? I tried following Arch's video tutorials for the prologue but it didn't work and I think I might have an easier time just by editing a currently existing text file (like the prologue events) at least to start. Does anyone have them? Thanks!

  2. I used the free space you recommended and check the thing, and it was free. Anyway, so I followed the steps in the tutorial to which you linked me and I got THIS as a result.


    As you can see (or not), it's outside of the castle during the second prologue cutscene just on a different tileset. I changed the thing in Event Table Editor, but it's just taking them to outside the castle instead of a custom map. :L

    Do you know what went wrong and why it worked for me before (kinda) but not now?


  3. Oh dang. How am I supposed to add in maps, then? :X

    As for the hex thing, I used HxD Hex Editor as done in the tutorial, but the last line wasn't complete so I added i zeros so I could start a new line.

    Edit: Wait. Are those gray tiles not floors!?

  4. Okay, so the side of the hair is getting cut off due to the thing not being in the (hidden) limits. I actually made a thread about it and someone helped me, so check that out for that issue.

    In FEditor, does it look jumbled like this?


    If yes, then drag the mouth and eyes into place then save the portrait and then save the rom.

  5. So after the second prologue cutscene in FE8, it goes to the map (I replaced the old map with a new one via MarkyJoe's Youtube tutorial) and then freezes a bit after the character replacing Seth (the archer) comes out and moves. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks!


    Edit: When I went into the Hex Editor thing, I couldn't just add a new line since the last line wasn't complete, so I added zeros to the end of it. Not sure if that's relevant.

  6. So when I went to enter my character into FEditor, it cut off the side of her hair. Below are images of her in Usenti and in FEditor.


    I'm not sure what's causing the problem, but the hair only gets cut off after I change the Input index and go back to it. Thanks in advance!

  7. Thanks! I missed some other things, too. Anyway, so I did some testing around with Seth's thing in Palette Association Editor, and one of the editors (there are two parts?) didn't seem to do anything, but the other did the trick. It worked! :D

    Anyway, so is the "Part 1" editor just a waste, or does it have some use?


  8. When you say "new palette for archers" do you mean you want to change the generic palette for all archers? Or do you mean you have a palette you want to give to a specific character?

    If it's the former, here's a tutorial.

    If it's the latter, you'll want to use the BS Battle Palette Assembler (Check the Resource Directory for a link to it and many other things).

    It worked! Kind of...

    How do I change the non-promoted palette of a unit that's normally prepromoted (Seth)? Is there a way? Thanks!

  9. So I made a new palette for archers via FE Recolor and got this on my clipboard: 5553FF7FDF6F3F472C25361A900D0C11BF53DA3EEC1CF3367232CB254821A514

    Where exactly do I place that? I looked at some guides and I don't know which other programs to download (if any) since I only used colours from other sprites and found the hex codes vie FEditor so I didn't need any other problems to just do the recolouring.



  10. I changed Seth's class to Archer (F) and made him female in both his recruitment AND his character, but he's still a paladin? His stats changed (I changed them) and he did get the bow I gave him, but he has his other weapons and his weapon ranks (in addition to a bow rank I gave him). Do I need to do more?


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