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Everything posted by Tuvy

  1. Can I fight you Ice? I know this isn't really the thread for that but I would love to learn from someone who actually went to EVO! \(0o0)/
  2. Hello (owo) I hope you have a good time and overall have a positive experience!
  3. Another thing my brother forgot to mention is the fact that he only uses characters that he likes in this game. Whiiiiich is none of the top teirs (except hector)
  4. @Glaceon Mage Pardon my brother, he's very blunt. I think what he meant was the fact that only "Waifu" characters or characters that are important to the plot are top teirs.
  5. I think I'm in love with the second version of one of the previous poachers with the exposed blue hair. That sprite looks amazing!
  6. If you're still doing wallpapers, I would LOVE one with Legion! If you're to busy or if you simply don't want to, I completely understand. Nothing can annoy an artist more that getting constant requests :) I wish you much luck in your artistic pursuits!
  7. I have a japanese robin, if thats worth anything :/ But I also have all of the FE cast except for Roy and Lucina ( because who needs dumb ol' clones?)
  8. Geitz. After watching mangs FE7 lets play I realize that many people might not use geitz because they are doing a ranked run, and many newcomers just don't know who Geitz is. He has some of my favorite supports I've ever read, and is definitely the best warrior in the game. (at least, in my personal experience.)
  9. Leonardo, forged steel bow or silver bow, make its stats whatever you want, but name it the DicapriBow
  10. I looked up how to install HANS and NTR and couldn't figure it out. I looked at Plailects guide and noticed that it seems like it is impossible to download any of these without a 3ds that isn't already modded, at least, for 15.0. Is this true? If it is... I'm screwed.
  11. Lately I've been interested in doing a corrinright play through. I've been wondering if any of you would be able to send me your corrins so I can try this out. Your corrins will have to be U.S. (Sorry) and will have to be in their secondary class with all of corrins natural skills unequipped. They also have to be level 10 or under and I oils appreciate it if you sent me their boon and their babe. If you would be willing to do this my castle address is 08163-01001-19440-21616. Thanks.
  12. So I heard you hate Lucina...

    I do too

  13. So recently I have been checking out and trying to get the FE Fates Randomizer. Everything was going smoothly until I tried to randomize the game and it didn't work. Now I read the explanation of how to get it to work and how I'm supposed to create some folders and insert files into those folders, but I simply don't have the files it tells me to put into the folders. Does anyone know what might be happening and if they can help. BTW I'm also playing this on a emulator on my Mac so I don't have to hack my 3DS.
  14. Tuvy

    Howdy Yall

    Hello! I see that you like fire emblem 7! You have good taste. Welcome to the forest!
  15. Probably one of my favorite boss themes. Not boss fights theme, but boss theme. 8/10 NYUP->A Knights Oath
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