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Posts posted by kryptonite

  1. I know, "No Re-class?! Blasphemy!/Pointless!" Maybe so, but there are advantages like starting out in an innate class as opposed to having to re-class, and doing this eliminates the +10 levels a re-classed character would get, etc. Exception being Donnel of course.


    - What they can contribute

    - How much effort one needs to put into them before they contribute





































    This is on Hard mode.

  2. Forging is unecessary. I didn't forge til post-game when I'm trying to make a decent streetpass team.

    That said, I usually have mages in the frontline, since they can counter 1~2 range, and then I can put melee as pair up, usually for +Spd/Def bonuses and they can attack too. It's not optimal for stats/kids, but it gets the job done even on hard, and they can counter range. It's funny seeing melee units walk through walls thanks to dual striking. >_>

    Otherwise I just use Javelins/Hand Axes as the main unit and have the backup use more powerful weapons.

  3. ^

    Vengeance + Lifetaker wouldn't be bad would it? IIRC it'd let you deal good damage while healing up, kind of like a forged nosferatu lol, assuming you finish the kill and not act like one of those knights/generals that just acts like a wall instead of a wall that enemies crash against and explode on XP

    Lifetaker only works on the player turn.

  4. I can see you saying SIN > SM due to Pass and +1 Mov, but offensively speaking, SMs are generally dealing more damage regardless. At a base they have a higher activation of Lethality by 2x, and with Swordfaire they are dealing a wealth of damage over Assassins (u less we bring Bows vs Fliers into the mix). Regardless, we can assume both are doubling.

    Now, if both double say, a Great Knight, SM has a greater chance to deal more damage over SIN, thanks to Armorslayers. Astra has a higher chance to proc, therefore it's still more reliable in terms of a damaging unit as it is.

    The question between the two, if argued in terms of reliability, should weigh Vantage/Avoid/Swordfaire vs Mov+1/Pass, as Locktouch is a perk iif anything.

    I value pass, but not that much over reliable damage. I value Lethality 1/2 as much as Astra, and very rarely attack enemies praying that Lethality/Astra activate. Those numbers that show up tell me what Im going to deal as damage, and with Vantage to help SMs survivability and offensive lead over SINs.


    Assassin below Sage

    Alright, sounds good. Done.

    Well, if you want a pair-up unit for the move, GK/DK is generally better unless you need the speed. If it's ferrying people around, fliers work much better. Then there's their weapon choices, which, while you have two of them, they're the worst two weapon types (Swords only having Ragnell for 1-2 and bows being 2-range only). BK skills are pretty much completely worthless outside of niche bowbreaker fliers, and this doesn't take reclassing into account. Lastly, BK caps are pretty sub-par, being identical to Griffon rider except for 5 less defence. I'd stick them above Snipers but below Valks.

    I agree except for bows can attack and even counter at one range when they're equipped on the pair up unit, providing the main unit can attack/counter...

  5. That's 5+ deaths for a character that's maxxed and has about 80



    If someone eventually got over 9,000, I would laugh laugh.gif (Although that's way beyond possible

    That's 7 dead units... I can imagine it now, an arrow flying through the air and impaling 7 poor peg knights in the heart, killing all of them instantly.

    But my highest is 210 as well, but it was with unforged El- or Arc- magic... lol

  6. Taguel is missing from the list. Beastbane is nice but you are locked to 1-range.

    Sure, I'll add it to the list. Honestly, I dropped Panne when I got Nowi... lol

    Assassin below Swordmaster, Lethality is shit

    Griffin Rider to Top, Deliverer is amazing

    Broken Tier for Sorcerer and Grandmaster exclusively

    Deliverer is good, but mono-axes and access to Lancebreaker (when using axes) doesn't seem to help their case.

    I can move Grandmaster over the other mixed classes though.

    Seconding this.

    Dark knight should go down IMO, it's not that great. Sure, DEF is nice, but lifetaker isn't that great of a skill. It's only 50% on your turn, so sol is much better. I planned to have it on one of my children, but took it off because it wasn't worth the slot.

    While 50% only on your turn might seem like only "eh" but it saves another unit from having to heal it, doesn't rely (as much) on luck, and usually is more beneficial, unless you're dual-activating Sol, activating it on a Crit on a full HP enemy, dodging and then activating it, etc. Also being able to attack mixed is good too.

    Dancer up. Seriously, unless we're speaking purely about combat here, Special Dance bestows +2Str/Mag/Def/Res AS WELL AS a second turn ( third turn if used on a Galeforce user).

    Extra stats through a buff and additional turn on a phase, not considered upper mid tier? Ok

    I'd argue that Dancer is more of a viability than an asset in this game. Giving another unit another turn in nice, but it needs to be paired up in order to not die, which in turn uses another unit which could be used otherwise.

    Perhaps I'm just bitter about peg knights spawning on the sides of the tree chapter and making a beeline straight for Olivia. >_>

    I'd argue that Valkyrie should be a tier and a half higher, or at the very least above Sniper. Mounted + Rescue is great, not to mention tomes are the best weapons and Dual Support +, while not the greatest, definitely isn't a bad skill.

    Bow Knight should probably go down too.

    I can see the former, but why BK down? You can pair up with your BK, move across the map, and then swap places so you can still have those deadly bows equipped AND have them be shot at close range during enemy phase...

    Just so you know, it's skill/4%. Do you realize just how low that is? This tier list is obviously built on a standard of reliability, and Lethality is beyond unreliable.

    True, I'll move them down.

    So Assassins moved down, Valks moved up, Taguels added.

  7. One with Re-classing (access to any skills) and one Without (access to only base and promoted skills)

    No Re-classing


    Sorcerer - Nosferatu, Ruin, and Vengeance... What's not to love?

    Grandmaster - Can go mixed, and add Ignis, which is free damage.

    Dark Flier - Galeforce. And if you could actually make use of the stats, attacking both Def/Res along with high Mov and no terrain cost? Also Pair Up mitigates flying weakness somewhat.

    Dark Rider - See Dark Flier, minus flying and Galeforce, as well as the crippling flying weakness, but add self-healing powers.

    Great Lord - One of the better class skills, Aether.


    Manakete - The tankiest of tanky, and can destroy those pesky wyverns. Buyable dragonstones are awesome too. Too bad they only get 2 skills without re-classing.

    Hero - Sol is one of the better skills out there, especially coupled with Hand Axes and the ilk. :3

    Sage - Tomefaire, along with Tomes and Staves (which can utilize Tomefaire as well). It just adds upon itself. The ultimate glass cannon and a powerful support unit. o.o

    Assassin - Lethality is awesome, and Pass is great. Also, bows.

    Warrior - Bows and high Str, combined with Rally Str...

    Paladin - Aegis is nice, as is the high Mov.

    Great Knight - High Mov and Weapon Triangle


    Falcon Knight - The ultimate lance user with Lancefaire and high movement with no terrain cost, decent staff user too, only thing is bows.

    Wyvern Lord - High movement and no terrain cost, and a decent skills with Quick Burn and Swordbreaker, mitigating their Wyrmsbane weakness.

    Berserker - That Axefaire. That missing innate critical bonus hurts though.

    Swordmaster - Need I say it? Swordfaire and Astra is a nice pair, and they also get that 1~2 physical sword. o_o;

    General - Their low Mov is mitigated by Pair Up, and they get Pavise too to help bolster their high Def.

    Taguel - Awesome against those pesky mounts, but limited to 1 range hampers them.


    Valkyrie - Worthless skills all over, sadly. Only salvation is tomes with staves.

    Bow Knight - High Mov and access to Bows.

    Sniper - Bowfaire is the only thing they have going for them over the other Bow using classes. No, Longbow is worthless. They should have gotten Hawkeye instead. :|

    Dancer - Honestly, Olivia is more of a liability in this game with reinforcements often spawning behind enemy lines, and no, being able to use a sword does not excuse her from dying to anything that moves.

    Trickster - Lucky 7 is cool, staves for them are all but worthless though. And swords too, it seems...


    Griffon Rider - They give up lances and caps for... Lancebreaker and being a carrier of another unit. >_>

    War Monk - Aside from the novelty of nuns/priests with axes, they not only tend to have low Str, but magic also blows weapons out of the water, aside from fighting mages...

    Villager - Eh, well technically it is a final class?

    Comments? Question? Suggestions? A list with all skills applicable? Or maybe one with possible characters as well? (seeing as how neither Sumia nor Cordelia want to be a Dark Flier aside from Galeforce, for one :P)

  8. It seems like there's a higher emphasis on efficiency in the tier list than actual throughput effectiveness. Might be best to have a "mid-game" list and an "end-game" list.

    If we were going for efficiency, wouldn't it be best to avoid the 10 levels of Cavalier, especially for magic units? I mean does anyone care about Outdoor Fighter? Lol.

    Take note that you also can't get unlimited Manuals either. Though I could be wrong.

    I think that's right...

    As for Golden Gaffe, that would introduce grinding, so Discipline would only serve as saving time...

    As far as beating the game in general, I beat Hard/Classic without grinding or re-classing (except for Morgan and Owain since I wanted to change their classes) and honestly, my main characters were fine using Irons and E rank tomes, with Steel and D rank tomes as backup. :X Well, except the last chapter that is.

  9. Why is Discipline so high? It's easy to get weapon ranks in this game unless you're Donny starting with probably a D/E in your promoted class or are a Great Knight, or promote to use staves. Most of those can't even use the skill or don't want to go through the Cavalier class anyways. >_> And there are much better skills to pass down too.

  10. He was definitely propositioning you.

    Maybe if he was on bottom. Maybe.

    One of the most attractive girls in high school called me a hot nerd. I've been told I look like a Greek god too. Um, some people tell me I look 17 or 18. Btw I turn 24 in like three months.

    I didn't know Greek gods looked super young... laugh.gif

  11. I got hit on and felt up by an old man at a gay bar. That's what I get for being such a slut :(

    Old men hit on everyone. Even I was hit on by them on MySpace.

    I guess the weirdest complement I got was when I was riding the bus to school back in high school, and turned around to my then-best-friend staring at my legs. I gave a blink.gif look and then his eyes met with mine and he said "You have nice thighs." and then I just said "Thanks?" unsure.gif He's supposedly striaght though...

  12. he's the same person as the one Celice quoted talking to

    But he's a former moderator from the era before Superbus, under the name Juigi Kario; he was also really infamous around LiveJournal and various IRC channels to the point where he got--and still has--an ED article (search Nesshelper). He's now pretty famous for making a complete asshat of himself on YouTube, cranking out shitty LPs and whining when people don't watch them and lashing out at any criticism, constructive or not... and he has a million rant videos bemonaing about how terrible everyone around him is, how all the girls won't date such a Nice Guy like him, etc...

    This is probably his most infamous work (no longer on YT)

    I remember him too... I saw him hanging around the AW: Days of Ruin board on GFAQs. Still arguing vs. other people... like the winner of the AWDoR tourney. >_>

  13. From what I remember, there was a rumor that JP games only used 1 RN (specifically FE6), but that was proven false. A friend of mine was complaining about missing in FE6 because of this and I told hi that it was false since FE6-8 all used 2 RNs for hit. So... does hit use 2 RNs in FE6? What about the other FE's (1-5)?

  14. Thank you very much for the help! smile.gif I usually use it for private use. XD Just making later joining characters viable...

    Unfortunately, my rom-hacking abilities are very minimal... I can't remember the one thing I did without Nightmare, but it took me about half an hour...unsure.gif

  15. For some reason, Xane can't copy people any more... I don't think I touched the class ability for it (it says None), but just to make sure, it doesn't have an ability, right? If that's so, then how would one fix this problem?

  16. I've had a password on my computer since I've had one, and it sounds like a lot of you really need to do that for yours.

    I can never understand types like you, that know nothing about stealth. I've never been caught, but it seems like half the time I walk in on my roommate he's humping his hand.

    I've done it many times before getting caught, but when it's 3 PM and they just happened to come back from classes, the "I'm napping!" excuse starts to stop working....

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