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Posts posted by kryptonite

  1. I thought that this was going to be a topic about how you got caught in the middle of masturbating. But instead it wasn't as good.

    I guess just let your mother know that you're a growing individual, and that it's normal to have sexual desires. Your mother should be able to sympathize if she's not a psycho-bitch.

    As for masturbation, I got caught many many times by my roommates...gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  2. I put some literally in the trash...

    But just my luck my dad told my mom to SORT OUT THE TRASH. (he doesn't usually)

    Needless to say... >_>; It was some... very weird stuff too...

  3. I wouldn't think so.

    I found an unexpectedly long white hair on my right arm, longer than any black hair on both arms. That made me raise an eyebrow.

    I get that too. I had one on my chest and one on my face...

    As for balding at 13, of course it's possible. In high school I knew 2 people who were balding...

  4. I thought the Water Temple was fine as is... I don't remember when I played but it was my sezond Zelda after MM and I didn't have trouble... I know at most I was 11... o_o

    As for Navi, who will tell Link to see the Great Deku Tree? Not to mention those useful tips fighting enemies! Oh, and when she flies to a point where you have to play the Princess's Lulliby or the Song of Time (maybe that's why people had trouble? gee_wiz_emoticon.gif)

  5. DId you read the article? o.o The JP name is Wag Finger and it has, well, no fingers.

    Metronome's best moment for me:

    My Poke: almost dead

    Enemy Poke: at an HP such that I can't kill it with any move but Self Destruct/Explosion

    Me: Please be Explosion...!

    My Poke uses Metronome!



  6. I long jumped to the switch hidden behind the start, then beat it as normal... The comet part can be tricky because of awful camera angles though... Once you get to the other side, it's just up to being patient.

  7. Yeah, and other 3DS games look really good... I'm not a graphics whore but compared to those fugly 3D DS graphics that made me wonder why they didn't stick with 2D, I'm surprised... I think it won't be much more than the DS Lite XL though... >_>;

    I thought OoT was fine with that, but the dialogue can be a little slow when you already know what they're saying...


    Yeah, it does seem like it's only talking about the Iron Boots... :X But the comments are talking about the keys and stuff...

  8. Thanks everyone. smile.gif

    Welcome to the forest, kryptonite. I haven't seen you anywhere but Facebook for a long time now, and I only check or update that about a quarter as much as I ought to do.

    You got that right. Nobody worth talking about has posted on FESS for nearly two years now.

    OMG it's Joa... :o Unless you are Tim, Thunk, or Nightmare

    FESS isn't just dead-- it's closed...

  9. This brings up the question, should one avoid a strategy and play less effectively for the purpose of playing "honorably"? Say 3 people are playing against each other. If 2 are fighting, should the third immediately enter the fray or be a coward for a moment?

    I played in a tournament that had a number of people so that it eventually got down so it wasn't even, and for that round I used I think Toon Link against MK and Pit on Bridge of Eldin. MK ran to one side and just jumped over and over, and Pit to the other and spammed arrows. I had to kill all of Pit first since he got in the way of me killing MK. Then all of MK, who I think maybe did a potshot on Pit once. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

    I don't want to be mean, but I kind of look down on spammers-- it doesn't matter if they're Lucario or MK or whoever. SSBB doesn't take much to be good at... I was kind of laughing since I was bomb spamming for my matches (yes I know), and then people were like "omg teh bomb spam!11" until I actually played for the final match. :)

  10. Wow, they've only released it three times before. Nintendo should calm down or they might burst a blood vessel.

    Finally someone agrees with me. Everywhere I go, people are applauding Nintendo for gracing us with this.smile.gif

    At least they're doing something different with it this time (ignoring Master Quest). Unfortunately I have only beaten it about 7 or 8 times so I'm not exactly ecstatic...

    -the eye of truth will no longer drain magic( or the song of storms trick will be mentioned in the game)

    What trick? Either way, I used the equip-unequip glitch with that...

    Also, Water Temple being made easier has been confirmed... You can search for the article...

  11. Thanks you two.


    I felt I needed to compete with one even shorter. But I added an emoticon to make it happier.


    But if you need require more information about me, I used to go to FESS, then it died, but I'm always the last person to know so it was 5 months before I went to where-ever it led to, but that place was a wall of dicks, so I left, and the forum age was dying, being replaced by the advent of social networking (also dying), and then it became such that GameFAQs was the only place I was even semi-frequent at, but then news arrived: FE3DS, so I came here-- It also gave me inspiration to finish my FEDS patch to make mages better and non-beginning characters relevant, but there was a problem, so I registered here, but then I solved my problem, so I disappeared, but then I saw a link here and clicked it, and then saw a buddy of mine from another board and decided to say hi.


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