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Everything posted by FEHypeTrain

  1. Felicia/Siegbert: http://letshuntforbears.tumblr.com/post/143572139463/felicia-siegbert-hoshidan-festival-pc Hahaha, oh man, this one's great. Didn't think they could match Charlotte in terms of hilarity for Siegbert, but this one's pretty close. I wonder what else Felicia likes to make for Xander in her spare time...
  2. Azura/Ophelia (underneath an accidental repeat of Azura/Caeldori): http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143388139907/could-you-do-azuracaeldori-and-azuraophelia Effie/Ignatius: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143388809437/id-love-to-see-effie-ignatius-if-you-dont-mind
  3. Azura/Percy (and an alternate translation of Arthur/Shigure): http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143236444887/can-you-do-a-translation-of-azurapercy-and One of Percy's better ones, and surprisingly mentions Shigure. I thought they had been avoiding mentioning the siblings in case you hadn't recruited them yet (such as when Corrin and Velouria make plans to spend the festival with Keaton, not both him and Kana). This is the first exception I've seen.
  4. If you're interested in tweaking pairs at all, I find this to be a great resource if you haven't seen it yet: https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com Automatically calculates growths for all of the kids' classes and their stat cap modifiers. Also makes sure that no one goes unpaired. And you can just adjust as needed. Hope this helps.
  5. Cool, yeah I can respect all that. :) Hm, I'll definitely have to check out Beruka and Nina's supports now. There hadn't been much variation in the ones I've looked into so far, aside from a few lines here and there. Sounds interesting.
  6. As nice as Kaze/Camilla is, I'd definitely try out the reverse with Beruka/Niles. Kaze/Beruka have an adorable support, definitely a fave for her. Natural progression and all that. I'd understand if you didn't want Camilla/Niles though. I personally enjoy it, but it's quirky and definitely not for everyone. Just one suggestion. Also, you may want to check out Orochi or Effie for Azama? I found them a lot cuter than his with Setsuna, personally. Otherwise, pretty solid story pairs for the most part. We share quite a few ships.
  7. Felicia/Sophie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143183123527/thanks-a-bunch-for-all-of-your-hard-work Full Peri/Sophie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/143184051097/hello-if-its-not-too-much-trouble-could-you And karasu, thanks as always for the translations! I really enjoyed Azura/Caeldori, a lot more than I expected. Addressing the pendant was a nice touch.
  8. Setsuna/Selkie: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142889969392/hi-first-of-all-thank-you-for-your-festival Also, you might want to add Corrin/Selkie to the top post, since it got lumped in with Kaden/Kana a while back, and it looks like this person missed it: http://pastebin.com/Ly7BsdHX
  9. If you're just looking for a good Leo one, I'd try Azura or Sakura. The latter is probably better for Forrest. Seconding Peri/Laslow, Selena/Subaki, and Takumi/Oboro (I mean hey, their supports set up Oboro's married ending, and there's her crush on him, and him actually not oblivious to it in their S. A+) Beyond that, I don't consider anything so amazing that it qualifies for canon. I mean, I have my own preferences, but honestly a lot of ships could work for the remaining characters. Although if you don't like/go for Azura/Leo, try out Azura/Benny. It makes Shigure's "Snow-White-animals-love-me" thing hereditary, which is awesome, and Ignatius/Shigure don't have any conflicting supports (unlike Forrest/Shigure, who already have a non-sib support that gets overwritten)
  10. Velouria/Charlotte: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142868851412/could-you-please-translate-velourxcharlotte-parent Felicia/Nina: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142870000197/hi-can-i-ask-felicia-x-nina-festival-conversation
  11. A two-in-one, both Felicia/Kiragi and Corrin/Soleil: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142809267147/um-i-was-wondering-if-you-could-translate-kiragi
  12. Keaton/Kana: http://aphonicdreams.tumblr.com/post/142698274112/can-you-please-translate-the-kanakeaton-hoshido Aww, aren't these two sweet. And I like that this recognizes Kana's mix of dragon and wolfskin.
  13. No Peri/Siegbert yet, but: Elise/Midori: http://pastebin.com/ED6xLBiS Sakura/Asugi: http://pastebin.com/nuQ0guhL Be sure to check out the front page, these and a lot more are on there, and it's regularly updated.
  14. Ah, thank you for these new translations! And please, don't think you're sounding unfair or anything. It absolutely shouldn't, since you're doing this for us in your own spare time. It's already kind enough of you to take requests to begin with! Here's Hana/Hisame: http://pastebin.com/ZReXsHA4
  15. Oh gotcha, nm then. Sorry for drawing the wrong conclusion (your icon might've had something to do with it, haha). Still, thanks for sharing!
  16. EDIT: ignore this first sentence This one got me right in the heart. So much cute. ;_; I would never marry Hana because I don't like her C-A with Corrin, but I have to admit, this conversation alone does persuade me a bit. They're just so sweet.
  17. ... Well, I'm super happy that it got translated, but wow. On the one hand, I do like their relationship, but it's a shame that Mitama views her parents that way? Especially since Azama was pretty tame in his supports with Hana (if anything, she's the one annoying him at first). But I guess it could've been worse? Again, they're pretty cute as mother and daughter, and I mean, it's not like I disagree that Azama's got personality issues. Still betting on Effie/Mitama being better tho, based on her having a better support with him. Too bad I'm already set on her with Benny. Sorry Hana, at least you get a cute daughter who looks up to you.
  18. Since I still can't seem to quote, this info is RE: resources. The resources definitely aren't determined by build/color/features by Ch.6. Because I have a branch of fate file, and no matter what you change, there are set resources for each path. Interestingly enough, the Revelation resources for mine were completely random, rather than a combo of those set for Hoshido and Nohr. (So, I had peaches in BR and fish in Revelation, tho they could've done peaches for both, etc.) The only way that the build/color/features MIGHT have a role in it, is if initial character creation determined it for a file. However, since they designed it so that you could change them later via branch of fate, my money's on RNG.
  19. While I'm completely on board with Las/Peri, for the reasons above, it's worth mentioning that Silas is an OK alternative. If you haven't read them, don't expect to ship them or anything, but if you can't get into any of Silas's supports either, then you might as well. He acknowledges that she's lashing out against defenseless people, and actually comes up with a practical solution that she accepts. Is she still harassing servants? Yes, but that's a huge step down from killing them, which Silas makes sure she doesn't do. Again, not my ship, but they're both pretty limited when it comes to good supports. So, to keep Peri from killing and let other couples be together, I think they would work. Even if their S support does nothing for me, it kinda implies they've had time to know each other, if she's being more gentle or whatever. And hey, Peri does make a pretty cute Sophie, so.
  20. Camilla/Midori (plus an alternate translation of Odin/Shigure): http://letshuntforbears.tumblr.com/post/142493814468/hoshidan-festival-pc-convos-camilla-midori
  21. Leoppi updated again, so here's a few more. Corrin/Hisame: http://pastebin.com/5jRY3zTU Effie/Forrest: http://pastebin.com/6nxmebiY Azura/Hisame: http://pastebin.com/gJKUw9L0
  22. I remembered seeing Beruka/Nina somewhere, and it looks like it just never got posted on here. So here you go: http://megidoladying.tumblr.com/post/142000790624/belkaeponine
  23. Woah, this is all pretty cool stuff. Now I'm wondering, if that's the trend, then what happens if the owner avatar's Boon and partner avatar's Bane are incompatible? Say, a Boon of lucky and a Bane of unlucky, which gets priority, and what replaces the other? I don't know if that'll ever come up in your testing, but I'd be curious to find out.
  24. Yep, guessing that to be the case. And theoretically I would've been fine with that, it's really just how they came across, like you said. Anyway yeah, very cool to know that it's not just me who sees it that way. After doing some support grinding, found that there's also another pair I really can't stand. Leo and Peri. Their C-A was fine from a platonic standpoint, cuz hey at least he's questioning her morality (lookin at you Xander), but their S was so HORRENDOUSLY out of character. I was just cringing the whole time. Instead of him actually getting through to her, they have him drop it altogether?? And made the ending about how "sweet/romantic" it is that they're willing to murder for each other, despite literally everything Leo just said about all killing as wrong?? Who wrote this crap for my precious bro let me fight them.
  25. Huh, seems like Forrest goes well with everybody. I've really enjoyed all of his mother supports, even the more straightforward ones. Maybe because he's such a cute son. If a second request wouldn't be too much trouble, and only if you're interested, I'd also love to read Hana/Mitama. For most of my moms and kids I can imagine how they might go, but these two are such opposites that I can't help but be curious about how they'll pull it off.
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