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Everything posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, I would recommend starting with FE8 has the grinding capabilities of the more recent games but with the consequences of death still very much lingering over you is a nice ease into what the older titles are like.
  2. Hello and welcome to the forums, RNG is a bugger especially in that game. Power through my friend.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums, I too like to talk Fire Emblem whether its in game stuff or even just funny lil fan things. Shall we discuss over tea and biscuits? on another note, that wheel in the profile pic is not on fire, needs more fire :P
  4. Hello and welcome to the forums, you're from Portugal and like football, I mean isnt it your best sport? :P that aside top 5 anime?
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums, urghh memes, make them exceptionally bad.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums, nice profile pic of the Dark Paladin btw
  7. Hello and welcome to the forums, nice to see a fan of diablo, zelda and Age of Empires.
  8. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  10. Hello and welcome to the forums, Awakening was also my first FE game, but an RPG and Anime fan, alright lets go for this question, Whats your favourite RPG game (besides Fire Emblem) and Top 5 animes :P
  11. Hello and welcome to the forums, a smol nerd? well then a question from a massive nerd, what other games do you enjoy?
  12. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  13. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  14. Hello and welcome to the forums, heeyyy nice to see a fellow zelda fan, i have to ask this question, favourite Zelda title?
  15. Hello and welcome to the forums, I have to say I do like Hoshido the most, by a small margin mind you, i mean its hard to bear Nohr they are so awesome :)
  16. Hello and welcome to the forums, I will gladly answer any fire emblem question as well, for hours if need be, Ill get the tea ready as well :)
  17. Hello and welcome to the forums, first off Holo is amazing, second you like Tsundere's I take it by your sig? if so, good choice :D
  18. Hello and welcome to the forums, heeeeey a fellow englishman, so how do you take your tea ?
  19. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  20. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  21. Hello and welcome to the forums.
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