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About Ashitaka

  • Birthday 11/10/1986


  • Member Title
    Hopefully hopeful

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Profile Information

  • Interests
    FE and other gaming, Astros baseball, anime
  • Location
    Houston, TX

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Binding Blade

Ashitaka's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  4. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  5. ASHITAKA!!!

    Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your 25th!

    I hope you haven't forgotten about this place though...

  6. Happy Birthday!!

  7. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay and the following greetings.

  8. Well, I'll try to make this brief. Essentially, what I'm looking for (or wondering if something like it exists, basically) is a kind of step-by-step tutorial for hacking a FE ROM (Rekka preferably, Fuuin or Seima would be fine too). Sort of a thing that walks you through, step-by-step, making a hack from the very beginning. In other words, it assumes you know nothing, or next to nothing, and says "first, do this, then this, etc." and then moves on to the next step, until you have a basic hack done and have learned the basics of each step (inserting maps, inserting sprites, editing text, and so forth). That's kind of what I need. I'm a moderately-skilled spriter (note the avatar for an example) and map-maker, and I created and ran several RP's that died from lack of participation, and I've always wanted to convert those worlds and stories and characters into an actual game that a person might play and enjoy at their leisure. I feel I have the motivation, the time, the energy, and the skill to pull it off, but I seriously don't know where to start. I've downloaded a bunch of programs at the behest of tutorials I've looked through in the past (Nightmare and modules for it, FEditor adv, Mappy etc.) but information on how to use them, much less where to start or how to put everything together, has been hard to find and sketchy at best. This is one I found: http://www.feshrine.net/hack/ultimatetutorial/ Under chapter 2, we get "Mess around and experiment, changing things. That’s the best way to learn. Press enter and Ctrl+S to save. Without testing it out, you’ll never find what it does." For me, at least, this is not helpful; it's basically telling you to use a complicated program to mess with indecipherable game code with zero previous experience and to just try to figure out what everything does on your own. I venture that I am not the only one who can only go o_O when trying to learn something complicated like this. So, basically, I'm looking for a baby-steps system, if you will. I need something to say "first, do this, then this, then this, and this should happen, and this is why it happens" and then, I've learned how to do that one thing, and I can apply it later on. Then, on to the next step, and the next, until all basic aspects have been covered and you can get just a very basic hack done, and each process has been learned for you to improve upon and integrate. At that point, once you already know the basics and the lingo and how to DO things, specific tutorials about niche subjects and areas help to polish things. Does anyone know of a tutorial of this nature? I've got all the necessary elements to hack...except knowing HOW to hack. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks a lot for your time.
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