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Everything posted by joshcja

  1. You get odin ch 8 lol. (effectively ch2 main game) I do 101 vantage casually on kana's paralouge lol, kana gets bases/skills from the end of his map so its a nice early vantage off an 18.99 odin :p If 'm doing like, no paralouges/parents only the ch11 oni's are a nice free 101 exp vantage though. Going fast he has to wait till ch17/22 tho QQ. #Div Mag+ Mu!Ophelia #1
  2. Mozu has like 0% mag growth even with aptitude, she's a good Sniper/kishi knight when trained and can whore out aptitude + bowfaire but she is a REALLY bad mom for ophelia. She makes a good nina/niles, laslow/girl laslow, meh kaze/great Midori. Mom ranking for ophy is like. +MagDiviner!Corin (God mode, rip game) +MagCorin (good def bases > all) Nyx (Shurikenbreaker/Move+1) Elise (bases and lunge) Felicia (crap bases and middling growths but early shurikenbreaker+vantage ophy is really nice) Another enugenics pairing of note nilesxsmurfette is nice for completely cheesing out the midgame with tripple bowbirds and endgame with tipple lucky7/shurikenbreaker/pass/9 move rescue users (mozu x niles can pull similar strats tbh I just like blue hair nina) Like if I want maximum exp compression I just do corinxodin, nilesxsmurf, siliasxcamilia for 10 high end combat units + dancer + freebies + rally slaves, staffbots, and breeders. Its really unnecessary overkill but chapter 25 lunatic blind earned this game no mercy ever from me.
  3. Wonder if some of that money will go into the legendary AWDoR2 >.> (Shutup I can dream)
  4. To be completely fair at least its not a conquest bitching thread/Takumi circlejerk *Shot and a sip* (Also yes hoshido is isolationist/imperialist japan not light fluffy bunnies and love)
  5. Dude Odin goes from 0 to hero instantly. He's straight up immortal once you clear his shit bases and you can just drug the hell out of him for a big 300 gold per chapter until then (def/mag). His upfront cost is like 1200 gold + a weapon you'll use forever. Just rig 2 mag growths on odin in his join chapter (its 2 50/50's whatever),hand him the nos tome and some drugs + corrin @ c support and walk left to the boss of mozu's paralouge while everyone else goes south. He can go to level 9.whatever/10 while everyone else feeds down south, 2 hit koing all of the faceless with nos is nifty. With that exp he can nos facedive into ch9 (all of it, nothing can kill him now as long as he's holding another unit), solo the left side oni waves on ch 10, solo the right side on ch 11, solo the entire topside of ch12 off the lunge archer, solo the entire lefthand side of ch13, grab 101 exp vantage whenever, and pass down vantage+whatever garbage elise gives and dual 20/x stats to ophelia, pass her the 2nd shop nos and some drugs to solo half her own join chapter and make 20x ophelia before ch14. You now have 2 units that completely trivialize lunatic!nohr. It's complete and utter overkill for hard but once the Odin!Nos!vantage train gets rolling it never stops. Don't worry if the RNG decides that his mag should fall off later, he's probably def blessed so just get 101 exp Life or Death and laugh at leo crying himself to sleep. (Ew Elise, Rip ophelia's def bases) Edit: I swear I'll stop odingasming once people stop shitting on him out of ignorance.
  6. I note a disturbing lack of bows and theives on that list sir.
  7. Did you remember to feed/rig Odin? :p He's honestly the best MCU in conquest aside from his daughter.
  8. Oh no the basic premise of fates is not fixable. The overarching plot basically requires deus ex corin, which is just a terrible premise. Conquest gets the nod because there is simply put, anything notable about its plot at all and you somewhat care what happens to the character's. Birthright is just "time to take a nap" ft "skip every nohr sibling death because that shit is physically painful to watch and loop "girl on fire" for laughs. Edit: Yeah plots are inherently either bad or neutral, its really the character interaction that fleshes out the middle of a good story (beginnings are fun and the ending is always "everyone dies" even if they live happily ever after so the middle is everything imo). Also I forgot about shadow/last of us, those games are in fact the feels. Cant agree on the rest, not saying books don't have a high chaff to goodshit ratio just that they peak out higher in terms of overall story quality and once you get good at picking out the fun authors the chaff kinda goes away. Edit again: I really love dystopian worldbuilding but bioshock just didn't get my nohopeever boner up. Not even saying it was bad, great game great narrative just not for me. Edit to give a TL:DR version: Conquest makes you give a shit about the characters = better story.
  9. I had no idea how correctly I was using this forum. God bless you angry Scotsman avatar guy.
  10. Not entirely certain what you people expected from fates. "We improved the plot buy hiring a guy who makes cartoons full of nonsensical pretty" Notably not: A person known for writing gripping native, terse dialogue and groundbreaking plots. If you want a good story that badly put on your big boy/girl panties and go read a damn book x.x. Seriously anyone alive who actually reads above the fucking 3rd grade level can promise you that there is no such thing as a video game with objectively "good" plot/character development/dialogue. It's just varying shades of awful that you laugh at and sets the tone for the actual gameplay. (Birthright is way worse than conquest plot wise though, at least conquest tried) I'll care about plot when IS puts Glen Cook on the writing staff.
  11. She can actually fight pretty well as a dancer if you burn both robes and arms scrolls on her. Its just....dancer, has better things to do. If you want to actually use her growths for offense she can in fact make babies.
  12. Silias is great because VoF + he's always in the best class for whatever segment of the game you're in. Cav early, wyvern lord mid (grab it from waifu), and bow knight lategame is pretty solid. You can dip into GK for luna I guess? It's really not worth it though as shelter/str+2/elbowroom/lunge/swordbreaker shurikenbreaker or rally already eats 5 skillslots (Postgame do whatever) Seriously though there is a rather large chunk of conquest where Not holding a bow/Not holding a tome/Not being a bird = Not getting used.
  13. Fixed Aura's don't work if someone is in the back pocket unless its specifically a support aura. (Ie supportive) Just put corin in the dragonstone (you did go +mag right...) and let corin/servant/triggered VoF silias wail on everything while Effie+arthur (whatever one you want to use long term on top) chokes the north under lilys poise. Build silias's lance rank up that sword is a lie. As for stances, it's entirely situational.
  14. Simple solution is to just kidnap a bot once they pop up and have it follow ophy around 24/7. Its not like Ophy needs rally mag all the time though. It's really just there for burst/overkill/mag screwed odin pre moljinor forge/LoD (Edit: Since we're sharing my 19 strat is just nos and feed leftovers to nerds on the top, break tree, rally mag, orko everything not an illusion with nos, feed nerds south trio of aggro foxes and illusions, orko boss and feed last fox to nerds, its just barely manageable with a 3 spirit dust ophelia)
  15. Yes, you indeed know the truth. #Odin@Erank
  16. Oh you have no idea how deep the Ophelia rabbit hole goes. Forged nos +mag diviner!corin as her mom lets her just orko the game from ch 14 onwards with nos/lightning/gate including the master ninja's on ch17, her own paralouge, the final boss, falcon knights, everything. An effective magic cap of 80 before statues (41 base, trample from percy, inherent life or death, inherent tomefair,, rally magic, pairup) just cannot be stopped and with vantage/bowbreaker she fears only spy shurikens. Most honest paralouge name ever. (Odin does the same thing more or less, ophy is just the nuclear as fuck option) Edit: This is in nogrind, just to make that clear. It helps that diviner!corin with forged fire (dodgetank for days) and an odin that walked left with nos and a c support corin equipped on paralouge 1 are almost guaranteed to hit 20/x and pass nobility+vantage by ch13. If you ever feel the need to make conquest a big number simulator rather than a strategy game give it a try. And yeah xander can hit 40 def really easily (great knight, pick up a general), its mostly pointless as enemies will just ignore him. But you can do it. 17 is kaizo ninja world thor.
  17. Pretty much this, all 3 games are 100% complete in their own right and are aimed at very different sections of the fandom.
  18. Growths are seeded on the chapter you recruit a unit, you can leave and come back to rig good starting levels which is really nice for units that are otherwise gimped by bad bases (read: odin) Past that they're 100% fixed no matter what you do.
  19. I'm actually fond of the split. It's pretty much impossible to actually please the FE fanbase with any one game. As for its reception... didn't fates just sell out in japan like it did...everywhere else?
  20. Yeah mechanist!Kaze is a really cool guy in lunatic conquest. Working out of E bows is really the only drawback.
  21. Ophy can get you out of 20 in like 1-3 turns. Calamity gate drops fuga on his neck. You "can" get all chests in 4 turns with heavy sorc/bow abuse but its a pain in the ass. @ thor: kaze carries over his prologue levels and exp +8 levels in conquest. He joins pretty buff
  22. 22 is just free levels ft hana plz no not like this.
  23. You can cheese percys paralouge out with a drugged up sorcerer leo if I remember right, he can just stand on the topright fort and consume 60% or so of the map while other mooks go do mook things. Kanas paralouge is free feeding in attack stance. If you want to feed niles this is the one. Fuck seigbets paralouge.
  24. Do you have any paralouges open to patch up your skill builds for shurikenbreaker/did you pick up silence from ch 25? Worst case scenario you can buy both entrap staves and every remaining freeze stave (just sac the free staffbots) to brute force the chapter with a heavily rigged forged brave+skillproc rush hiding your bosskiller under useless fodderbots
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