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Everything posted by joshcja

  1. Real talk, basic fire off +mag diviner/dm bases+jakob pairup is pretty incredible early game for big dodgetanking and orkoing on ch8-promoted spike (sub 40 hitrates), unless I'm planning to use mozu (Or I guess an eventual +str ninja run ft corin x silias, just to try it out) corin gets moved out of her base class and into mage on a run-to-run basis. Samurai just seems painful as a reclass option outside of a late-paralouge/ch22 dip for her losing early 1-2 range just feel so clunky (Unless I'm skipping both odin and mozu for masochism's sake the early heart seals are pretty much locked in) (I don't think you fully realize how often corin winds up marrying odin for me lol)
  2. ^ this works too, I just like reclass dipping into draco/cav tree's way too much.
  3. Cammy can do a light dip reclass into the cav tree for shelter+elbow room off the adventurers by the starting room right wall while corin lunges into the sorces by the shining bow chest. That way you can take your time killing nina/mid room and getting the top right chest thief, and just ignore the bottom left entirely until they return to their people and become free exp.
  4. No, no, no I would not. Sorc without skill dipping/buying > ghetto Ryoma by an absurd margin and corins +mag modifier is way too good to spend on a little shit like seigbert >.>. As a silly fun times build sure but, if I just want takumi/anything in the game dead I use the deep in depth strat of click broken mage/zerker > click lightning/brave. (Seriously I see nothing wrong with dark mage!MU outside of not giving superior nippon skill access in conquest)
  5. See, I'm trying to get off this hype train, but you keep drawing me back in >.> But there may or may not be a pretty good unit in conquest you can A+/S for life or death and swordfaire. Js.
  6. You do realize heartseeker/Mal are debuffs that work for your whole squad right...and that sorcerers are frontline MCU's? I will use small words. They fight...Up front... As a Main combat Unit.... Like a.... Crit/Def stacked zerker....Point blank sniper...Ryoma...Thwomp. S ranks suck why would I ever use a mage class with inherent deathblow that works all the time (and a million other useful adds) The OP is going to have at least 4 magic users + a rally magic sage. I think mal aura will put in work, JS.
  7. Are you actually drunk? Heartseeker is one of the best skills in the entire game, on any class, and stacks with sorc hiddens for reliable hitrate on breaker enemies despite mono weapon lock. Regardless Sorc vs Sage, Ingame sorc is the better combat unit those hiddens/S boosts are way too good, sage is better at...rallying magic for sorc's...and using E rank staves. Postgame... Sorc is still by far the better combat unit but staff rank grinding lets sages have pretty mad utility.
  8. Ophys paralouge is manageable late if you trained Sorc odin@vantage, raid the villages ASAP then park ophelia with nos on the south fort under inspiration/male demosel and odin/leo with nos can sit on the fort, walk back for rallys, get danced , and walk back up. The generals up top can be wasted with dragonstone/high def hammer tanking early, a decent res cav with a spear can blow through the top right dodgetank the horse spirit village with said tome, Take south right and ninja's with a def tonniced ophy ft support to set up a choke on the village fort. That said the game really punishes you for taking ophy late as it kinda assumed you have a VERY stacked Odin going in.
  9. Daggers and high staff rank contribute more than that big E rank tome usage and the servants keep orko utility "long enough" with effectiveness daggers and the flame shuriken, they're just not going to facedive EP combat like the MCU's of the game (Which is fine as MCU's will generally have 0 utility out of combat) Jakob/Felecia/Flora also have the luxury of not dieing to any one hit unlike a certain ch7 royal. Say you roll corinxsomone+kids, azura + somone+kids, free royals, early game male x camila+kid + servants (alternately you can just do a normal pairing over azura's kid and kidnap 2 falcoknights on ch24) That's 16 units, aka the maximum deployment count at ideal exp distribution and you'll still have slot issues in ch25 onwards due to kidnapped rallybots (ch23 MoA) and kidnapped pass falcoknights from ch24 (normally you'll drop shigure off the map in this span due to his booty personal bases) An optimal efficiency route wants to get the kids off 20/20 parents pre ch14 so they can take over the MCU role with broken as shit bases as parents swap into silver bullet builds to manage specific segments of the late game and otherwise function as player phase sweepers. 1st gen only would fuction a bit differently but even then the servants are huge bang for your buck. Edit: General synopsis of unit usefulness/niche on lunatic. Non turtle play is assumed. Early conquest units that stand head and shoulders over the competition are corin/silias/camilia/odin/Niles. Corin is obvious and needs no explanation aside from USE +MAG, Silias can use VoF to snowball entirely out of control, he will on average be better than Paladin!Jakob and freaking Camilia at their join times with vow up and stays relevant forever with his deep reclass set, if I was to pick a fates MVP combining all 3 paths Silias wins hands down. Camilia is Harr with tits, that is all. Odin is an odd duck, shit bases, non traditional mage growths, and he has a total investment of about 10k over paralouge1-ch13 to hit his full potential, but he manages to be the top MCU in the game from ch9-whenever you get Ophelia off the power of his absolutely perfect nostank growths/skillset and pays you back coin for coin making his effective cost nill (Post ophelia he's still the second best MCU). Niles is free rallybots and passbirds+theif+magekill+birdkill, great guy, great kid, great combat, impossible to replicate utility. Honorary mentions to the other early joins, Arthur is an absurdly minmaxed POS with solid utility and a great kid. Mozu eats a early heart seal but has exclusive archer tree and aptitude which makes her pretty great if you're not reclassing corin or jakob, Dancer is dancer, I hate Effie, she needs constant turtling/low move babysitting (using silias as a carrybot is just fucking wrong) to work outside of lolpairupbot but she gives GREAT growths to kids and can be an effective long term MCU so I can't say she's anything less than a solid unit. Staffbot is staffbot (she does have some fun reclass builds) and will fall off the map eventually, dancer is dancer, Nyx exists to pairup bang leo. Beruka/Selena are both solid filler (rng proof arthur replacement, semi exclusive skyknight access). Past that units not named xander or leo are just there for pairup fodder/fun times ch11 onwards you're snowballing waaaay ahead of em. TL: DR (in no real order) MCU pool: Odin, Silias, Corin, Effie, Kids. PPSweeper/Utility pool: Camilia, Silias, Corin, Staffbots, Beruka, Selena, Arthur, Mozu. Niles pool: Niles (He is the only unit in the game with no redundancy at all) Freeby pool: Xander, Leo, Camila Kids Pairup fodder/Use em if you like em they're still viable pool: Everyone else
  10. Nah jakob/felecia/flora are fine as is. Free staffbots with built in utility and high skill are great. They can reclass for combat potential/skills but at base they do their job just fine.
  11. Yeah an all in stacked Leoft rally mag and sorc pairup+Anyone else should be able to player phase Takumi, or leo can just settle for an ORKO on PP+EP
  12. Don't reclass leo for this, sorc has really insane bases/hidden stats (and S rank WTA) that make the kill MUCH more reliable. Leo should just need a solid +speed pairup to get his blick on though you can trigger pragmatic if he's still missing benchmarks somehow. Edit: creative lunge use should let you get away with only one pass unit.
  13. It's actually pretty hard to orko zambie takumi without a trained up sorc/zerker I don't think ninja corin is going to pull it off vs WTA disadvantage with ninja strength caps. 28 doesn't save so unless you want a perfect clear (oh boy generic endings) you can just walk to him on a mountain of corpses and just hide your boss killer under xander. Or you could settle for a 3 turn/Brave him with a super pumped GK xander?
  14. Fixed (OP is playing on normal so the nos button is complete overkill lol)
  15. Pega chopter is still one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen
  16. Meh, just kidnap the 5 rally skill ch23 MoA. Everything before that is just situational unless its mag/str or the free camilia rally def. Edit: thinking of the one by the 3 spearmasters in the NE, he may only have 4, could of sworn he gave luck too.
  17. I originally used Silias only for gameplay with a neutral/mild dislike for his character but his smug fucking face, nice guy dominance assertion sessions with jakob and kaze, and overall romantic supports really fleshed out his character for me and I'm really glad the dude is in all three paths, he's become a favorite of mine. Also his daughter is hilarious.
  18. I uuuuh, let the stave user entrap VoF silias carrying niles or kaze while odin nosfeeds on the entire top side off the lunge archer (eat spirit dust and mag pot after the lunge for orko's) other mooks feed on the triggered apothecary reinforcements in the south. If I don't care about turns at all there's enough time left over to walk whoever I'm feeding north for free exp off the shrine maidens. The map pretty much ends when I want it to (anywhere between turn 6 and limit depending on how much loot/exp I want) as long as silias doesn't get 5 1 stat levels in a row (this happened on my most recent run, its fine I just bullied him back into shape with a peri sacrifice and 2 uses of the enfeeble staff) It can go faster but I hate rigging silence misses. You'll love ch13 btw JSND, free level 18.99/20 odin+20/x silias and camilia can finally gain real unit exp. You should hit S supports too for savage blow passdown sophie and "Ultimate Power" just in time to field the swiss family wyvernsonson + lolvantagenos on ch14. Bonus points if you let silias eat the calamity gate and both beastkillers to the face. That said MGSbaracudaEater is actually a legit unit Im not sure a heart seal to fighter for similar str adds would be worth it (they are super limited early) but she's an arthur tier zerker + draco so salvaging her might be a usable strat if you wanted to use like effie+kaze and let arthur drop off. Edit: the more I think about sol/axebreaker/replicate ninja laslow the more I want to try that out.
  19. Nah Laslow/Silias are both way better at kaze's job than kaze will ever be and niles makes him pretty redundant. He's not a bad unit at all though. Also its ok, Smuglias has a plan, vow of fellatio cannot be stopped.
  20. Yeah conquest has a really nice curve overall (unlike the fe12 flatline of death) it's also a FE game with a real endgame streak which is nice.
  21. Wait for the freeze cycle and either player phase it or let a high hp hammer userxdef pairup/ nostank solo it Introduce iago to niles or kaze. As for dealing with his staves they rotate based on turn order in the order they appear in his inventory regardless of if you're in his range or not.
  22. +Mag!Diviner!Corin!Ophelia has the def/hp to chew wyrmslayers to the face with the same speed + more magic and crit and Odin!Kana is nuts, it's like the quadforce of conquest. Rally magic totally covers any missed mag on odin as well. Edit: For in game play Nxy is the second best mom for ophy imo, inherent move+1 isn't inherent nobility and her bases are nowhere near as good as mag/corin/elsie but inherent shuikenbreaker and pass are still enough to make ophelia into a solothegame bot. Elise isn't terrible with lunge+trample passdown and solid bases though. Imo Felecia comes in a very distant 4th but she can pass down immediate shurikenbreaker+strong riposte of a 1 exp reclass and "ok" def.
  23. HoshidoSucks is exactly 12 characters n_n Also confirming odin for broke tier. Edit: Odin's middling magic+high def for a mage lets him hit either2 hit KO or orko benchmarks with a very accurate nos early game (skill matters for tomes) which makes him close to perfect as a nostank with vantage. (you want to be as close to orko/2rkoas possible to nos in fates) and inherent LoD gives him higher damage output than either nyx or Leo lategame if you pass nostank duty off to his kid. He's best in-game as a pure sorc with light dips into his reclass options for vantage/LoD and breakers but if you're into shitpost builds... as a samurai he's legitimately better than a lot of the real sword users the game gives you thanksto his wonky bases, read: all of them. Dark knight is just a terrible class outside of seal magic, even leo wants out of it ASAP. He gets a lot of flack for his low dark mage bases (his SM bases are actually ridiculous, too bad sorc is just a way better class) but all in all he's probably the best "growth unit" in conquest. Edit again: Comparing any other mage to Ophelia is going to make that mage look like utter ass. Lets not bring the dark goddess of fates into this (Nyx is secretly a shining bow adventurer)
  24. Reclassing? No that's just shooting yourself in the foot. I mean you COULD do it but the words "pure slogging turtley misery" come to mind. Parents only is a thing though and its pretty fun.
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