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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. So, I've been on a 5* promotion spree after the accumulative 100k feathers I've grinded up this week and one of those units is the +ATK Felicia that's been sitting in my barracks for two months now. I've updated her to her Plate and tried my hand at tanking some dragon hits. Her survivability is mixed without RES buffs, and while I plan to give her Close Counter, I don't think Felicia's Plate will make for a reliable weapon to use against them. There is a weapon recently introduced, though, that would fit that niche perfectly, and as such, I want to build her up to handle both dragons and magic (dragons especially). Would this be a viable build towards that end?
  2. ... So nobody's thinking of Galeforce, huh? Also, an executioner with his axe looming over the poor woman would drive the point home more.
  3. After two days of RD feather farming, I decided to try my hand at some more CYL2 summoning. Went in with 25 orbs planning to snipe greens in an attempt to get Ephraim, saw one green orb, and got a whole 3* Nino. I'd be more agitated if I weren't planning to build up an OG Nino; haven't checked her IVs yet, but chances are they're at least non-harmful. Tried for a second pull, no greens, two blues, two colorless, one red. Now, what I SHOULD have done was pull for the red only, since I'm also hunting for Celica merges. What I did instead was to do a catch-all approach and pull the entire batch. Only two units were worth my time: A 3* Kaze (Atk Smoke fodder) And this: Despite what I just said, I'm trying to decide if I want to merge her up or fodder her off for Galeforce; however many I get, I just might hold onto a couple for that purpose and use the rest for merges... Never thought I'd do this again, but I just might dip into Dolphin-level spending to make this happen.
  4. Wow... In officially sad that's not the official standard for those art submissions.
  5. Question: is Veronica the only one to deviate from the Special Pose based on Standard Pose standard?
  6. Ah man, this was an interesting first summon session for CYL2. Mostly fodder, decent fodder, then this: I'm gonna hold onto him for a bit until I figure out who will be getting Close Counter.
  7. Oh it does, but I'm at a deficit of Divine Dew at this time, so that won't happen for probably another month.
  8. Slept through the midnight hype, but I'm excited regardless. Funny thing about the free summon... I know that I should go with Veronica by virtue of her being a colorless unit, plus she has wrathful staff built into her weapon, that or one of the armor units because of their BST, but... Dammit, Celica just looks too good! Gaiden artwork, AND any weapon can become a brave weapon with that Double Lion B-slot?! No way I can resist that level of arson awesome!
  9. Ahhh, that was satisfying to watch, if only because you show that the AT is plenty viable. Also, those music tracks. Shazam refuses to recognize them. My soul cannot rest until I know!
  10. Yeah. According to Chaz LLC, the latest strategy is to use a Cordelia with Galeforce, Lunge and Death Blow 3 along with two ranged units with WoM 1-2 with all other skills stripped and the weakest weapon equipped so you can do a straight raid of the base. Also, @mampfoid, I finally did it!
  11. I got the same thing. xD Might hold onto him for Brave Lance fodder.
  12. Dammit @Coolmanio, you beat Me to the punch! xD Guess I'll drop this here. This is the first time I've ever completed all of the rewards for a TT before the last day, plus this is the most orbs I've every been able to save without spending anything! In not bragging, I know these are unsubstantial, in just so framing excited!
  13. Estival is a thing, huh? Thank Good I buried my dreams of becoming a writer, else I'd be embarrassed. Furthermore, I applaud your taste in musical artists.
  14. ...Estival Princess? I see the interns are losing sleep again.
  15. Oooh, can I have those? I wanna have a Firesweep on standby for that faithful day that I get Brutal Cordelia! Also, I can never have enough fast swords and my heart aches for my Awakening waifu!
  16. Gotta be honest... The more i think about of that "prize," the more I think that or the entire thing is an elaborate troll by the software developers.
  17. Well, the data miners are at it again, and it looks like we'll be having a revival of the Legendary Robin LGHB. BUT! With a twist. A whole new difficulty and an odd gag prize for it's completion. More information can be found here: Edit: is there a way to compress Reddit posts?
  18. Well, here is my contribution to the BHB Clear Queue, complete with 2 min of footage where I legit forgot how to clear this damned thing. L!Lucina is the MVP of this skirmish.
  19. And this is why I've finally built up the fortitude to not spend my current surplus of literally 50 orbs on neither Nephenee nor any of the dancers at this time. I'm holding off from spending orbs in attempt to get as close to 140 orbs as possible in time for CYL2. Of course, all discipline will fly out the window when the Summer Festival banner nears its end. I WILL HAVE A RED MAGE MICHAIAH! My sincerest congratulations for your Shanna, and don't think of those other pulls as complete waste. At least they'll make for nice feather fodder.
  20. Good news: Armads is the first legendary weapon to be made inheritable! Bad News: Only one other unit can wield it.
  21. ... I'm fucked if I come across Reinhardt's with lancebreaker on top of that in AA...
  22. ...I wish I could bookmark forum comments, cause this one is mighty helpful. Don't know how I didn't think of Drag Back for the B-Slot... Just looked up the properties of Hinoka's Spear, and I'm remembering now why Hinokopter got a resurgence in memeage. Essentially Guidance for Fliers and Infantry with no HP penalty... Yeah, no more trepidation towards directing DD in that direction. It won't be to priority, but it'll happen within a few months. As far as Fortify Flyers, I mainly use NY!Azura for that, but I can certainly use Hinoka for that purpose during Arena Assault, or when I want the challenge of not having a flying dancer.
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