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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. !I'll be honest. I didn't think he'd amount to much with his attack still being dirt poor, but your putting stock into his longevity as opposed to his raw power pays of big time with those Ignis procs! Very nice!
  2. ... So when is CYL again? 'Cause with my lopsided luck, I just might have some orbs for the event. Went for a free pull on the Flyer Skills banner and, I don't even mind the bittersweet IVs! +SPD/-ATT I'll give her an attack +3 seal and build her up to having a Firesweep Lance+ with a Brazen Att/SPD in the A-Slot. I know she had a PRF weapon, but I have to look into it before I consider putting DD towards it with these IVs. So, yeah. I'm mighty hyped! P.S.: Considering the properties of the FSL, would Renewal be a viable b-slot until I get my hands on a Wrath fodder?
  3. Okay, it's back up. Replaced Spitfire with the piano cover of Divine Decree by purpleschala. Very talented, that pianist.
  4. Ugh. Apparently it's from my use of The Prodigy's Spitfire. I get now why people use freelance musicians' music, especially video game covers/remixes. Less hassle. I'll resolve that in a few moments. Need to catch a few winks.
  5. ...Sooo... Summoner is wide open. Nobody gonna take a free shot at him? Also, I love how they kept with the clothes exploding continuity. xD
  6. After days of ripping my hair out trying all sorts of teams, I finally found one that won me the Infernal trophy! Gonna be straight up. Celica was MVP in this one. She absolutely dominated the western front.
  7. @Ice Dragon Ah, thanks! Now I know where to put my vid once I get it to YT. :)
  8. I didn't, and your words couldn't ring more true right now... The real kick in the teeth is that the foddering didn't even factor into the eventual team/approach used to brat that GHB.
  9. ... Should I give you the paddle to slap me in the face with, then? I just foddered off my Fjorm for her Atk/Def Bond in my - then - desperate bid to beat the latest LGHB...
  10. So, I was browsing around for pictures to use for the thumbnail of the Lucina LGHB clear vid that I'm making when I stumbled on this. ... Just gonna drop this here. ... OTF. Ah hah, I have saved this post! From last year!
  11. The person on the left is definably Ryoma. No doubt. Guy to the right looks way too narrow in the waist to be Xander, though. Could be Seigbert, could be a chick. If it is Seigbert, I have only one stipulation that will make out break my consideration for summoning him. Does he actually say the stupid line, "I'm Seigbert," again?
  12. Funny thing, I literally did that with a Legendary Lucina in place of the LA!Lyn right before this run. This team that I'm showcasing fell 12 points short of that team's high score which you see... Don't know if this helps, but I averaged 692 ratings with the teams I faced.
  13. I know this is regarding the unit itself, but since I don't see a thread for it, I FINALLY CLEARED THAT BLOODY LGHB WITH MERE HOURS TO SPARE! And now I have to try and complete several CCs and a Squad Assault if I want to try one last pull in this legendary banner. Oh, did I forget to mention that after spending $20 on orbs, I wasted 38 orbs on two 4* fodder units and a crapload of crap? Because yeah. That happened. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to recreate that winning run, save the screen traces, and record the footage before this GHB disappears forever.
  14. ... I'm about ready to give up. I just spent all 15 of my dueling swords today trying to nudge my way into the 19th tier of arena... Yet this is all I get for my apparently meager efforts. What the hell an I missing? Are you telling me I have to slap Aether on all for units to even get my foot in the door for tier 19, let alone tier 20?
  15. Well, I do have a Caeda that I'm pretty invested in. I also have a Clair, but don't have enough DD to upgrade the Rhomphea(?) to its prf state. I guess my choice is obvious. Thanks, dude!
  16. Okay, this is just sorta weird. I summoned two reds on the latest daily banner and scored myself, of all things, a Roy. As you can see, IVs suck. As such, I have a Galeforce just waiting to be used. And yet, irritatingly, mages cannot learn the skill... So, what should I consider when choosing an ideal candidate for the special?
  17. ... All I want is Cynthia from Awakening. Sumia needs her daughter!
  18. I ground up another 20 orbs thanks to the map, quests, and GC, and decided to dive into Legendary Banner again, and It's weird, but my joy for getting her is outweighing that terrible +Res/-Atk nature. I'll train her up and think of how I'll build her up. In the meantime, I'll be diving back in before the banner ends. It's Tall order, but I wanna gun for a better nature LL as well as an Ishtar and a Hinoka. And after this, I'm gonna dip my toes into the YT banner again. A better Olivia and a Maribelle would be nice catches.
  19. @Vaximillian Fuck, I've got one better. After 36 grinded orbs and a three pulled shits, I ended with this. Okay, it's not as bad as two Azuras, but still sickly. One unit I wanted (Lissa), the one colorless I desperately didn't want (Lyn), both FUCKING -ATK. The Lissa can be salvaged, of course. +Res... Guess I could use her as a Fortify Armor bot. Or maybe a ploy support... Yeah, hooking her up with Zelgius could work... If I give her a warding stance and use a speed tactic on her, she could very well eat up the hits of most red mages that aren't Tharja or Summer Tana, after which Selfhood could move in for the kill... Lyn, I foddered her off for Attack Smoke to Summer Tana.
  20. I'd lean into her res and speed, personally. Eventually we're gonna have a Brazen Res/Spd. Get her a Darting Blow and Desperation, Ardent Sacrifice, and top her of with a supporting res tactic, and I think she'll be in decent shape against most of the faster blue and green mages she comes across.
  21. Hmm. Cute fluff, signifying little. 'Kay. Will we ever see the little sister as anything other than remedial?
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