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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. Gotta say, those Whitewings were a good touch with that latest boss, almost felt like a sort of boss rush, if that makes any sense.
  2. Maaaaaaan, being F2P is haaaaaaard. Every time I save up 20 orbs, I feel compelled to spend them! I went with the New Weapons banner, hoping I might at least catch me a good 5* Eirika. No such luck for me. Instead, I got a Soleil, an Athena, and a F!Corrin. +Att/-Def +SPD/-ATT (WHYYYYY?!) +Res/-HP I think I have another Corrin sitting around at 4*, so I might just merge her into the other one. Athena has Moonbow, so I'll just fodder that off. As for Soleil...Not sure what to do with her. I already have a +Att and a +Spd Soleil, both sitting at 4*, so I don't quite need her... Guess I'll review her skillset and see if there's anything I can use for fodder? Or maybe I should merge her into one of the other Soleils. Which one to do this which is the question, though. I usually prioritize speed with my builds, but I've already fallen in love with my +ATT one and put a lot of stock into her... I wanna eventually build the +SPD Soleil, just for the convenience of having her around for Tempest Trials and Chain Challenges... Anyone? Help?
  3. Welp, I'm finally in the "I Hate You" seat. lol Seriously though, congrats. Nice to get your preferreds early on. Onward to savings!
  4. ...Wanna trade him for my Shiro? He pity broke me in literally the last seconds of the banner. He was my very last pull... ... Anyone got a bunny Sharena yet? I've gotten a Gunther and Frederick so far.
  5. I've had some crummy luck with the EK banner as of late. I've been impatiently sniping at blues for every 20 orbs I save up (almost 100 F2P orbs now) and have had nothing but a bunch of subpar 3 and 4 star fodder units to show for it. Oh, and this pity breaker. Bad enough that this happened (I have a 4* Mae that I'm training up as of yet), but it's not even one with good IVs! +HP/-SPD... DAMMIT MORGAN, I IGNORED THE HECTOR/TAKUMI BANNER TRYING TO GET YOU! WHY WON'T YOU COME HOME?!
  6. ... Shouldn't Faye be the crazy one? Why Catria?
  7. ...I don't know how many people would be able to save up 400 orbs as F2P, let alone put down that much money... I've only spent a total of $200 towards any one banner at a time, whether consecutively or all at once. Kudos. Oh, and RIP your bank account. lol
  8. I don't know what I love more in this thread, the comic itself or the bits of Japanese knowledge that I get from the likes of you. Thanks for the info!
  9. I only understand a handful of words and honorifics that I've picked up from the occasional Japanese dub of anime. If I understand correctly, Chan is the honorific used for women and San is the honorific used for men? Or is Chan used for both women and children, and San is used for men? Firstly, there is only one 'e' in Sharena. Secondly, who's bullying the girl?
  10. This may sound stupid, but has Feh's sex been confirmed, yet? I know a woman voices the owl in the FEH Channel announcements, but I don't think the comics have confirmed anything as far as pronouns.
  11. ...And I thought I already had a dire need for F!Morgan... WHY WON'T YOU COME HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM1?!
  12. I'm hoping it's not an issue of the video card since I'm stuck with an ancient AMD X1600M... I'll check the bios and report back to ya.
  13. Okay, Memu is stuck on the loading screen at 59%. Any ideas what might be causing this? If not, could I use another emulator or is this the only one that works with FEH at current?
  14. Your having said that suddenly makes me wish that we could only unlock the story [dialogue] on Lunatic mode; the challenge that would present would have made this event more impactful for the player. ... Granted, it will have been one of the only noteworthy literal moments in this entire throw-away story, but still.
  15. Call me weird, but I think it would've been nice if those spikes were pain tiles rather than just impassable. Curious, what's the highest level you've been able to AB in one round? In the last TT I played on my old account, I managed it on the Lunatic 5-Turn level. Nowhere near that now. lol
  16. I'm happy for you! Onward to Clumsy Horse Adventures! I can easily imagine Chrom begging for horse riding advice from his fellow cavaliers. That or a better saddle. lol Speaking of the Saddle Slipping Exalt, I ended up pairing up EK Chrom with Lucina after I couldn't get the image of Lucy laughing at Chrom out of my mind; that, and I love the thought of them training together, especially with EK!C's Sword Valor still equipped. I'm wondering, though, should I have paired up Chrom with Brave Lucina instead? I imagine the two of them learning new forms of combat together would warm her heart like it were in a cauldron pot.
  17. I subscribe to the theory that Celica was slowly being influenced by Jedah's evil witchy influence and that's what caused her to go slowly mad with silliness, so there. Pffft! lol
  18. After snagging LA!Roy in the last 7 hours of the LA banner and using him to train up/ SP grind my Setsuna (decked out with a blessing so if she's not one with IV's, I can merge her into one that does have good IVs), I had 19 orbs to sit on. I was able to grind up an additional 22 orbs thanks to incomplete story chapters and the Blessing Garden maps for use in the EK banner. I wasted my free pull on a Lon'qu. Not too, bad, though. A mere 2,000 feathers will put him into Vantage 3 fodder territory. My second pull... + +RES/-ATT ...Well, those IVs suck. At least the -ATT can be patched up and even better he comes with Sword Valor, so he's an obvious keeper regardless. After some additional red and blue sniping fodder pulls, I got something even better! The blue tome unit I've been pining for! ... ... Linde! +ATT/-HP YES! YES! YES!!! Granted, she's not Morgan...I really want Morgan as I don't have any flier tomes yet with this F2P account, but she's a powerful tome user with access to Dark Aura down the line! Plus, I can get either a blade tome or an owl tome on her later on. So the only thing that sucks is that until the water and wind maps respawn, I only have incomplete story maps and Arena rankings as a means of grinding for orbs. But I have a couple more weeks to get that done, IIRC, so it's no rush.
  19. Ahhh, Celica. Graceful even when confronting her defeat by a Duma-Controlled doppelganger and a malevolent god. That is why she's best princess. :D
  20. ...Is that Lucina and Chrom cowering in the background?
  21. in my experience, you don't have to scroll the screen, the entire battlefield is there in all it glory. Granted, I'm using a sub HD - Sub $100 tablet; I don't know how it performs on my sub-$100 phone; thing has too little storage for the game and anything else (Who the hell still makes phones with only 4GB of usable storage space?!)
  22. I dunno dude, that skirt does seem kinda short. xD Anyway, no doubt there'll be power creep. It's part of how IS keeps interest in these banners going beyond just fueling the collect-o-than of characters.
  23. Call me partial, but I dunno if I'd want Noire reunited with...you. lol Anyway, I have to be honest, F!Morgan and P!Chrom are vastly appealing to my palate. F!Morgan's design is nicely differentiated from her male counterpart, and TBH, I kinda like the taste of her personality that we got in the trailer. Also, Chrom won me over the second he yelled "I am helping!" I and my soon-to-be 39 orbs are looking forward to this banner!
  24. That event when your crappy Intel Atom choking Asus Tablet acts like a bitch and your ancient computer doesn't work with emulators... After saving up 34 orbs, I decided I'd give the Love Abounds banner one more shot. As much as I wanted Hector, I decided to aim for the more attractive and harder target of LA!Roy. I hear he's a decent archer unit and that Bow Valor is just far too attractive for me to let go by without a fight. The good news: I managed to grab one within fifteen orbs. Ahahaha! 19 orbs for the Morgan/"I'm Being Helpful" Chrom/Morgan banner, Yesssssssssss! The FWP bad news: It took me ten minutes and two accidental restarts to capture this stupid picture. xD +SPD/-Def Well. The IVs suck, but I honestly was more concerned with using him for bow training than I was with using him a frontline unit (kinda how I treated my Shigure on my old dolphin account), so I won't complain.
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