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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. Hey all! So at current, we have five maps, two centered around FE: Awakening and three around FE: Fates. So far, they've covered 5 units in the roster - Lucina (Masked Marth), Fredrick, Hinoka, Takumi, and Camilla. As much as I've found those maps to be fun, especially the Camilla one on Lunatic, I can't help but wonder.......This can't be it for the entirety of the next month, can it? Out of 20 characters in the roster, they only touch on 5 of them? Does that seem a bit anemic to anyone else? I mean don't get me wrong, I doubt they'll cover all 20 or so characters throughout the month, and roughly 60 orbs - three full summoning sessions - would be beyond generous for IS to give out - I understand that. But 5 maps over 5 weeks? If this were lasting for only one or two weeks, I'd have no issue, but for five? I'm sorry, but that seems just a tad weak to me. It leaves me wondering if we're going to get more maps in the upcoming weeks? I think 5 maps a week would be about right for the extent of the roster, and considering there are three full CDs of OST in the Special Edition, I don't think there'd be any shortage of battle/stage themes to cover the month either. Plus, FE7, Shadow Dragon, and SoV haven't received any love yet where maps are concerned, which would be really odd to me with this serving as a sort of in-game promotion to Warriors. What are y'alls thoughts on the subject?
  2. Ughhhhh my Gawwwwwwwwd, maaaaanggg! Anyone who's seen my post in the Worst Mistakes in FEH thread knows I paid for 280 orbs this month. With my recent stretch of luck, I figured I'd go ahead and pull for the Dauntless Crimean banner since I've been lusting after a shiny new Elincia for a minute now; would probably get her early on and would either try my luck on the Ike banner or just sit on what remained of my cache and see if anything interesting comes up for the Halloween banner (Speaking of seasonal banners, who else is eyeing themselves a Santa Tharja for Christmas? xD) Welp, I've clearly expended my luck. Sorta. See, I spent every single orb in my attempt to get Elincia and failed to acquire even a crappy IV one. However, I DID get a couple of decent goodies. I got me a Sonya with +HP and -Res (5* obviously; also, Dammit), a 5* Titania with +HP and --Spd (Dammit), and a 5* Rebecca (I'm in the middle of leveling her up and can't recall her initial IVs). Oh, and I pulled another Nephenee which I immediately fused with my current Nephenee to create a Super Sai- urm, Nephenee. Outside of that, I pulled 5 freaking Olivias (merged with my current main one to make a +5 4* Olivia with near boon stats in three areas and almost neutral attack), 4 Tharjas, at least 3 Henrys and a whole bunch more of Sword and Lance fodder along with a cache of 3* healers that I plan on sending home. I bought another 48 orbs trying my hand at getting her one more time, but again, no luck. I'm currently sitting 14 orbs, and plan on grinding out more of them over the next couple weeks through the TT. All in all, a decent haul, though I fear I'll run out of chances to grab the Amati Wielder before the banner expires.
  3. Ohhh man, I felt the sting of that first one when I came back to this game after my 2 month hiatus from April to June. As for that second one, I'm guessing you were able to at least snag Zephiel and Camus. I didn't bag either of those guys - I think they came on the scene during my hiatus. Of course by then, even if I could go for them, I bet I wouldn't have been able to get 'em. lol
  4. Well summitch... It was legit - at least in that they did in fact put the credits in my account. I may be avoiding them from now on, but at least my money wasn't wasted. 24 hours later I go from 1 orb to 281 (yeah, it was 280 orbs for $65, not 240 lol).
  5. Ohhhhh, that is so cheat! xD Sounds MUCH cheaper than trying to +10 a 5* unit - Plus I get the 5* benefits (save for BST). I might try that soon on a less-used 5* just to see verify your claims.
  6. Building on your suggestion for the Masked Marth question, will a unit merge transfer the skills of the lost unit to the inheriting unit regardless of rarity level? Also, if skills have been unlocked on the merging unit, will they remain unlocked on the merged unit?
  7. I'm so sick of Stahl and Sully. I loved them in Awakening, but they keep cropping up WAY TOO MUCH in this game. I WANT MY LON'QU, DAMMIT! NOT YOU! Also, I'm pulling a lot of Cordelias in recent weeks. I love that young paragon, though, so it doesn't bug me nearly as much. Florina, though? She needs to sit down. Seriously. Bartre and Barst are obvious ones for green; anyone else I don't mind much. Except for Camilla. I never wanna see another big-boobed black-touting THOT again. And as far as colorless goes, I'm sick of seeing Serra and Niles.
  8. Sadly I used those up a while ago. ... Waaaaaait, we just got a main story addition - I CAN STILL GRAB ME A POTION! DADDY'S COMING BABY!
  9. My issue is less that I don't have time to play - that's what my sleepless nights are for - and more that I don't have but one stamina potion to use. Have any you can spare? lol
  10. Looks like I'll have to find some other way to spend 10 minutes of my lunch break. Thanks mate!
  11. As much as I want an Ike and Elincia at this point, I'm low on orbs right now, so Nephenee is my best shot at a decent score bonus yield. Does anyone know how long this TT will last? If I manage to snipe me an Elincia before the banner ends, I hope to grind her out to LVL 40 and a couple of decent skills before the trial ends. I'm itching to get started on the TT, but at the same time I'm glad to have time to SP up my Neph. I have a spare Selena sitting around, so I'll be feeding her Reposition. Not sure what else I'l be feeding her, though. *queues up Gamepress to look at later during my lunch break*
  12. Having read this an the post above (as well as the post you linked to)... This is definitely going in the "Biggest Mistakes of My FEH Career" column... Here I am a M.S. recipient and I still fell for something so stupid... Since I have a more level head on my shoulders than I did yesterday, should I just let the order go through and never touch the site again, or should I pursue a refund? Or should I just accept the loss and lesson learned, given how their refund practices seem equally shady?
  13. Well it's not a total loss. Can always feed 'em to your 5*s as SP fodder. ^_^
  14. Well, you can certainly do worse than those two for free summons. Even at bronze tier, Nino can be pretty good.
  15. Supposedly, they go through certain alternate (but legal) channels to net the user more premium currency for the same amount of money; like I said earlier, from what I understand from their explanation, it works similar to a Costco - allowing you to buy in bulk at a discounted price.. The main sketchy thing is that they require your Nintendo ID in order to get it done (at least for FEH; some games require use of your Facebook account). I'd be a bit more skeptical of this service myself, except for the fact that this isn't a fly-by-night operation, they've apparently been around since 2014, IIRC. I'd assume a scam site would only last so many months before eventually expending its luck, let alone a few years. One of the annoying things is that they take a long time for the purchase to go into effect (if it is in fact real at least) - within 24 hours they say. So assuming I didn't misspell my credentials when they asked for it, I'll know whether it's real or not late tonight. And then I"ll know if they stand by their "We'll refund any unfulfilled order" policy. Hell, if it DOES work, I'll try 'em a couple times more to see if it effects my account status. If it doesn't, I'll likely make a thread praising the service. If it doesn't, I'll make either a thread or a post in the existing scam site warning people about the site.
  16. Definately among my dumbest mistakes this week is that I actually sacrificed a perfectly good Nino (4*) to Brave Lyn in my desperate bid to make her more survivable during the latest Grand Hero Battle. It's stupid because I killed off a perfectly good Nino for a skill that I in-the-end never even employed; I ended up getting Warding Blow from Shanna (I think) and wound up using that instead. And to think, the week just started. Who knows what other retarded things I might do?! For instance, I just plunked down $65 in credit into a wholesale premium currency brokering service called Pay Less 2 Win for a 240 orb pack, and I'm actually betting that I just wasted that cash! w00t I've lost all semblance of sanity and am drunk on grief!
  17. God in HEAVEN! Given how easy this infernal was for everyone else, I'm convinced (more than I was already) that I'm some sort of retarded because this took me FOREVER to figure out! It wasn't as much the general strategy that I struggled with as it was figuring out how to work it with the crew that I had. If I was like Sages and had a Bridelia, this probably would've been a walk in the park, but making this shit work with my Brave Lyn was a pain in the ass because of that goddamned Gronnwolf touting Robin and that FUCKING RED MAGE WITH HIS BOWBREAKER AND HIS CONSTANT DOUBLING! I lost count of the compositions I'd tried! Brave Lyn and Azura being my only constants, I've tried it with Masked Marth | Sakura, Eirika | Sakura, Ephraim | Eirika, Eirika | Brave Ike, Sakura | Brave Ike - I SWEAR I WAS GONNA LOSE MY MIND! Eventually I identified the Red Mage as my biggest hurdle and decided that I needed a way to put him out of commission. So I got my beloved Tana, grabbed my newlyacquired Hector, and sacrificed him for Distant Counter. So now I had a way to deal with the Red Mage, but dealing with Robin was still a pain in my ass because as son as Tana'd finished pwning that Red Mage, here comes the mysterious tactician with her fabulously simple and utilitarian hair to blow her up!). I'd been trying to hold the line with either my Eirika or my Masked Marth, but after they cut down the axefighter that my Brave Lyn had left, they'd be slaughtered either by the lancefighter or a combination of the red mage (because I hadn't killed him in time) and Robin, so after FOREVER, I figured out that I need to have Brave Ike hold the line. But then I kept attracting the attention of the blue mage, and even when I wasn't catching hell from him, I was catching hell from the Red Mage that kept pwning the shit out of Brave Lyn long-story-short, I ended up sacrificing an Odin for Moonbow on Lyn so I had something that would proc faster than Draconic Aura and hit slightly harder, sacrificed my Tharja to B!Ike so he could gain Spur Res 3, sacrificed another unit that i can't recall the name of for Spur Res 2 on Azura, and after dropping from 12 orbs to 3 orbs literally trying all night long to figure this out, I finally nailed it while sitting on my porcelin throne with heroin coursing through my veins (JK, it was just Teavana Rev Up tea with honey, but Jeez did I want some heroin (or whatever narcotic keeps you up) by the end of this long-ass trial). ... I'm sorry for the profanity laden rant, this just drove me nuts trying to figure it out, and I'm baffled at how easy it seems to have been fore everyone else. Still, I'm happy to have finally gotten my neutral 4* Robin (wish it were a 5* out the gate for all the effort this took, but whatever), and I have 30K feathers sitting in my account for just in case I decide to elevate her to 5*. Oh. Wanna know something funny? After all of this...I"m looking forward to the Clarisse GHB; must be the thing I have for Tsunderes. xD
  18. Well, Lady Luck is still with me. I saved up 22 orbs for this banner, and after three summoning sessions focusing on only the blue orbs, I snagged me a Nephenee! Even better than my luck at pulling her is my luck with her IVs. Got me a SPD boon and RES bane. Very happy early morning for me. I plan on trying to Elencia at the end of the banner's run; should be able to scrounge up about 80 orbs for that bid by banner's end.
  19. That pseudo-medic build looks swanky, think I'll steal it! xD Seriously though, as squishy as my Ryoma is and given the fact that I don't have room for a proper medic on my team, I'll definitely be using that (and since they often fight side-by-side, I think they'll develop a beautiful friendship together; hell, I might as well ship 'em xD). I already have the Breath of Life seal , and I think I have a couple spare Lissa's around for the BoL skills (or do I get renewal from her? I forget...) Speaking of renewal, I'm glad we share similar ideas in builds with that in mind. ^_^ (BTW, that'll stack with the Renewal 2 skill built into the Falchion, right?) Thanks for the input, dude!
  20. You're looking at a pretty strong red mage there, bud. Do you know his IVs, his bane and boon? That'll help you in devising a Skill Inheritance strategy.
  21. ...So THAT'S how I can get myself to a 5* Odin and give Linde his Blarblade without cutting off my arms! Many thanks, all who replied!
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