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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. So, I saved up 17 orbs via some still-unbeaten Chain Challenges, and managed a session with two red orbs. The first pull was a 4* Raigh. The second... The pull was +HP/-Res. Can't complain too much - at least the Spd and Att were left untouched as far as banes, and I suppose a few extra HP can't hurt, and I can give her a pseudo-speed boon with the eventual forging of a Speed +3 seal. Gotta say, I'm a happy camper right now. First a Lyn yesterday, then a Ayra today. I'll try for a Sigurd later in the month after I've gotten some more CC and TT orbs. After that, me thinks I'll actually give this orb saving thing a shot
  2. Welp, I've pulled for the Tempest Trials banner, and while I've yet to get me an Ayra, I did finally pull another swordswoman that I've been pining for. Res bane, Def boon. Could be better, but hey. At least that Barte I've been holding onto finally got some use.
  3. The detail with which and the extent to which some of you keep up with your pulls is both agitating and scary sometimes. Agitating because I know I'll never be that organized and thorough, and scary because people are this thorough and organized over Gatcha pulls. lol
  4. Good God Almighty... I normally can get a bit of Schadenfreude joy out of bad luck like this, but... Wow... Also, spelled Schadenfreude right for the first time in my life, yessssss!
  5. Not even factoring that in, I figured that if speed is a particular issue, I could support her with an active and one-or-two passive buffs to help pull the slack in Spd. The QR obviously helps in my decision making, though. :D Definately going with the +Att for my main. Will review her skills for the +Spd one and will decide whether to user her for SI or merge.
  6. Sooooo, this is a first for me... I managed to pull two Deirdres in one summon after spending 39 orbs. Neutral IVs (I think) +Att/-Spd (Well. That's bittersweet. xD) I'll be back to saving now. Hopefully I can scrape together another 30 orbs before the end of the banner.
  7. LOL I bet smashing axe users is a hooping time! What's her skill composition/weapon choice?
  8. Don't give them ideas missy, I need all the ways to grind orbs i can get! xD
  9. Uffff. It took me just over 400 orbs, but I did it! I got all four of the PA!Dancers! I didn't bother saving the individual summoning sessions in which I got 'em, but I do have some proof of my having 'em in the form of images. ^_^ Here's all of them together in a team (strictly teamed up for this posting): And here's each unit with their Boons and Banes. PA!Azura: +Res/-Spd PA!Shigure +Res/-Def PA!Olivia +Def/-HP (Well that's borderline terrible. xD) PA!Inigo +HP/-Res Welp, no particularly good luck with IVs, but I really can't complain. At least I was able to get 'em. ^_^ Gotta say, I must have either God's or The Devil's luck, because I managed to pull two focus 5*s from the latest banner! I totally forgot to grab a picture of the Palla pull session but I can give a quick synopsis of it: 3 3*s, 1 4*, and a shiny Palla sitting at the top of the pyramid. lol Palla, Eldest Whitewing +Spd/-Def (Bwahahahahaaa! At last, good IV's!) I did get a screencap of the next consecutive session, and got me a 5* Minerva -- my first one at that - within two summons! Minerva, Red Dragoon +Spd/-HP (YEEEEEEESSSSS!) So, I'm left with 9 orbs to spare and a few weeks to grind up for the upcoming Genealogy banner and possibly a Halloween banner. All in all, a fine, if somewhat expensive haul. I am happy to see my Flier Emblem options open up a bit, though, that's for certain. ^_^
  10. Pretty much. Only thing is every armoured unit I ran into was a goddamned Hector, so I couldn't bring Rebecca into those fights - would get ORKO'd during the attack. Had to rely on Lyn for those.
  11. Ahhh, makes sense. Would consider the storage capacity pathetic then except for the fact that this site hosts 100,000s of users. Welp, making me an Imgur account, then. Thanks dude!
  12. ^ I'd say it's wrong, those are clearly Fae's Chicken-Dragon feathers, you heathen!!! ...... Oh fine, I'm on Team Fae, lock me up too.
  13. ...Dammit, I totally forgot that... *headdesk* ...Is it too late to say with any credibility that I managed to tie that score with an archer team and two dancers? Is that even worth mentioning, given Brave!Lyn carried most of the matches and Rebecca really was just good for helping to take out mages and a couple bulky units with Glacies? ... Whatever, I'm showing it anyway. Units Used Rebecca Weapon: Silver Bow+ Support: Ardent Sacrifice Special: Glacies A-Slot: Darting Blow 3 B-Slot: Desperation 3 C-Slot: Threaten Def 3 S-Slot: None PA!Olivia Weapon: Dancer's Fan + Support: Dance Special: Luna A-Slot: Distant Def 2 B-Slot: Wings of Mercy 1 C-Slot: None S-Slot: Distant Def 1 Brave Lyn Weapon: Mulagir Support: Reposition Special: Moonbow A-Slot: Swift Sparrow 2 B-Slot: Sacae's Blessing C-Slot: Atk Smoke 3 S-Slot: None PA!Azura Weapon: Uror Support: Sing Special: Moonbow A-Slot: Triangle Adept 2 B-Slot: Wings of Mercy 2 C-Slot: Spur Spd 2 S-Slot: None Okay, before I attach the image, why does the Max Total Size keep decreasing?! Last time it was 350kb, now it's at 100kb. What gives?
  14. I just pulled off a near deathless run with my first ever Flier Emblem team - lost one unit on two or three maps during the spree. First time I've gotten a score this high without a bonus character, too! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Q7mFwjshOEZk1pcTc2eGlKYWM/view?usp=drivesdk[/img]
  15. Wow... This is just what I needed to cheer me up! Many thanks, good sir! Also, I'm starting to see why that show is so meme-worthy. lol
  16. Well, I'm angry with how much money I've put out just to get her, but I finally got Elincia! She's +RES & -SPD, but whatever, at least I got her! I'll make her work despite the IVs.
  17. Big Ass Ninja Gags Anally In Office. ... Wow that sucked. Is there a game around making sentences around a capitalized word? I'm sure there's a word for that, but I can't recall it.
  18. Yeah, as few and far between as the blue units are on map 5, it'll be a royal feast for that delightfully evil bastard. ... The BK was evil in PoR and RD, right (I mean, I know he was an antagonist and a villain even, but is he considered evil among FE alumni)? I haven't had a chance to actually play the games.
  19. So I did a quick couple of quick matches on map 5 on Hard and kept track of the units and SP gains. You apparently get a total of 24 units spawned on the map in this mode, including the initial units on turn 1. If you clean house with only one unit, you can net a total of 72 SP on normal days, and 144 SP on bonus days. That nets roughly 720-1440 SP on one full stamina bar. ... As much as I'd love to have more maps and thus more free orbs or feathers...yeah, I can't argue with those numbers. Not one bit. If you're training up a mage or archer, all you need is a beefy weaponless lancer, a pair of dancers, and you're set.
  20. Probably because of that cheap advert Japan made. lol
  21. Okay, I'm two weeks from my next paycheck, and I currently am at the point where I am sick to death of EVERY RED UNIT that is NOT Elencia.
  22. I gotta be honest, there's not a whole lot that I want at this point. I'm interested in giving Flier Emblem a shot, so I'd love to snag me a Hinoka and am really pining after an Elencia at this point. I'd love to have me a 4* or 5* Effie, too, if only to round out the few armor units I have. The Black Knight is an obvious must in that department, and I'd really like to get another Hector to replace the one I sacrificed earlier in the month. I hear Kagero is pretty spiffy for a dagger-tosser, and a Genny to donate Wrathful Staff to my Sakura would also be a lovely treat. Aside from those, I just want some nice(er) swordsmen/swordswomen. I've been pining for a Lyn for a while now so that my stupid Barte cache can be of some use (Brash Assault). I've been wanting Lucina if only because of the Rarity and the desire to eventually have me a Lucina!Emblem, and I really, REALLY want an Ike to complement my B!Ike. Lastly, I want a Clarisse. Mainly for the Tsundere team that I want to eventually build up for giggles.
  23. Speaking of Freddy, I'm suddenly disappointed that we don't have a War Maiden Lissa yet in Heroes with a Freddy Axe. Because that meme should never, ever die. lol
  24. Well, this should be fun to list out. I'm doing this on-the-clock, so I can only list out names right now. I'll post other info such as merges, boons and banes at a later time. As of September 21, 2017: B!Ike | B!Lyn | B!Lucina | Tana | Celica | Alm | Roy | Eirika | Ryoma | Caeda (2x; plan on merging) | Lilina | Sharena | Ephraim | Nephenee | Azura | Mathilda | Clair | Cordelia | Linde | Owen | Anna | Amelia | Titania | Sonya | Rebecca | Sakura RIP: Tharja | Hector (As fun as DC Tana is, I truly wonder if the sacrifice was worth it...)
  25. You've got a point there - that map has loads of replay-ability. Hell, I wanna see if I can get a deathless run/streak on it in Lunatic mode - nearly did it until my Celica died on the second-to-last turn last time I tried. lol Anyway, I'm definately gonna be SP grinding my Nephenee and Tana on that map (Tana especially; since I gave her Distant Counter during the previoius GHB, she'll be able to tank (sorta) both those red infantry and cavs and the mages. w00t!
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