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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. I have a church convention that I'm gonna be attending in a couple weeks and I, no kidding, intend to wear the Celica pin on one of my suits. lol
  2. Ah, your image is so much better than mine. I used a Huawei cell for my pic and that subpar camera with the low pixel count really shows its flaws. lol
  3. Ain't nuthin' wrong with wanting journalistic integrity. :p
  4. I watched Ghast Station's first part of his playthrough and DAMN did I get uncomfortable chills when that villainous paladin started threatening the village kids! Freaking cretin, that one! So look forward to skewering his face at some point in the game! xD
  5. A la Censored Gaming, alcoholic references have been removed. Interestingly, this has been censored both in English and Japanese versions, so this is...odd. But at the very least this isn't the fault of NoA. Outside of that, I'm not aware of any other removals or tangible edits.
  6. Ah jeez, my heart goes out to all of y'all! For what it's worth, I pray for y'alls speedy delivery and issue resolutions!
  7. I just got my copy in the mail, and I am just - SQUEEEEE! The box Alone is SO BEAUTIFUL! SO ELEGANT, SO - DAH! i'm starting to skim through the art book and OMG I can't wait for my 3DS to finish charging and for my home obligations to be finished so I can pop this hard as nails gem in tonight! Who else got theirs?! MAKE YOUR HYPE HEARD!
  8. ...There is a flower that is more or less literally named after the state of narcissism... Life is amazing. xD
  9. Anyone else who preordered online go for the day one shipping option?
  10. GameStop is still taking orders online as of 7:19PM tonight. Nabbed mine last night, so psyched!
  11. Still available on GameStop as of 7:07 PM, Saturday March 25th. http://m.gamestop.com/product/nintendo-3ds/games/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia-limited-edition/129160
  12. I don't think I have enough time to groind out support convos that way, so I'll check them out on the SF site. Many thanks though!
  13. Hey there, folks! I never thought I'd touch any of the games prior to the 3DS titles, but after playing with my 5-Star Ephraim and yearning for an Eirika in Fire Emblem Heroes, my curiosity was piqued and I decided, "eh, why not?" and grabbed me two emulated games (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones). I'll make a topic about TBB in its respective forum, and will obviously focus on TSS here. First impressions so far, (I think I'm at mission 5x right now), I like it. I didn't think I would be, but I'm impressed with the sprites, the animations, even the sound and music (I absolutely love the sound used for the vintage gas station knights! xD). I can't say anything about the story or characterization, but I'm fairly impressed with the resoluteness of Eirika through her ordeal. Simply put, I'm drawn in enough to continue, and I like most of the characters so far (except for that thief dude; he's a douche). Also, I'm surprised how quickly I've gotten used to the lack of a pair-up or fight-together system. Last bit is thank God for FE:H's means of reminding the player of the weapons triangle. I wouldn't have remembered it for this game without it (and probably would've lost people by now). xD I'm curious to know if anyone has any tips or tricks for me going forward to help me get the most out of my first experience? Also, how do characters unlock supports, since pair-up/battle supports don't appear to be a thing in this/these games?
  14. YI'll leave y'all who know what came before in SD to discuss your hopes; I'll just say "Ditto." My only main fear about this game is that the people who work on the localization will be Nintendo Treehouse. I don't want them touching another FE game if their work will continue to resemble that of Fates.
  15. Did Lyn always go full commando, or is it just for the art of this game? xD
  16. Is there a way to make animated gifs stay animated as an android wallpaper or Windows Desktop wallpaper? 'Cause that is positively lovely!
  17. So glad Oboro is geting more press as of late! Also, glad to see M!Corrin is also getting a handle on the stupid ball! xD
  18. I don't think Oboro and Sophie would get along well.
  19. ...So we're going to ignore how deadly it is for Corrin to be looking/shouting around for Nyx's parents in the middle of a Hosidan infested fortress?
  20. .Neither hell or high water, nor smiting of reputation will keep Jakob from fulfilling his sacred duty. Godspeed, you magnificent butler!
  21. Hey, can someone help me understand something regarding Sophie's apparel design? ...Why doesn't she seem to wear pants or shorts as a paladin? She wears the armored boots, of course, but no shorts or pants or...whatever. I don't necessarily have a problem with it in a manner of sex appeal, though it is a tad distracting when I notice it, but practically, wouldn't that be rather uncomfortable? Having your inner thighs rubbing against the saddle?
  22. This comic actually addresses one of the biggest problems with Fates' story. Okay. I'm done. Where do I buy the offcial manga?!
  23. So does "fallen off the radar" mean the manga will no longer be produced, or has there just not been any news for a few months regarding it?
  24. I must be the queerest straight person ever, 'cause I don't hardly notice the boobs.I blame Cowmilla.
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