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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. Goddamnit - is Tumblr at all aware of the fact that this chick acts exactly like what they assume all men to be? ... WHY THE FUCK DO I LIKE THIS WOMAN?!
  2. Is Takumi really the dumb one of the Hoshidoan roster? xD
  3. You keep those Tumblrisms out of my thread, Buster Brown! xD
  4. I swear,, just the other day, I was thinking about how a certain character could've been recruited using another member of my merry little band... Can't remember who for whom, but still... I discovered the second item just yesterday when I tried to capture Selena and Beruka after taking down Camilla... ... Goodness gracious - that could have been an amazing thing, capturing those two after defeating their charge - imagine the conversations/interrogations/whatever we could have had with them while trying to break them - imagine how it would be to have broken them in the process of convincing them to turn coat! Maaaaan, this is a prime example of a truly missed opportunity! ... And the disappointment mounts... That's something that left me in a BSOD state for like five minutes upon realizing it. I mean, you learn from one of the villagers when raiding their houses visiting their houses that the newcomer to the resistance was quite the stand-out trooper. Even before he revealed his true identity to her, I imagine Ryoma and Scarlet would've had some great platonic chemistry - and being someone who turned coat on Nohr and was happy to join the Hohsidoan cause should've peaked Ryoma's interest! Don't get me wrong, I rather like the supports with Scarlet and Corrin so far, her creative side is cute. But still, the leader of a resistance movement who both embraced and yet still had to turn back on the legacy of her parents, certainly not without regrets, getting to know the prince who had to shoulder the burden of both losing his sister and his mother to a blood-thirsty king, and feeling responsible for having to help bring his nation to a state of peace and security... That is so obvious...why didn't they do it? Really, how hard would it have been to have Scarlet have only a handful of supports? It's not like they haven't done it before - Anna from Awakening, Gunter in Conquest! There's really no reason for them to have not taken advantage of such an obvious opportunity! How disappointing of IS...
  5. Sorry for being so present here, but I just thought of something, building on the first item from my last post. I think something that would've been awesome is that when [certain] characters reclass to an unfamiliar class family, especially if they change the weapons they use, that the animation reflects this. Ways this could be reflected in the gameplay is a lower hit rate until weapon proficiency is gained, missfires of certain weapons like spells or arrows, or even dropping the weapon during an attack because of a poor grip. As the user gets more used to the weapon, their stances, effectiveness, and even post-kill flair would increase. Let's use Mozu as an example. Recall the way she's shaky and unsteady when using her lance in the Villager class? During my Birthright run, I had her gain an A+ rank with Oboro, giving immediate access to the Lance Fighter class upon getting a Friendship Seal. Being a progression that felt rather natural for Mozu, especially with how often I had her fight with Oboro, I could easily buy her increased comfort in using the naginata. The thing I'm still pondering are other ways this could be (more reasonably) reflected in gameplay, and how the rate of weapon familiarity would be gauged - either through number of uses or weapon proficiency. Or perhaps class level?
  6. I'll need more time to better articulate this, but the generic victory animations for each class can seem a bit unfitting for certain characters. I really wish each character sported their own custom animations to better fit their personalities. Also, multiple crit animations. I've noticed that certain characters have multiple kill animations (mainly the sword wielders), but every character has only one critical move. It'd be cool to see multiple animations, just to get a better gist of how creative our army units can get with their killing.
  7. The corpse of my Conquest!Camilla still rotting on the floor of the Rainbow Sage's temple from her encounter with Azama begs to differ. Between that and that other skill which inflicts half-damage dealt when he doesn't have a weapon caused her strike to OHKO her. (damned bastard dastard... ) Unless I'm missing something, that sucker of a skill definately triggers upon initiating combat with a unit that has that skill equipped.
  9. ...We need more DLC surrounding those three...
  10. Scarlet's map sprite's armor color and doesn't match her actual armor color. Seriously, HOW HARD IS IT TO HAVE HER ARMOR COLOR BE RED?!
  11. So first and foremost, yes, that is one of my first attempts at alliteration. It's certainly fun, but I can easily appreciate the firm command of the English Language that one must have to make actually good examples of the linguistic exercise. And now to the point of this thread. As part of my thread title alludes to, I wanna discuss some of our nitpicky complaints about those small things located in the game that, while not affecting our overall enjoyment of the game, are still little things that give our minds a bit of an itch. To be clear, this isn't a thread where I want us to talk about things as big as the fact largely accepted consensus that the Nohr storyline is rather silly or the largely accepted consensus fact that Birthright's gameplay is a tad monotonous as far as the mission objectives. We're not discussing serious things, just the small stuffs that kinda make us sigh, thinking "Just a bit more work, and this could've been even cooler than it is..." ... Or other such thoughts that totally aren't related to game-breaking/immersion-smashing/otherwise-experience-ruining stuffs. Have I mentioned that these are minor and/or silly things that we should be discussing here? For instance, I love the the vast improvements to the overall graphics of the game. In particular, I adore how every map that you play on is completely modeled, and it's a delight to see your characters interacting with every inch of the environment - also, playing through Birthright's 14th Chapter, and seeing that giant wall entering into that Nohrian fortress actually makes my blood pump as I get my party closer to its gate (:smile:). However, two things that I can't help but notice and always bugs me when I see them is how the bottom of characters' feet will frequently clip through steep inclines/declines in the terrain, and how just like in Awakening, clothing, especially capes, will frequently clip through the backs and/or arms of characters rather than forming around them... Like I said, just small things that kinda make your brain itch. So, step forward fellow nitpickers, and share your simpering assertions of simple grievances. ...Yeah, I really need to build up those alliteration skills...
  12. ...Well. I officially want there to be some manner of Avatar/Fire Emblem crossover fanfic. Thanks brah. xD
  13. On the plus side, this will make for ample field study work for Laslow in the art of romance. ... Seriously though, can we get some examples of Soleil striking out? I love her and all, but I seriously want her to become a female Johnny Bravo. It'd be hilarious. Admit it.
  14. It's gonna be one hell of a money sink to get my god tier Brave and Killer Swords... Many thanks for the simple equation.
  15. It's odd; When I played Harvest Scramble last fall, the boingy bits thing well very well intact...
  16. I suppose. She does have a very disarming and cheery personality, so maybe that helps dissuade any suspicions or other emotional barriers. ... I just though of something else - according to BriHard's video on the topic, she has an issue with talking to guys, right? (I'm currently trying to unlock the support convo 'tween her and Dwyer) Then how in the world did she manage to organize/run a benevolent mercenary group comprised almost exclusively of dudes? lol
  17. A note: At least in my playthrough of Birthright, I've found that the challenges, whether scouted or made available innately between chapters, will be much better for speed-supporting between characters than farming XP and gaining levels. For the latter, the game's missions and the Boo Camp DLC are the best way to go. The former is a safer way to level up Mozu, though, especially when leveling her up to at least level 10. I WILL HAVE MY DAY IN THE FEM!DONNEL SUN, CONQUEST! DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU HAVE NOT CONQUERED ME AND FEM!DONNEL!!!
  18. You know, that brings to mind a sorta-serious pondering I've had with Soleil. Ya know how she's bi-sexual in the NA version, to accomidate how we comprehend homosexual/bisexual/whatever relationships? ... I've found it really strange and just a tad funny how she manages to run into every single girl that's either a lesbian, or bi as well, and is decidedly attracted to her. Considering the fact that homo/bi-sexuality is a genetic rarity compared to heterosexuality... I dunno - could it be possibly theorized that Soleil somehow hypnotizes every single girl she hits on to enjoy her advances? Seriously, I've yet to see any supports with Soleil that would suggest that she met a person that doesn't swing the way NA!she does.
  19. As far as the Nohr side, I'm stuck in yet another tie, this time a 3-way one between Selena, Soleil, and Beruka. The Nohrian Mercenary design is simply delicious, and I believe I'm already on record in saying that Selena (and Soleil as well) work the design very well (Especially with Soleil and Selena's red hair ). As for Beruka... Assassin. Emotionally removed. All-black garb. Probably could strike fear into the hearts of Ninja. I'm sure those reasons are plenty sufficient. Oh, and going back to Hoshido, I kinda like Orochi's design as well. Her sprite makes me think she's a purple-haired Minnie Mouse. xD And her Onmyogi outfit is (pun kinda intended) divine. ^_^ Quick side-bar, has anyone else found it funny that Orochi's diviner design shows the slightest bit of ass-crack, yet that has not been at all censored (to my knowledge) while the illustration of Tharja's ass-crack in Awakening's DLC received a humorous (if still unneeded) towl-censoring? lol
  20. Honestly, the localization has been a bit hit-and-miss for me. For the most part, it's nothing egregious, but I could notice some areas where the localization was ... lame? Quite a few of the N!Corrin's supports with characters feels...a bit childish in her naivete. Effie's a muscle buff, and that's it. Arthur...I didn't keep him long enough to know for sure, but he seems like a discount super hero. lol Honestly, I'll be checking out the fan translation when I try out the Restoration patch in a month or two - hoping to have played through both paths in their entirety by then - and by the time I've finished that version, I'll probably make a mental amalgamation of the two scripts that keeps the (subjective) best parts of the two for the best possible optimal script. lol
  21. This is a pretty self-explanatory thread title. From the Nohrian and/or Hoshidoan rosters, who do you think has the best visual designs? Your reasonings are all your own, and any reasoning is welcome. Whether you have fashion experience like Oboro, have an eye for cute things/people like Soleil and Hana, like badassness like Takumi and Selena (quota half-complete), or you like the meme-launchers, like Ryoma, feel perfectly free to share! I'll be creating an actual poll for this post-topic-launch when I get time for it, likely tomorrow morning, but I wanted to at least get some of y'alls thoughts prior, 'cause I've not completed half of either line, and I can't hope to recall their names off-hand. lol As for me, personally, I'm currently stuck with a tie on the Hoshidoan roster between Oboro and Hinoka. Something about Hinoka just screams of a sorta tomboyish, knuckle-busting, pegesus-mounting badass. She's like a swift storm on that friggin' flying horse, and it's actually funny how many foes she can take on early-game while using that Guard Naginata, and I'm getting off topic. With Oboro... Come on, you've seen her, her outfit, and her skill with the spear! (Dude, her animations are totally generic-) I don't care, she makes it look friggin' good! Something about her increases the already dexterous class of spear fighter to an art form! And the orange/black color scheme simply works because contrasting-colors. Almost feels like a symbolic color scheme, like the bright flame of her passion and rageful fury manages to overshadow the dark shroud of her past which fuels that fire... Selena, you've got some mad competition, hun.
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