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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. I can only imagine her tripping over an air pocket and spilling boiling hot tea on the poor thing...
  2. That is me EVERY TIME I lose either Corrin or Oboro to a friggin 3% hit chance - AND - a crit! Why does RNG hate me so much?! 40%-60% hit-chances seem to hit more than 90% of the time! Screw that! xD
  3. ...The one in the castle? ... ... IS couldn't have come up with a more arbitrary recruitment requirement...
  4. ...Please tell me the spirit katana is essentially a laser blade. lol Oh, and do you have to have two of each dual-wielded katana types in the Swordmaster's personal inventory, or does one equipped DWK automatically make the the swords dual wielded? One more question. Is there a deadly leek that the dagger-wielders can use? xD
  5. Ugh. Just when I stopped thinking of how Camilla's boobs just pour out of her armor like over-elastic, overfilled water balloons... That is my absolute favorite part of that DLC map!
  6. Screw you, Laslow's suave and so is his kid. xD Huh. Made dinner for Flora. I can live with that. I just hope she can live with super cheesy mac 'n cheese. By the way, when/how do I recruit her? I made sure she lived when conducting my mission to quell the uprising in that wintery village (Conquest Mission 8, was it?), but she didn't join my party then.
  7. HOW AND/OR WHEN CAN I GET THIS?!!! I! MUST! HAVE! THIS! SOLIEL, HANA, LODESTAR!SILAS, LUCINA, AND SELENA WILL BE GODS WITH THIS!!! (One more all-caps scream and I'll hit my daily quota! ) DAMMIT! I mean, yay, but still...DAMMIT! I WANTED A DUAL WIELDING SOLIEL! :(
  8. Sony Vegas (Standard & Pro) Video Editors allow for a nice balance of ease of use, control, and breadth of tools.
  9. Very well then... *brews a gallon of espresso* Farewell, sleep! I hardly knew thee!
  10. Sadly, I'm seriously in the dark on the joke. It should be noted I haven't unlocked but two children between the two paths - Soliel - AKA the girl who's name I'll never spell right - and Dwyer...AKA insert stoner joke here. Also, fuck your sig! It makes me feel guilty and uncomfortable!
  11. Warning: I'm a killjoy in this post. Take my words with a cake of salt and a gallon of water. I'm missing something here. Is Tumblr really this stupid - the petite posing, the long hair, the round, supple face, the color scheme of her outfit, the frilly shirt, the bottom portion that is clearly a skirt - this is clearly a girl. A girly girl, even. ... Tumblr just wants everyone to be fucking trans, don't they? ...I usually don't care, but is it common for Rated R posters to feature obvious fucking...on the poster?
  12. ...Is this a manip, or who does Selena have to marry toget Nina as her spawn? Also, nice to see her apparently active in her kid's life; it's weird how distant Soleil's mom is in their supports... Also also, I am certain I'm constantly misspelling Soliel... (looks up) dammit. Can someone combine these for me?
  13. Well, I normally kinda roll my eyes at the Tumblr-y elements in the game (Wolfkin, really? Why no warewolf? Vampires are already modified as far as their lore in every passing generation - why not make Keaton a warewolf?! Or make the spelling Warewulf so it's cooler?!), I can only love this parody! Ohhhhh man this is a perfect fit for Niles! xD Also, this song should be everywhere! I DEMAND PEOPLE PLAY THIS AT HIGHSCHOOL PROMS! (three caps-lock-shouts away from meeting my daily quota) Also, why does Oboro's bit fit so well?!
  14. Forgive me if this is a question that I'm asking far too late, but I still feel compelled to inquire about this... Having come to understand some of the serious fuck-ups conducted by the Nintendo Treehouse team, I'm wanting to try out this patch further down the road, but I'm a bit worried about the translation. It was partly a translation and poor interpretation that launched the Soleil controversy, and furthermore, the way she's been interpreted by the localization team compared to how she was written originally in Japan is a bit irksome. Having said that, what are the credentials of those who are handling the fan translation? What's their background in both the Japanese language, and their understanding of Japanese culture in relation to the writing of their characters?
  15. Yeah. Lost Camilla to that bastard when I was hunting for the Rainbow Sage. Should've known the path to him was too easy... <_< Glad I'm not the only one unhappy with that fact. Of all the magical tomes, why did they have to prevent that one from scoring crits?! Did the devs not realize how much of a lifesaver a crit!Nosferatu would be to players like me who are ridiculously aggressive with his mages?!
  16. So she wasn't just grandstanding when she bragged to Jakob 'bout her skills? FINALLY! A GOOD COOK I CAN USE IN THE CAFETERIA!
  17. To be clear, these are totally new, not even fully released in Japan, right?
  18. *Dies at exactly how perfect that is*
  19. Well, this is a bummer to hear. I was feeling iffy about her plan to forcefully break through Ryoma's forces in order to reach that village interior to help Elise, and I'd made my own topic regarding Nohr Chapter 14 where I'd theorized that the Nohr royal children (namely Camilla and Leo) had orchastrated an assassination attempt with Azura...unfortunately, according to at least one responder there, that isn't the case...and it would have been so easy to do - all the pieces were there... and I also dealt with how stupid it seemed for Corrin of all people to not recognize neither Azura's hair, slender body (even at a distance, those two things should've been noticable, especially when considering...) and her VOICE of all things. But all this stupid between Corrin and Azura...Ugh, I hope Soliel isn't written too badly, since that's one of my primary motivations besides the gameplay that's eeping me still going along with the Nohr path with gusto...
  20. I have a couple faves so far, but I can only remember one of them off-hand; will learn more of them as I equip my folks with more Killer-grade weapons. lol Note: these are definately subject to change as I hear more of them in upcoming days/weeks. Soliel: "Dance with me!" Op - I remember one more, and of course it's from family. Laslow: "Don't stare at me!" MUST. GET. KILLER LANCE. FOR. FALCON KNIGHT. AZURA. NOW.
  21. Have you witnessed Corrin's Kick-to-the-Face-and-slash-at-the-neck animation? S(he) gets that sucka upon upgrading to [National] Princess (at least that's how it is with the Nohr campaign), and it is GLORIOUS!!!
  22. Is it actually possible to do that, or is that just personal speculation?
  23. That was the only thing that I found disappointing about upgrading Selena to Hero. She handles fantastically, but her outfit feels a tad too generic. ... It's the skirt. She should've been able to keep those cool pants. <_<
  24. How does Lunatic/+ handle in Fates compared to Awakening? Is it the same with just a stats buff and randomized/totally-unfair skills from the get-go, or is the AI actually smarter/configurations different/other-smarter-ways-of-improving-difficulty-and-stuff?
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