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Everything posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. Ahh, I gotcha. Still, I'm of the belief that it's best to work with what you have until you can get better. No doubt you're gonna feel some sorrow regarding this, but the salt will stop stinging soon. Besides, they'll be permanent additions to the summoning roster, so you'll always have a chance to snatch up whoever you haven't gotten by banner's end. ^_^
  2. This may be a silly question, but say I had a 10+ 4* unit. If I promoted that unit to 5*, would I keep the merge bonus to its stats, or would I have to start fresh with the merges again?
  3. Unless you're doing this for skill fodder, I strongly suggest seeking out professional help, buddy.
  4. Frankly, the merge sounds like a good idea. Not only do you get a boost in a couple of stats towards an already favorably crafted IV nature, but you get a free 120 SP to put towards any skills you want to add on. Not really seeing the downside there, unless you're hoping for a focus pull to focus your time into training. (If the training thing is an issue, I've found that putting your unit in a team with two dancers and a healer can get him/her from 1-40 in about 30 minutes to an hour, easy. Even less if you are willing to skip out on those extra early 20 level Unit Kill SP earnings.)
  5. Howdy hi! I just got myself a Masked Lucina for Christmas the first time from the current TT (both 4 and 5 star). I'm wondering what I should use as far as skills? I currently am running Spur Attack 2, Bonfire and Reposition. Should Ikeep down the route of using her as an offensive support unit or should I kit her for pure offense/massive damage? And if I should go down the latter path, what skills should I equip that I haven't already? I'm fixing to put either renewal or vantage on her to increase her survivability as a front-line unit, but I'm not sure what to have as my A-slot skill...
  6. Ahh, finally! I think I've sunk 80 orbs into this banner, but I finally did it! Welcome to the team, Hector! You're HP bane and Speed boon which is only slightly sucky, but you're a happy addition to the team regardless. Managed to grab him after grinding 11 orbs and trying my luck one last time on the banner. Got a 4* Soren first, then my lovely THOT!Slayer
  7. And my luck gets even better! Sorta. So on my first (and only) session for the E&E banner, I managed to pull me a 5* Eirika. Yay! Not so yay are two things - one, I wasted my free pull on a 4* Laslow prior to getting her, so she cost me 5 orbs, and her stats are less-than ideal. She's got a Def bane and a Res boon. However, I'm not gonna complain much because I FINALLY HAVE A 5* EIRIKA WITH HER WONDERFUL BUFFY SIEGLINDE HAPPY DAY!
  8. I gots a Lobster Lord! Even better, I think I got him with +ATT & -DEF. w00t! Nailed him on my last pull of a session - gotta say I'm a happy camper! I'm not very much happy about my spending ~$50 of my fresh paycheck to get him and others (he was my only 5* with me aiming for a Hector), but I'm happy to have him in my ranks. ^_^
  9. Either I'm crap at reading numbers or one of the FEH apps I have on my tablet needs to revise their numbers. Looks pretty good, regardless. ^_^
  10. Pardon my excitement, but w00t! 3 out of 4, baby! Got my focus pull rate up to about 3.5% from previous days' pulls and managed to grab me an Ike on my first (and only) pull today on the Brave Heroes banner! Literally was the only green there, as you can see below. Mine's +SPD and -HP. That's not...terrible, right? I know the +SPD isn't of much help with Hector, but I can still make it work, right?
  11. 0_o Sounds totally fair as a mechanic, but jeez does that sound like takes a lot of money to grab 10 5*s! So the 20th Tier are full of ultra-planners and whales?
  12. Hey folks. I asked this in the summons thread, but then saw this one and realized it would be better asked here. Furthermore, I ask this question because it's a feature that I rarely find myself using - does combining duplicates to units that are Level 40 impact their IVs at all or does it just give them additional SP? I've been hearing about Level 20 Arenas having as much as +10 leveled units, and I'm trying to see the advantage to combining so many units as opposed to using them for SI fodder.
  13. Yo, I just wanted to let you know thta your sig and avatar just melts my heart dude. I blame the sprite artwork, it just lends itself to such adorability! Anyway, onwards to the late night hour summoning. I got Lyndis for my free CYL summon for obvious reasons (to avoid CH and to finally acquire a decent archer; I'm trying to get a Quadsuna built, but that's really not working out for me at current, she's just too weak for my needs.) And then came the first summoning session. That GLORIOUS summoning session. I only had enough orbs this month saved up for one session and four summons. As you can see below, I summoned two 3*s, one Oboro, one Florina. And then that third summon. Like a shining star atop the hill, came the glorious Yillesean Future Prophet in her impeccable armour - okay, I'm being hyperbolic, but seriously - That was some lovely luck if i say so myself. Pretty happy with her Defense Boon; anything that keeps a unit in the battle longer is fine with me. Only problem with it is that she has an attack bane, but frankly I think I can work with it for now. I think I'll try rolling for her again once I have some more orbs saved up and add in some more orbs to my inventory once my next paycheck comes in, but for now, I can at the very least have her use her default set and use her to finally beat that first Squad Assault set. ... I APPARENTLY NEED MORE GOODER LANCERS! Anyway, I'm pretty happy with these results; had I gotten better IVs, I'd just save up the orbs I get from here-on-out. But hell, since I'm already gonna be spending some of these near the end of the banner, I think I'll gun for Ike as well, if only because I need an additional axe user to complement my Tana & Amelia team. Quick question for those who actually know what they're doing as far as improving their characters. Does combining duplicates to units that are Level 40 impact their IVs at all or does it just give them additional SP? I've been hearing about Level 20 Arenas having as much as +10 leveled units, and I'm trying to see the advantage to combining so many units as opposed to using them for SI fodder.
  14. Okay, I gotta ask this. What in tarnation is a whale in the concept of heroes/character-pull-games?
  15. So, I've had me a good two weeks. Snagged me a Celica and Linde last week (been carrying me through my first 20K in the TT, and today I snagged me an Amelia and Tana within three summon sessions. Chanced three more sessions trying to get Innis with no luck, but with 20 orbs sitting in my account and the CYH thingy supposedly coming up within the next month, I think I'm gonna sit on my good fortune and try saving up what few orbs I can scrounge up until my next couple paychecks. Got a +Res and -Attack Amelia and a +HP and -Defense Tana.
  16. I know I'm late, but I'm just now reading through this thread and the highlighted bit caught my eye and made me think a bit. think that would've been easily doable from a gameplay perspective. If they dropped the battle at Duma's Gate and had Celica have to handle Duma's Tower on her own - not necessarily having to deal with the Duma Faithful members but having to confront those penultimate-tier terrors - similar to Alm's gauntlet through the Rigelian treasure vault, then that might have closed up some plotholes. Then have Celica's party either have to fight through Duma's Gate or bypass it and try to storm Duma Tower only to be "Sent [with Mila] Below." Seems like an easy-enough work-around to the issues currently presented, and it wouldn't effect the story's progression from that point on.
  17. Clearly your fun is my hair-ripping agony. Trying to clear past those three Dagons takes away so much effort from the remainder of the force, and by the time that's done in some 3-4 turns, I've lost at least two of my horsey-archers, one of my priestesses, everyone else is too far hurt and I can't keep up with the healers to keep everyone alive and am so thoroughly surrounded that I get whittled away after another two turns- F*** ME I HATE THAT MAP IT'S SO UNFAIR!
  18. Taking all bets on how long it'll take for Tumblr to blow up about the barely-sentient woman witches answering to the clearly conscious-superior male arcanists.
  19. Ahhh, these characters. I made a bit of a Randal-esk gamble in buying the DLCs before they released, but I quickly found my purchase validated. All four Ciphers have redeeming characteristics and are so useful in battle. Yuzu is definitely a glass cannon, but is a criting powerhouse. Shade is a bit malevolent yet is such a pompous diva, I love it - plus her having physic out the gate has bailed me out of quite a few risky gambits in my second playthrough. Emma and Randal I haven't played much yet - I got them at the end of Celica's route in Act 4, so I can't say much about them. Emma has the reach to help me get in early strikes and pick off stragglers, and has proven quite useful for me on Celica's route; plus I love how she and Randal kinda act as pseudo-parents of each other, it's just so cute. Randal I haven't used much yet, but he seems to have good survivability. Also, I love his voice. If the Cipher characters were able to support with your army proper, I'd love to see him play off of Saber. ^_^ Out of the four, I like Yuzu the best. I have a thing for badass lady sword wielders and oddly enough, I like the challenge that her sub-par defensive bases and growths present. I often gamble with her on the front lines and have her and Shade. Also, she has the best quote in the game. " Praise the ration ball "
  20. Those must be some ball buster erections on Gray and Toby.
  21. There are individual growth rates and class growth rates? And there's a difference between them?
  22. After trying to attack him twice and having my units attacks nullified, I just figured that's how they had him set up and just kept going around him. ... MAN I feel dumb now.
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