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Azure Sen

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Posts posted by Azure Sen

  1. I think that Mikoto and Sumeragi are the biggest reasons to side with Hoshido when you get down to the core of the matter. Both of them died to save Kamui, and Kamui saw both of those deaths happen (even if it took them a while to remember Sumeragi's death). And, really, I feel that while everyone remembers Mikoto a lot of people tend to forget that Sumeragi pulled that sacrifice shit, too, before the story started.

    Kamui seems to be the reason both Mikoto and Sumeragi are dead. Both of them died to protect Kamui, depriving the other four Hoshido siblings of their parents. Sometimes, I'm kind of surprised Ryouma, Hinoka, and Sakura aren't a little bit resentful of Kamui for that.

    Sumeragi I can understand, because Garon's the big one responsible and to them Kamui was just another victim of his evil, being as good as dead for many years. Plus, Takumi and Sakura were too young to remember/weren't born yet, while it seems like Ryoma and Hinoka were old enough to know not to blame Kamui. But yeah, the fact that no one other than Takumi is a little more distrustful or resentful of Kamui after Mikoto was killed with Kamui's weapon is a little odd. (But then again, it may again be the "also a victim" thing at work given how torn up Kamui is.) And it makes a little more sense on the Hoshido route, mostly because Kamui has resolved to stand with them against Garon and get revenge for their mother. Now the fact that this never comes up in Conquest beyond Takumi is another story...

    Exactly. How people can sympathize with Nohr more than Hoshido is beyond me.

    It's mostly because of the siblings from what I've seen. Which I don't understand given their characterization in either route but especially Birthright alone. Xander makes it clear he doesn't see Garon as evil nor does he believe Kamui's claims regarding Garon's assassination attempt, Camilla goes into murder mode out of jealousy, and in general both of them seem far more dismissive of Kamui's feelings than Ryoma and Hinoka on Conquest for reasons that amount to "our little brother could never willingly betray us! He must be brainwashed/seduced away by those filthy Hoshidans!"

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. The double standards are real.

    Not to mention that at least Hinoka has a reason to doubt Corrin's feelings. Corrin just went back to the country that tried to kill them, killed her beloved mother and father, destroyed a chunk of their capital city, killed a bunch of civilians, nearly killed her older brother, and wiped their memories of their life prior to Nohr.

    (Wow, there's a lot more reasoning for Corrin not siding with Nohr than I remember; this is all just from pre-choice.)

  3. And even so Hinoka essentially is trying to force you at spear point to come back. That's not ethical at all.

    I think this thread highlights a major dissonance in how much more forgiving people are towards the older Nohr siblings than they are towards the older Hoshido siblings, even when the older Nohr siblings do objectively worse things in both routes. Camilla goes full-on murderous towards both Corrin and the Hoshido army out of jealousy in Birthright 13, is perfectly willing to kill Corrin for leaving her (and attempts to do so in the stage intro), goes out of her way to hunt them down when they head for Cheve when she's informed that's where they're heading, and yet Hinoka--who spent probably close to a decade trying to get Corrin back after they were kidnapped while Camilla rubs it in her face, and who doesn't threaten to murder everyone Corrin cares about on the Nohr side and doesn't actively hunt them down--is somehow worse because she was trying to force Corrin to come back at spearpoint.

  4. I might be misremembering things, but isn't Nina like the only child that can be defeated in her paralogue and still recruited?

    No, you had to defeat Percy in his Paralogue too. EDIT: You might also be able to do the same with Rhajat, but I recruited her with Hayato before it came to that.

  5. [spoiler=] I realize that was probably part of his thought process, but that in no way justifies joining in the effort of invading his country that has done him no wrong. It's his problem that he can't sort out his priorities.

    I agree with you on Asugi. Gaius was such a chill bro and I love Saizo, but Asugi acts like a jerk, especially in his support with Shiro and his mom. I plan to marry Sakura to Saizo, but goodness, Asugi just goes off on her and Sakura stutters like crazy in their support; it's like she's afraid of him. Honestly, his love of sweets became nothing more than a trait to irritate his dad.

    Oh no, I totally get where you're coming. I don't think it excuses him in the slightest, but I can understand why he did it. I honestly think it's one of the least stupid decisions made by anyone in Conquest, which is why he wasn't on my list. What I don't understand is why he in particular was chosen to be the token Hoshido-aligned character that joins on all routes. Rinkah would have made more sense, given that she has less of a connection to Hoshido than Kaze does.

    They literally have teleportation orbs that let them return at any time they want, and they've been explicitly told what a "wrong choice" would entail. It's rather astounding that they made the returning characters so incredibly stupid.

    The easy solution would have been to have them available on all three paths once they find out Corrin is the one they're looking for. I dunno, maybe have a stage where Corrin turns into a dragon and that's how they identify him/her. But then again, much like Xander's characterization, the attempts to shoehorn in the Awakening characters and their actual implementation is clumsy, inconsistent and full of holes. Especially given that the whole scenario should seem very familiar to them, even if they're not technically the same as the kids from Awakening.

  6. My female Corrin on Birthright ended up marrying Subaki. As soon as Subaki was confirmed to be a guy, I knew in my heart of hearts they were the only ones for each other. Maybe. Possibly.

    My male Corrin on Conquest married Niles. I'm a little sad that I'm missing out on Female Kana, but Nina was an acceptable loss.

    I plan to do Male Corrin/Azura on Revelation. Blue-haired babies for everyone!


    Hoshido: M!Corrin/Kagero. Kagero best ninja and plus Asugi counts as acceptable losses.

    Nohr: F!Corrin/Laslow or Leo, I haven't decided yet. Definately Laslow if Leo calls Corrin sister during their S-Support.

    Revelations: F!Corrin/Takumi or Silas.

  7. You summed it up so well. Although I don't exactly dislike Xander due to my own biases, his characterization is ridiculous. Everyone else on this list really annoy me with their actions (or lack thereof), especially Kaze, who is a complete moron in Conquest. There's zero excuse for what he did.

    Kaze I can understand because of [spoiler=Support Spoilers]his raging guilt complex over not being able to save Corrin from being kidnapped.

    It's still stupid, but personally it wasn't enough for me to put him on the least favorite list, especially when compared to the stupidity of some other Conquest characters.

    Speaking of, I did forget someone from my list: Asugi. Asugi so much. I wasn't really expecting to dislike him so much given how much I like Gaius and I like Saizo (and I like Kagero, who ended up being his mother), but as someone said earlier in the thread, he's just a bratty jerk. And the parts of his personality that come from Gaius don't even add anything to his characterization.

  8. In a My Castle battle I tried out, I originally bought Replicate to give to Oboro, but my Avatar ended up taking it instead. Is there a way to give bought skills to a non-Avatar character, or do I have to grind through classes the old-fashioned way?

    Bought skills only work for corresponding characters in your army. For example, if you buy a skill that another castle's Avatar has, only your Avatar can use it.

  9. Anna is clearly displeased that we all have not purchased her earthly vessel's DLC, and she does not care that said DLC has not released yet.

    I really don't like the recruitment hoops you have to jump through for Yukimura, Izana, and Flora. Yukimura's not good enough to require waiting so long for the upgrade level needed for him to unlock, Izana's glory needs to be shared earlier, and locking one of the best Conquest characters personality and writing-wise behind such a system is just bad.

  10. Gameplay-wise:

    • Rinkah, because of her awful Strength growth. I'm all for a Fighter/Oni Savage who isn't fragile (Baaaaaarst!), but making her Strength growth so low really hampers her in the long run.
    • Kaze, because of his awful Strength growth in my game. I suppose he's fine in Conquest since he doesn't really have competition, but Saizo and Kagero both outclass him in Birthright.
    • Silas, because in both Birthright and Conquest his growths have been really inconstant for me.
    • Azura, because her growths are both baffling and bad even by Dancer and Dancer-esque standards. She has awful Defense and HP growth, but for some reason also has weirdly high Strength? She hasn't gained a single point of HP in 20-some levels, game, I'm not using her on the front lines.


    • Jakob. There's a fine line between being snarky and being a jerk, and Jakob is firmly on the latter side for me.
    • Peri. I don't care how much the game tries to make her sympathetic or play her behavior for laughs/cuteness, she's still an unrepentant murderer.
    • Conquest Corrin and Azura, because Chapter 15/16 happened and otherwise they're inconsistently written and much dumber than they are in Birthright.
    • Similarly Xander, again because he's inconsistently written in both paths as someone who's noble and righteous but frequently does things that contradict this portrayal completely.
    • Yukimura. Not only is he bland and comes in too late to be useful or interesting in Birthright, but he's a waste of Paul Eiding.
    • Hans. In a route with three major bland villains, Hans is the blandest of the bland. He feels more like some bandit leader I killed early on in a previous Fire Emblem but given plot armor because Conquest.
  11. I actually asked how many magic weapons there were in the game in that other thread, only to get ignored...

    I've found at least three Flame Shruiken in my game. One was an enemy drop (from a Paralogue, I think?) and two are sitting in my lv. 3 Armory.

  12. Honestly it would have been better if we just killed her ourselves. Quicker and with less suffering.

    Plus it would have actually been meaningful if the player had to kill Crimson him/herself, and would have provided a better jumping off point for Corrin's "pretend to be an obedient soldier so you can get close to Garon in order to kill him" plan than the nonsense in Ch. 15/16. Or heck, have Corrin fake killing her, and then sending her off to Hoshido or something that didn't result in wasting a good character.

  13. I don't mind it either, because honestly anything they would (or could, for that matter) have told us is nowhere near as frightening as what some of our imaginations could come up with. I'm more annoyed with how they basically killed off a pretty great character just to reinforce that Hans is a one-note evil character and that Corrin is completely powerless to actually change anything in Nohr.

  14. What exactly are the perks of Merchant? I did it for her and am trying to for Keaton's kid (aka Holo as I will call her for RP). I honestly chose it as it sounded cool...

    Their first skill is basically Keaton's personal skill (Luck% chance per turn of finding a thing within the first seven turns) but with Gold Bars instead of Food/Minerals. They can then use those Gold Bars for their second skill, which gives them +10 damage inflicted and -10 damage if they spend a Gold Bar before entering a battle.

  15. Shigure is a beast as a Falcon Knight and I like Dwyer as a Strategist although even though he can use tomes, I can only equip Rat Spirit to him. Is that a level up issue? Or do certain characters only have the ability to use certain tomes??

    Dwyer's Tome rank starts at E when he promotes to Strategist, so he can only use Fire and Rat Spirit and some of the randomly found weapons right away.

    If I had to pick a favorite so far on Birthright, it'd probably be Shigure or Kiragi. I like their supports with their parents and the other kids so far, and they've both turned out pretty good. Out of the other kids: Kana, Midori and Selkie are adorable, I actually like Caeldori because she feels more down to earth than Cordelia did for me (even though I liked Cordelia), Shiro's pretty cool, Sophie is pretty much Cynthia who I didn't particularly like, Asugi being based on Gaius does nothing for him and feels tacked on, Mitama is basically Azama without the occasional funny moment that makes him bearable, Rhajat...exists, and Dwyer > Jakob because Dwyer isn't a huge jerk. I think that's everybody? EDIT: Nope, I forgot about Hisame. Mostly because even with the pickle thing I didn't find anything particularly memorable about him.

    Statwise, none of the kids has let me down so far, but I haven't finished catching them up to the rest of the army yet since I got them all before the point where you get the Child Seals.

  16. Seconding Chapter 16 of Project X Zone and Chapter 14 of Sword of Seals. Funny how they're both timed missions, in effect.

    For me, it's Chapter 11 of New Mystery of the Emblem. Between the desert restricting everyone but the squishiest of your army (and Palla and Catria), all of the items to find, those 12 move Wyvern jerks, the fact that the only Anti-Wyvern weaponry you have at this point are Excalibur and Bows, and the fact that IntSys taunts you with a Secret Shop that has Anti-Wyvern weapons but you can't reach without getting mauled, this is probably up there for "worst Fire Emblem level I've ever played."

  17. It was I think a Sorcerer... I completely disregarded the Defense debuff though. That should explain it now haha! Oops, that was a bad moment. x)

    Except even though it makes sense for the low Str, I wouldn't expect it to have that low of Str to make very little change to the damage (basically <1)...

    Generic Sorcerers have 0 Strength, since their base Strength is 0 and the Sorcerer class by itself has a 0% Strength growth. So yeah, Rend Heaven with physical weapons will do absolutely nothing to a lot of enemy magical classes (excepting classes like Dark Knight because they also use physical weapons and Strength bases/growth) because of their 0s in base and growth rate.

  18. What was the enemy, just out of curiosity? If it was something with low Strength, then that might explain why. Rend Heaven adds half the enemy's Strength or Magic to your attack depending on whether you're using a physical or magical weapon. If it was the same enemy you attacked with the Noble Yato, they would also be suffering from a Defense debuff, which might explain why it appeared that Noble Yato was actually getting the bonus damage while the Steel Shuriken wasn't between Noble Yato's higher Mt and Strength bonus.

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