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Everything posted by Liz

  1. you're gonna have to fight for the title!!!!!
  2. i do want to be Metal Rabbit BOFF!!!!!!! *gives MR a hug* *and sets on fire*
  3. BOFF? im not really familiar with these thingies
  4. SADNESS!!!!!! but really, put on a video. you play trumpet? i play saxophone
  5. declare yourself queen, everyone has done it already, even guys i will still be the queen/goddess anyways
  6. cool!!!! do you sing in the musica? can you put on a video? whats the musical called?
  7. i'm a heron/archsage/blacksmith who rides in a pegasus
  8. nailah and tibarn are both uber awesome!!!!! Kurthnaga and Naesala in second i don't really like caineghis
  9. i have the instant victory skill lol!!! i think galdrar and imbue....
  10. oh great. we can't even last the day without a fire
  11. i hope he doesn't overcook....
  12. unique, i would say and not necessarily in a good way.... lol!!!!
  13. are you putting this image on all the threads???
  14. hello emeraldfox!!!!! i would say something cooler, but then i haves peoples that say i steal their phrases.... have a great time in the forums!!!!!!
  15. i really wasn't going for neatness. it was just a doodle, and i liked it, so i posted it.... i'll try to color some of my better drawings, then i'll post them
  16. i will, i will probably post it sometime in the weekend, since i'm taking exams right now and i'm supposed to be studying (note the supposed)
  17. yeah, i played quest 64 too and i loved it!!!!!
  18. i was all sad in microeconomics because i was kinda bored during the lecture, so i began to doodle on this paper and ended up with this drawing forgive the sketchiness of the drawing, i was too lazy- i mean too busy, to edit it in any way enjoy!
  19. but i thought taht all of the continents except tellius were sunked to the ociean?
  20. you call being stalked by a woman who you don't even have the smallest crush "just friends"?
  21. i doubt it..... and am i the only one that thinks they are a cute couple? i actually hoped that they would end up together.... needless to say, i was sad when i found out ike just got himself lost somewhere
  22. never seen it before.... maybe its in a special ending...? i have barely started my second playthrough so i wouldn't know
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