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Silent Mercenary

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Posts posted by Silent Mercenary

  1. Spoiler

    I agree with Jeritza having strengths in Lance and Riding, and a weakness in Faith, but I'm not sure with everything else. He'd need a strength in at least one other weapon type, which could be swords, axes and/or brawling since those are his next highest stats, and complete him as a weapon master. I'd take axes out and give him bows to use the Tathlum Bow, with a Budding Talent in it like Mercedes if he joins early enough to develop and take advantage of it. A reason talent would also be fitting since the DK class will have skill bonuses on it, but he doesn't seem particularly interested in it. It'd also be a good candidate for a budding talent if he had bows as a strength and many instruct sessions left.

    Authority as a weakness is likely to give him another weakness to balance many (probably 5) strengths. His Charm is terrible and he's mostly been battalion-less, but there's an argument for Neutral since he's an imposing figure with C Authority and has led small groups of people before.

    Here's DK's HM stats from LoneRecon400's BL stat gallery.



    To sum up my ideas: Strengths in Swords, Lances, Gauntlets & Riding; Weaknesses in Faith & Authority; Budding Talent in Bows (if recruited around chapter 12); and Initial Goals of Swords & Lances. 

    For Anna, she'll probably have the Crest of Ernest (occasionally stops enemy counterattacks when using a weapon) if her clothes are any indication. I don't think this will be the gauntlet Anna (although that'd be great, specially if she brings a new class, but those seem set for next year), and we've had Sword, Bow and Axe playable Annas, so maybe this one is a playable Lance Anna to make use of the crest, with strengths in Reason/Faith too. She'd be geared towards becoming a Dark/Holy Knight. If she had to have a weakness, I'd throw Heavy Armor. 

  2. Characters that have a weakness in Faith are foreigners to Fódlan (Petra, Dedue, Cyril, Shamir), questioners of the Church/their teachings (Edelgard, Hubert, Dorothea*) or both (Claude). Hilda's probably there more for laziness (or be like the retainers?), and maybe that disrespects the goddess. To show units are bad at magic but still faithful to the church/religion, they just have a weakness in Reason (Ashe, Catherine, Alois, etc.).  

    Every house has someone with no weaknesses (Ferdinand, Ingrid, Leonie), one unit weak in swords (Bernadetta, Mercedes, Lysithea*), one unit weak in riding (Dorothea, Dedue, Raphael), 5 units with budding talents, and a main mage with Reason + Authority initial goals (Hubert, Annette, Lysithea). Ignatz is the only commoner with an Authority strength and not part of the 'Weapon + Authority initial goals' club that the main mages and lords are in. However, Golden Deer has 3 units with Authority strengths, and he's the one with the 3 rallies + A-rank Authority skill instead of Lysithea. 

  3. It could help to consider the associated Major Arcana of each crest. Here's my take on some.

    Gautier - it's probably a dragon that uses its limbs or tail to cause Earth Fissures, large cracks that open in the ground due to earthquakes, volcanoes or other disasters, which can cause the Death of those there and transform the landscape.

    Dominic - Crusher seems straightforward, but maybe The Empress alludes more to Edelgard's ruthlessness when it comes to the relic/crest dragon than the meanings which relate to Annette.

    Gloucester - Craft could allude to creating something after the introspection associated with The Hermit. It could be a dragon that creates magical things with its limbs or whose breath has medicinal properties.

    Goneril - Kalpa is the amount of time between creation and recreation of a world, a cyclical amount that one could relate to the Wheel of Fortune in shape and changes along the duration. Maybe the dragon can time travel or force that upon others until they change their ways (or just get them out of their lair).

    Chevalier - I find it a bit interesting that a Snow Dragon represents a crest that looks like The Sun. Maybe there's a new tomorrow once the snow melts.

  4. Ok, this is a pretty long list I had on my run sheet. I took the descriptions from a datamine near release and tried to match them with the students' goal suggestions I've seen on my file or ones I've seen online. If there's any errors, feel free to mention. The order is lords, BE, BL, GD, Flayn and Cyril. Marianne seems to have 4 suggestions and everyone has at least 2 suggestions.


    Lords    Lead Like a Lord    Focus on sword and authority skills to excel as a Lord.
    Edelgard    Strong in Heavy Armor    Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a heavy armor class.
    Dimitri    His Father's Footsteps    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Claude    Rite of Passage    Focus on axe and flying skills to excel as a Wyvern Rider.
    Hubert    The Hands-Off Approach    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a magic class.
    Hubert    Immediate Aid    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Hubert    Lethal Efficiency    Focus on the bow skill to excel as a Sniper.
    Ferdinand    A Noble Cause    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Ferdinand    Great Aspirations    Focus on riding and heavy armor skills to excel as a Great Knight.
    Ferdinand    Not to be Outdone    Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a heavy armor class.
    Linhardt    A Bishop Here to Help    Focus on the faith skill to excel as a Bishop.
    Linhardt    A Reasonable Distance    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a magic class.
    Caspar    Blasting Through the Battlefield    Focus on the axe skill to excel as a Warrior.
    Caspar    Bare Knuckle Brawler    Focus on the brawling skill to excel as a Grappler.
    Caspar    Split Decision    Focus on axe and brawling skills to excel as a War Master.
    Bernadetta    Sniping Out of Sight    Focus on the bow skill to excel as a Sniper.
    Bernadetta    A Quick Getaway    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Dorothea    Locking Down the Magic    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a Warlock.
    Dorothea    Faith in You    Focus on the faith skill to excel as a Priest or Bishop.
    Dorothea    A Graceful Blade    Focus on the sword skill to excel as a sword fighting class.
    Petra    Thief with a Heart of Gold    Focus on sword and bow skills to excel as a Thief or Assassin.
    Petra    Taming Unfamiliar Beasts    Focus on axe and flying skills to excel as a Wyvern Rider.
    Dedue    His Highness's Shield    Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a heavy armor class.
    Dedue    His Highness's Strength    Focus on the brawling skill to excel as a Grappler.
    Felix    Becoming a Master    Focus on the sword skill to excel as a Swordmaster.
    Felix    A Reasonable Advantage    Focus on sword and reason skills to excel as a Mortal Savant.
    Felix    Aiming for Perfection    Focus on the bow skill to excel as a Sniper.
    Ashe    Threatening from a Distance    Focus on the bow skill to excel as a Sniper.
    Ashe    Strength from Above    Focus on axe and flying skills to excel as a Wyvern Rider.
    Ashe    Required to Ride    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Sylvain    Man of the People    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Sylvain    Protector of the People    Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a Great Knight.
    Sylvain    A Change of Pace    Focus on reason and faith skills to excel as a magic class.
    Mercedes    Protection for Everyone    Focus on the faith skill to excel as a Bishop.
    Mercedes    Strength Without the Sweat    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a Warlock.
    Annette    A Reasonable Passion    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a Warlock.
    Annette    Full of Surprises    Focus on the axe skill to excel as a Warrior.
    Ingrid    Vying for Versatility    Focus on lance and flying skills to excel as a Pegasus Knight.
    Ingrid    Back to Basics    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Ingrid    A Refined Knight    Focus on the sword skill to excel as a sword fighting class.
    Lorenz    A Noble's Duty    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a riding class.
    Lorenz    The Ideal Role    Focus on reason and riding skills to excel as a Dark Knight.
    Raphael    Master of Muscles    Focus on axe and brawling skills to excel as a War Master.
    Raphael    The Biggest on the Battlefield    Focus on axe and heavy armor skills to excel as a heavy armor class.
    Raphael    Hulking Hero    Focus on sword and axe skills to excel as a Hero.
    Ignatz    Line of Sight    Focus on the bow skill to excel as a Sniper.
    Ignatz    Moving Unseen    Focus on sword and bow skills to excel as a Thief or Assassin.
    Ignatz    Might and Magic    Focus on sword and reason skills to excel as a Mortal Savant.
    Lysithea    Suited for Sorcery    Focus on the reason skill to excel as a Warlock.
    Lysithea    Putting Faith in Reason    Focus on reason and faith skills to excel as a Gremory.
    Marianne    Praying for Guidance    Focus on the faith skill to excel as a Bishop.
    Marianne    Heroic on a Horse    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Marianne    Prancing and Praying    Focus on faith and riding skills to excel as a Holy Knight.
    Marianne    Friend of the Animals    Focus on lance and flying skills to excel as a flying class.
    Hilda    Stick to What You Know    Focus on the axe skill to excel as a Warrior.
    Hilda    A Strong Steed    Focus on axe and flying skills to excel as a flying class.
    Leonie    Just Like Jeralt    Focus on lance and riding skills to excel as a cavalry class.
    Leonie    Bow on the Go    Focus on bow and riding skills to excel as a Bow Knight.
    Flayn    A Passion to Heal    Focus on the faith skill to excel as a Bishop.
    Flayn    A Passion to Protect    Focus on reason and faith skills to excel as a Gremory.
    Cyril    Flying Toward Foes    Focus on axe and flying skills to excel as a Wyvern Rider.
    Cyril    Harrier on High    Focus on bow and riding skills to excel as a Bow Knight.

    Edit: Fixed "A Graceful Blade" for Dorothea.

  5. Thanks for sharing this here. I used to think it was level + a personal coefficient that was added to the certification rate, but it passed my mind that it was based on Luck, which explains why my Lorenz and Flayn had the worst pass rates.

    This means if you want to reach 30% on a beginner class or an intermediate class with E rank on the necessary skill or move-type (with C in the other skill) respectively, the unit needs 20+ Luck. It's useful if you want to try and get a Beginner class, Cavalier, Pegasus Knight or Armor Knight without training for it. [Edit: it's impossible to get 30% on Mage/Priest with less than D Reason/Faith unless a DLC character's max Luck is 100. This confirms my speculation that you can't cheat to get class spells and are forced to get the personal basic ones first.]

    Is there any info if the random numbers for pass rates are decided on the New Chapter save files (the ones that start with Jeralt's month descriptions)? I know conversations and the week's travelers are decided sometime after loading those, but I haven't tested for certifications. I assume it's pre-rolled RNs for all possible certifications like with adjutant level ups (since you may change the results by reclassing), which is why gaining Luck/skill levels may give you the pass.

  6. There are a lot of great ideas in this thread. I agree with most of them. My main 3 suggestions would be:

    6 hours ago, Etheus said:

    1. Move Hero to Master, add Axefaire, and increase movement to 6. Also increase growth rates and add a Sword combat art as a reward. Increase axe req to A.

    1) The above + remove gender restrictions. They could even name the combat art Solar Strike and make it Wrath Strike + 30% heal - 1 might; just give Heroes something aside Vantage not taking up a slot. Let Petra be a Hero.

    2) Add move-type skill levels to seminars, but with less scaling. The protagonist would no longer be forced to Faculty Train ~4 times (or be lucky with low chance pass rates) to try the related classes, and it would speed up the certifications for other characters as well. The lower scaling would be to avoid instant bumps to high levels once the instructors are recruited and trained.

    3) Invert the Spd (growth/modifier) bonuses in Wyvern Lord and the Str bonuses in Falcon Knight, and adjust Bow Knight's Spd modifier to -1(-2 while mounted).

    Some other runner-up ideas I'd like are:

    •add Wary Fighter to Fortress Knight as a class skill

    •adjust the move of the other final infantry classes to 6

    •remove the gender locks or create substitutes with the same skills/slightly rearranged growths (like Sage as male Gremory sub)

    •give the Monk class Ember (5 use weaker Fire) and Remedy (3 use, heal 5 + Mag/4) class skills

    •Felix learns some extra Reason spells like Sagittae & Cutting Gale

    •Hubert, Mercedes and Hanneman learn a magic bow combat art

    •Recover becomes 1-3 range

    •Snipers master Fistbreaker (mostly just to get it somewhere)

  7. The Ingrid/Dorothea paralogue (Rumored Nuptials) appeared for me with only Dorothea recruited, but I did it after I recruited Ingrid and got both rewards. My Byleth had B supports with both of them and they had a C support with each other, but not sure if supports affect this paralogue. Having the character as mission assistant does not affect the appearance of the paralogue (ex: Sylvain is my current assistant and his paralogue doesn't appear with Byleth/Sylvain C support), although I'm unsure if the final rewards will for cases like Rumored Nuptials.

    For the Hanneman/Manuela paralogue, Oil and Water, it wasn't around when entering month 11 with both having C supports with Byleth, but it appeared after I recruited them. I forgot to check if it popped up after recruiting only 1 of them.

    For the google sheet, it might be worth adding another column for other notable rewards from chests and drops, like the Knowledge Gem for Tales of the Red Canyon, or the Healing Staff and Prayer Ring in Rumored Nuptials. Supports being unlocked post-paralogue could be included somewhere too, like the Ashe/Catherine supports and Ashe/Felix B being unlocked after doing Falling Short of Heaven. (Minor mistake in the sheet: Tales of the Red Canyon expires on 1/25 & Dividing the World is until 5/24 (post-timeskip).)


    2 hours ago, kremelover said:

    I just found out, monk does NOT give magic growth!  It probably just gives early spells, so now I am not sure which beginner class to make BE Byleth... 

    Myrmidons learn Swap/Spd+2, Soldiers learn Reposition/Def+2, Fighters learn Shove/Str+2, and Monks learn Draw Back/Mag+2, which could be something to consider if you like certain movement skills (although their effects aren't as important as in Heroes). Each class also grants a bonus to their focus weapon exp, which is their main draw to help gain weapon skills and ace certifications. It's small things to consider, and I think I'll first be in classes focusing on skill levels needed to recruit characters I like.

    My Byleth is going Soldier>Cavalier to speed up the recruitment of Ashe/Petra and gain Reposition/Desperation along the way. There are the likely paths for my first GD run:


    Byleth (male) - Soldier > Cavalier/Mercenary > Hero/Swordmaster > Enlightened One


    Claude - Fighter > Lord/Archer > Wyvern Master > Barbarossa

    Hilda - Fighter > Armored Knight/Cavalier > Fortress/Paladin > Great Knight

    Ignatz - Myrmidon > Thief/Mage > Assassin/Warlock > Mortal Savant/Bow Knight

    Leonie - Fighter > Archer/Cavalier > Sniper/Paladin > Bow Knight

    Lorenz - Monk > Mage/Dark Mage > Dark Bishop > Dark Knight

    Lysithea - Monk > Mage/Priest > Bishop > Gremory

    Marianne - Soldier > Pegasus Knight/Cavalier > Paladin > Holy Knight/Falcon Knight 

    Raphael - Fighter > Brawler/Brigand > Grappler > War Master


    Ashe - Fighter > Brigand/Archer > Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord

    Bernadetta -  Fighter > Archer/Cavalier > Sniper/Paladin > Bow Knight

    Dorothea - Monk > Mage/Mercenary > Bishop/Swordmaster > Mortal Savant + Dancer

    Felix - Myrmidon > Mercenary/Mage > Swordmaster/Warlock > Mortal Savant

    Petra - Soldier > Pegasus Knight/Thief > Swordmaster > Falcon Knight


    Alois (War Master), Catherine (Mortal Savant), Cyril (Bow Knight), Flayn (Gremory/Falcon Knight), Hanneman (Dark Knight), Manuela (Holy Knight/Falcon Knight), Seteth (Wyvern Lord) and Shamir (Bow Knight)


  9. I think they'll reuse most assets for the next Switch title, but improve some of the textures and details. The focus on a home base for getting to know other characters and getting stat/rank bonuses will probably keep returning. An FE4 remake could give you the choice to split a chapter once a certain objective is achieved and have a mid-chapter save option where you return part of your allies to the castle to keep training/building supports. For FE5/6, the home base could be a moving tent city that expands as the game progresses. Battalions, gambits, chapter-limited spells, calendars, and other new features will return depending on player feedback and if the context is appropriate (likely not in an FE5 remake), which is hard to say until more people get to play FE3H.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Kiran said:

    +Spd because Olivia shouldn't be attacking that often and her main goal is to survive. That boon will help a lot in preventing doubles. People also like giving her fury for that extra bulk. Swordbreaker and Ruby Sword are also recommended as they help her be able to tackle two colors if she ever needs to go on the offense. 

    Thanks, I'll be getting her those skills then. Since I don't have a lot of Moonbow/Luna and those will go to my main fighters, I'm thinking of completing with Escutcheon or Sacred Cowl.

  11. I have been mainly running Takumi+Olivia+Lissa+Bonus Unit build for the past few weeks that has been very helpful and has easily gotten me past 4200 points if I don't rush it (4500+ with the new changes). My Olivia is 3 star/lv 40 and I plan to make one into 4 or even 5 star to get a slightly higher rating. I currently have 3 Olivia builds available: +Spd/-HP, +Atk/-Def and the free neutral. Which should I focus on and what skills are recommended? I want to keep Hone Atk on her since it makes a big difference often.

  12. Low-spender here. I currently have five 5* (3 reds [Young Tiki, Lucina, Leo], 2 archers [Takumi, Jeorge]) out of 105. Takumi was from the 5th reroll of the 1st day I think; I got 5* Hawkeye on my 1st real summon. Not the best or worst luck, but could use some nice 5* blues and greens.

  13. I've been keeping tabs and out of my 75 pulls/15 batches, I've obtained:

    4 5-stars.(3 focus [1 colorless, 2 red], 1 non-focus [1 red]) [5.3%]

    17 4-stars [22.7%]

    The results get skewed by 3 unlucky batches of just 3-stars [20% of my batches -_-]. I stick to a focus until I get 5-stars which helped out a bit, but I may skip out on doing more of the Sibling Bonds focus after 2 eh batches.

  14. On 2/7/2017 at 2:14 AM, Silent Mercenary said:

    Anyone have an idea on the formula for Rehabilitate (from Lissa and Wrys)? Its effect is: "Restores 7 HP or more the further below 50% the target's HP is. Slows Special Trigger (cooldown count+1)." Anything below 20% HP (for my units which mostly have HP around 20~25 at the moment) has been a full heal so far, while something like 45% HP adds around 2 health.

    I just answered my own question by compiling some data. Posting in case someone wants to have it in mind or put it in the site.

    The formula for Rehabilitate below 50% HP is: 7 + [2 x (MaxHP/2 - CurrentHP)]


    HP/Max %HP Heals for X (7+Extra) Difference from Half Max HP
    12/26 46.15% Heals 9 (7+2) 13-12=1
    12/28 45.86% Heals 11 (7+4) 14-12=2
    9/25 36.00% Heals 14 (7+7) 12.5-9=3.5
    9/26 34.62% Heals 15 (7+8) 13-9=4
    8/26 30.77% Heals 17 (7+10) 13-8=5
    7/24 29.17% Heals 17 (7+10)* 12-7=5
    7/25 28.00% Heals 18 (7+11)* 12.5-7=5.5
    4/22 18.18% Heals 21 (7+14)* 11-4=7


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