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Everything posted by デッド

  1. http://img06.deviantart.net/6c49/i/2014/128/3/1/ravio_by_npc_dion-d6vrjsf.png Giygas
  2. Anyone got apitude on Flora, Asgui, or Fuga? Or some good skills for Takumi?
  3. Errr.........hi?

  4. I'm not used to pairing up characters to have children, so I need some help. I want the children be at their full potential. I already pair my avatar with Scarlet and Kaze with Azura. Help?
  5. Anyone got apitude for yukimaura or Fuga?
  6. I'm planning to get a powersave on friday due to many hackers on PvP. But they do work with digital copys of games? Just curious.
  7. Due to the fake Gilvasunner being terminated, I'm reuploading his videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCESvLsrJr6miTm6LPRXTVrg?nohtml5=False
  8. What's your favorite Fire Emblem character and opinion on feminism? Just curious
  9. This wasn't about me leaving, I just wanted end my trolling and apologize. I'm going to be here for a long time.
  10. Witch, mostly for it's Warp ablity
  11. First of all, I didn't know if I should post it somewhere else, since Serious Discussion rules says that "Serious Discussion isn't your personal soap-box to come to for validation, do not hope nor expect to "preach to the choir." And General discussion seems to a 2.0 help thread with other forum that are a bunch of long threads. Secondly, I just want to explain for my trolling. You see, when I get upset or frustrated, I troll people to make myself feel better. But reading your comments realize it was wrong, as I was going closer to a permaban. I really don't want to get permabanned, as I'm banned from the places I love to go to. (Smashboards, KH13, Gamefaqs, 40% of reddit, Nintendo life, etc.) (But trolling to calm me down could explain my disorder) Thirdly, I want to apologize. I see how my actions caused some annoyance to many users, I want to say sorry about that. I'm not great at jokes, and my tastes for hilarity are strange compared to others. I want to say sorry for this and hope we can move on from this thing and continue what you users been doing before I came here.
  12. Gilvasunner upload so fast because the channel is runned by many people. (Like Triple Q, Botanic Sage, etc.) Just click on the channels tab. It shows that people who upload videos on there.
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