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Everything posted by デッド

  1. Favorite soda? Probably Shadow the heghog for GC.
  2. Mother 3 for the Nintendo 64 was almost completed by 60% before Nintendo decided to cancel the game development because of the Nintendo Gamecube. It was really stupid, as millions of fans made a petition to prevent Nintendo from doing that. But Nintendo didn't listen.
  3. I would say the GBA titles, as they have the most fluid sprite animation I seen in a while.
  4. Every day we stray farther from God's light.
  5. But I didn't started this mess. Plus, my thread actually had effort put into it.
  6. We more of these threads.
  7. This fad should continue forever on here.
  8. Anyone got rend heaven and luna on Yukimura, Scarlet, and Izana?
  9. No.....It can't be goodbye. It simply can't. It shouldn't. Goodbye shouldn't be a thing on here, or simply anywhere. Goodbyes cause hurt, and pain. It causes people to lose hope, and feelings. And feelings is what keeps us as humans. Without it, we're empty husks with no heart. So we must not say goodbye, so we can be happy and remember the good memories we shared.
  10. God is dead and we killed him by making this thread
  11. Anyone got rend heaven and luna on Yukimura, Scarlet, and Izana?
  12. Vaike. He can't double anything and his other stats besides Strength sucks. But I love his personality and portrait.
  13. It's technically legal if Link eats it outside of Hyrule.
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