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Everything posted by Kysafen

  1. Oh then the custom sprite's name is "Ismaire" then, right? *goes off renaming*
  2. Okay, I fixed it. Thanks, shadow! Also, I updated the download.
  3. 1. I'm terrible at MAKING sprites (or I haven't really tried but I have a feeling I'll suck at it anyway lolz) 2. Someone else already did it (I think the Blind Archer made the sprite and Blazer used it in Tactics Universe): But if you have another Halberdier sheet that you made (or you're using with the spriter's permission) and you want me to fit the frames together and write you a script, THAT I can do. ALSO ALSO ALSO: I added Ryu's frames and script as attachments to my first post.
  4. If anyone could rename this thread to "Kysafen's 'custom' Animations, that'd be dandy, because no longer is it just Alm that I inserted: Anyone here play Breath of Fire 2? Yeah, freaking rocked, didn't it?
  5. Knowing Hiragana and Katakana, this patch is pretty useless to me. But having that said, you're awesome for releasing it for those that can't read the Japanese alphabet (and anything else on the character stat sheets).
  6. If by "disappearing" you mean "blank sprite," then just make a frame with nothing but your transparent color. Otherwise, I really don't know. Sorry.
  7. I was actually thinking of FE6 should I have the drive to do so, but I guess I don't need to worry about that now, lol.But yeah, you're the best for doing this. I hope you keep up the good work, and good call on adding in Shaver and Dulam, by the way.
  8. ...if this is the right place, then YAAAAAYYY!!!!1 If not, feel free to lock this topic/bite my kneecaps off. After two years, I finally wasted enough time to made a custom (if you could call this truly "custom," then you're not cynical enough to be here) animation. Since I was too lazy to make another, entirely new sprite, I just used Alm's sprite from Gaiden, plus I did a bit of futzing around with the sprite here, and there, blurring, etc., etc., and ended up with this: Oh and out of curiosity, is this the first sprite that actually utilizes an animated standing pose? A big thanks to Francisco Scaramanga for his script template and clear tutorial but not an editor to do them in, and X/Z/7eld for his awesome editor but not for any clear tutorials. Without you two, I wouldn't have wasted 3 hours that I should've used to study for college. Just let me know if any of you guys would want to use it (despite it lacking shadows and it being pretty f*cking sub-par in general). Alm.zip Ryu.zip
  9. P.S. Is this the correct way to respond to someone who posted in your profile or should I post in my profile to respond? I'm new here, so I'd like to make sure I'm responding correctly in the future.

  10. It was made at least a year ago, back when I actually yearned to make an FE hack, but now I'm either too lazy or busy now. It'd be interesting, though, to see how every chapter 1 of every Fire Emblem made would look on the GBA palette. Which leads to how impressed I am with Fire Emblem 4 Advance's progress. But I digress.

  11. To answer the comment you made in my profile, yes, it's map 1 of Fire Emblem Gaiden, or rather, it's supposed to be. I used the FE6 map palette and Mappy (or some other hacking tool) to make it. And again, it's so unprofessional; I really didn't do a good job with scaling so the map isn't precisely recreated, the wood flooring is out of place, and Christ, look at that wall n...

  12. I'm ripping them during gameplay. Don't you need a cleared save file to access the sound room? If so, then that's not for a WAYS off for me; if you feel like giving the track #s for the songs I upload, feel free to post them here or in the video comments. Thanks, it'd be a great help.
  13. I edited the description for Powerful Enemy. I'll try to play through to get to those tracks, but that won't be for a while. And by "Victory is Ours" I'm pretty darn sure it's the map music that plays with no enemies left.
  14. I haven't heard it yet, but any remixes of the original compositions I've heard so far in Shin have been disappointing so far. Now the original compositions are pretty good, but I can't emphasize enough how much "Victory is Ours!" is outdone by its SNES counterpart.
  15. That, and seeing any allies you encountered lightens the mood of the game, as if to say "all right, we're back and ready!", which makes it more entertaining as a game to me. Also keep in mind that you get Allen AND Samson in Book 2 despite Marth encountering only one of the two in Book 1.
  16. Well, I might as well make my first post here a semi-interesting one: Prologue 1: Prologue 2: Create a Character: Prologue 3: Powerful Enemy: Misc. pre-battle music: Victory is Ours!: Main Player Phase 1: Yep, if you saw these earlier and if you're wondering, then yes, I ripped these tracks. I might compile this music into a download, if you guys want me to. I mean, it really wouldn't be that hard to do. (P.S. if you guys want to use http://serenesforest...showtopic=20980 as your "official" music thread, feel free to rename this thread)
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