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Posts posted by Kysafen

  1. We've already talked about this. In that case, why don't we consider FE7's final chapter as a whole as the final boss? It's not intuitive, though, to think of the final boss as the plurality of the fire dragon, Nergal, and the Morphs. What seems intuitive is that the fire dragon alone is the final boss. I've never heard anyone say that the plurality fire dragon + Nergal + the Morphs is the final boss.

    Better yet, why don't we consider FE9's final chapter as the final boss, so that Ashnard + all the random Daein soldiers is the final boss? Sounds silly. It seems intuitive to think of Ashnard alone as the final boss.

    It's impossible to define the necessary and sufficient conditions for a final boss battle if you don't restrict it to that one final boss enemy. So we should just say that Veld alone is the final boss of FE5, and so on.

    Narrowing the definition of a final boss down to just one enemy unit makes for a boring final boss. Medeus/Julius/Fire Dragon/Fomortiis: Whittle down boss HP, heal with Physic/rescue-heal-re-drop, rinse, repeat until win. Veld: Use Sety/Galzus/Thief Staff. At least Grima constantly flings units at you so that you're pressured to keep them at bay with your other units (as opposed to having them stand and watch, in other final boss battles), so that you can actually focus, but again, the other units don't matter, the final boss does.

    And maybe that's a fundamental thing, but I'd rather have an antithesis to this.

    That's not to mention that, because the final chapter is over when you beat the boss, killing the boss fast is akin to beating the entire chapter. One-rounding Ashnard ends the entire fight after all. No need to fight anything else.

    Veld/Julius say "hi."

    But that'd be pretty interesting as a concept, wouldn't it? What if, in the context of the story, you had a "final boss" that'd be standing over a NECESSARY switch that'd reveal a section of the chapter where you'd have to have a unit "Arrive" on a space to end the chapter; and probably have it surrounded by overpowered enemies, so that the final boss would actually not be the final obstacle.

  2. My philosophy is that, for a game whose genre is "strategy," the final boss isn't the unit that you kill on the final chapter, but the final chapter itself.

    What's worse is being able to capture the final boss like some hostage. Like in FE5. Lol.

    FE5 is a strategy game. If you instead consider the entire chapter itself is the final "boss," then you could easily argue that Thracia 776 has the best "final boss" of the series thus far, because you actually have to strategize, not just for what units and weapons you bring, but as an accumulation of the resources you've conserved thus far. Hope you saved your Blizzard/Sleep/Berserk/Silence tomes and Holy Water, because you'll need to take out Elf somehow.

    Devising a strategy to overcome the chapter through use of unconventional tactics should be the challenge of designing and playing a strategy game, not "you beat the enemy because you're stronger."

  3. Minerva confirmed for being related to Julius and house Velthomer.

    Oh look, Machis died. And nothing of value was lost.

    I decree that no Nintendo museum will ever have a Fire Emblem section without a MINIMUM 6' painting of that Medeus picture and mounted on a custom frame with all the FE1/3/11/12 cast on it. MY WILL BE DONE.

  4. If you're planning on really doing this, it might be better to re-mix both of them from some MIDI sequences so that there's more consistency with the mixing. I found a MIDI of Purpose a while back. There's tons of Shaman in the Dark MIDIs floating around so they shouldn't be too hard to find. Hope this helps.

    If I'd "really" do this, I'd fundamentally shift a LOT of stuff about the entire chapter:

    1. Shift the music into Awakening's "2 music phases" mode, for battle and map music.

    2. Gradually change the music to become more and more terrifying and increase percussion as your units get closer and closer to Idoun.

    3. Make the entire chapter a fog of war chapter where you'd discover the locked doors and kill the bishops with the Physic staves to unlock the next chamber, and disable using the warp/torch staves/make the locked off sections closed-room so that you can't just warp to Idoun and just kill her, all whilst having Fire Dragons spawn and come after you.

    3a. And when you eventually reveal her by going in range, a huge orchestral fortissimo that illustrates Idenn's grandeur and terror. That'd be especially nice if first-time players discover her in the darkness by running into her. ;)

    4. As her HP decreases, approach a crescendo. Include the timpani and other percussion in more frequent beats. Not only would this emphasize her growing desperation in the form of her skills that increase her stats as her HP decreases and pressures the player into not making any wrong moves, but leads up to your final choice of whether to kill her or not.

    4a. On the final blow, if you decide to kill her, then it reaches into a full crescendo of despair, of a terrible fate, of finality, of the terror of death, alone in the dark... Fortissimo. Tolling bell. Silence. As if to tell the player: "you fucked up." Like the wrong answer fanfare of the million dollar question on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"

    4b. If you defeat Idenn with the Binding Blade, then a crescendo, then, a single note, removing the minor chords. It musically represents Idenn's reset to zero, and in the epilogue to come, that note begins to gradually develop Major chords, to show that not only is the continent recovering, but Idenn is as well.

    4aa. After the credits of the "killed Idoun" ending, instead of cutting to the Character endings, reveal that slaying Idenn caused her quintessence to run rampant and uncontrolled, and reanimate all those who had died in the war, causing the vulnerable and war-torn continent to disintegrate all of society and spiral into oblivion, thus "Sealing" the fate of the continent.

  5. I occasionally mash up music. Found this "mashup" of Grima/Shaman in the Dark (and you'll see why I quoted the word 'mashup' if you'd give it a listen). Curiosity piqued, inspiration struck, Audacity started up, and half-assed time/pitch/tempo manipulation began. The following is really not meant to be anything resembling a finished product, but rather the result of my ever-passing curiosity.

    When you think about it, Shaman in the Dark really doesn't make much of a good theme for where it was. Yes, it conveyed Idoun's despair and terror quite nicely, but beyond that, there's really not much of anything else.

    The battle of Idoun was definitively meant to put a cap on the Elibe saga, a clash that not only puts the point of the entire Movement of Bern to a head, but also shows the no-doubt heavy choice of whether Roy, the Masterlord, the Champion of Elibe, would slay or spare Idenn. I would say incorporating I~Purpose's chorus here certainly conveys the "bringing the heart of the conflict to a head" aspect, but whether or not it emphasizes your final choice in your playthrough, I leave up to you guys.


  6. It actually looks like Yeti added frames and edited pre-existing ones to make the whole animation look better and flower smoother.

    Not really.

    But if you take a look at the Berserker's critical hit animation, you'll notice the extra frames.

    Now if only we could add more frames to the cavaliers.

  7. W3iXWoV.jpg

    Fae: F-Fae wants to get oOoooOoOooOoofffffff!! D'X

    Nowi: Hyahhh! Faster, faster!! \(^v^)

    Myrrh: Huh. This horse is indeed going fast. I'd be worried about our safety, if I had anything resembling emotions or a personality.

    Tiki: Being on a horse running wild and recklessly? Well, it's slightly better than being cramped and alone in that temple for hundreds of years.


  8. I realise this thread is a joke, but there is a distinct possibility that the manufactured war dragons FE6 were significantly smaller than a real dragon, which the FE7 is supposed to be iirc?

    (everyone in fe7 is just 10 times smaller than the cast in fe6. the dragons are the same.)

    it was probably quite strong for a regular dragon.

    Yahn sez hi.

    Also, can I take the opportunity to point out that Yuka Tsujiyoko is awesome for deliberately making one of the melodic lines FE7's dragon fight theme a callback to Yahn's theme?

  9. Better level design and enemy placement that demands position-holding tactics:


    Maria here is NPC, enemy Armors are stationary (with the exception of the southwest guards), Southwest guards immediately come at you, northwest guards only come at you once you enter the reinforcement area. Thief exits at stairs after all treasures taken. Maria's position remains the same. The Archer with the longbow is also stationary, so as to obviously not have it kill Maria before the thief can.

    Strategy: enter the fort, stall the soldiers in the southwest with cavaliers/Draug/Roger, take out the armor knights with a mage/hammer/armorslayer, and the mages out with a myrmidon/Mercenary. Block the entrance to the fort with an armor knight, and get rid of the Soldiers throwing Javelins at you. Transition fighting the platoon outside to using stall tactics, retreating into the fort to eventually make it out the other side. If you deploy Draug AND Roger, use one of them to take the hits from the archers and the other to stall the cavaliers coming from behind. Be sure to take out the myrmidons armed with armorslayers before you proceed with your Armors. The thief will have picked the chest by turn 7/8, so kill it before it does Maria in. You'll need the armors to handle the hits from the ballista and the low-strength pegasi as you make your approach to the capture point, and Minerva will come after you as soon as you enter ANY of the reinforcement area triggers. Her AI will obviously go for Maria if she's recruited, or she will go after the boss if Maria winds up dead.

    See? With this, I've

    -Turned an easy thief kill/chest loot into a race to save Maria

    -Incentivized using Armors to take the hits from the fights against the outside soldiers, the soldiers/archers inside, and the pegasus knights/ballista in the northwest.

    Obviously this isn't a perfect setup for chapter 10 (constructive criticism and suggestions appreciated), but at least this is a start.

  10. Shin Megami Tensei II is a work of art. You have got fine taste, my good friend.

    Heard you can become BFFs forever with Lucifer and kill God as the final boss. Had to see what it was all about.

    Can you imagine what would happen if this released in the States, against all censorship standards? Forget about people talking about Harry Potter being "an enemy of God," forget about Pokemon being about "summoning devils," you literally make friends with and summon demons, and Lucifer, who'll help you eventually kill God. That is amazing.

    I really wish this released in the States at the time. I really do.

  11. Yesterday:

    *starts up SMT 2*

    2 minutes in...

    -Huh. Guess I'm getting straight into the fray here...

    -The fuck is this moon phase thing?

    3 minutes in...

    -Ugh, I'm never going to get used to this first person perspective thing, running through the halls in Persona 3/4 was so much better...

    -I can't buy anything? What's that, armor guy? 1000 to pay back? Does that mean I have to save up, or...?

    -This "world map" looks boring.

    -Yeah, time to talk to monsters and recruit them! Wait... what? What the fuck?

    9 minutes in...

    -Oh shit, is that wheelchair guy like Barubary, in that he's gonna fuck me big-time after I follow him into his corner?

    -Oh. Huh. Guess he isn't. Cool, does that mean I can recruit/summon demons now?

    -Sweet, I guess it does!

    -But not in the virtual trainer. :(

    13 minutes in...

    -Huh. I get to name a guy. I'd better call him something that sounds easy to say, something that could capture something that could be good or evil, yet immensely so. Hell, after all, what would the point of this scene be if whoever's in that glass tank wasn't a major player in the game?

    -Well, that's one way to start a virtual trainer...
    -What the fuck?! I decide to walk all the way to this trainer in a different building only to get my ASS handed to me by a goddamn spider. Know what? Fuck it, I'll go recruit some minions!

    -Aaaaand I died.

    16 minutes in...

    -Guess it's back to the stupid old man and go train.

    30 minutes in...

    -Level 10 is probably too much. I'll try going back to that simulator across the town.

    32 minutes in...

    -FUCK YOU SPIDERS-*dies*

    35 minutes in...

    -Huh. Turns out the place you live in is actually useful. Who would've thought the virtual trainers I needed to go to first would be in here?

    -Oh yeah, now we're kicking ass.

    50 minutes in..

    -Oh, so THAT'S what that meter means when it goes from blue-green to red-orange! Might as well grind outside, since it's free...

    1:03 minutes in...

    -I am loaded, and I have a knocker and a pixie.

    -Sweet, I get swag when I talk to demons whose type already joined me!

    --Crap, gotta keep them healthy, otherwise they'll just attack me if I talk to them...

    -So the church heals you. Sweet.

    -Fuck you undead dog, you're never joining me no matter how hard I try to.

    -Time to try the trainers across the town...

    -Stupid old man, you fucking gambled, lost it all, and relied on a homeless guy to financially save your ass? Feeding me doesn't make you any less of a loser.

    1:12 minutes in...

    -*faces Virus Spider*

    -I think I might stand a chance against Red Bear, might as well go back, for the hell of it...

    1:18 minutes in...

    -Oh snap, Kaiser Armor? Yep, victory assured.

    -Aw, I couldn't spare Red Bear? Really? :( He just wanted to be in the Center...

    1:25 minutes in...

    -Oh, so we're living in that new gym, then? Is that other guy living in the gym I used to live in? Oh... he is. Dang. Feel bad for the guy. Kind of killed his pride and joy in uncivilized bloodsport and he loses everything.

    1:33 minutes in...

    -Well, might as well try fusing, and HOLY SHIT. Did I just see those demons melt in acid to form a new demon in a Satanic ritual? I did this? BEST RPG EVER.

  12. If you mean the mapping program and not FEXNA (Which I'm tired of saying "idk" about after the last 800 times I've been asked), I'd say within a couple weeks, actually. We're doing bugtesting right now and if I had to guess, I'd say within a few days wouldn't be too far off the mark either, but giving it a couple weeks is a better estimate in case of additional features being added.

    Damn it Klok hurry up so I can make Shining Force map remakes

  13. "Balance" in single player game...

    As in, deciding to use prepromotes vs promoted, or whether to use the numerous same types of units you get vs. others, based on their personal growths unit really doesn't hit into his/her prime until the promoted growths.

    For instance, consider lowering Draug's base DEF, raising his DEF/Strength growths, and for Roger to have slightly lower base/growth DEF, but give him better speed growths and a better strength base. Then I'd boost the DEF growth and lower the Speed growth of Generals. See? You could use Draug as someone that'd max out DEF early onward, but wouldn't have very good speed room to grow when promoted to a General, whereas Roger would be the kind of unit you'd want to consider whether you should keep his speed growths, or decide whether or not you'd want his DEF growths sooner. So it'd be "someone that dishes out attack and defense in spades" vs "not bad defense and not getting doubled/doubling other units", coupled with consistent attack growth, lower speed growth, but higher DEF growth. You'd want to keep Draug unpromoted in the hope of raising his speed to not get doubled in mid/endgame, but you'd have a greater inclination to promote Roger early if his speed stat is good enough to begin compensating for his lower DEF growths.

  14. So I'm doing an easy Nightmare edit of Shadow Dragon, and after editing enemy luck growths to counteract higher critical hit rates, I took a look at promoted units' growths, and wondered just how the gameplay could be affected by different growth rates for promoted units. I mean, look at FE4 Leaf and FE5's Dalshin/Machyua. These units became pretty different from their unpromoted counterparts, and (in the case of FE5, anyway), begged the question: is it worth the extra levels of growths before promoting at level 20, or having a much better unit now and affecting growths in the long run?

    Or maybe I'm asking the wrong question: should it vary by class/game, and if so, what classes from what games should be affected?

  15. I'm in the process of making a "hit" hack for Shadow Dragon, where I lower all the stat caps (except HP, duh) to 20, and significantly lower weapon hitrate to make using the weapon triangle a matter of "you might actually hit/miss." It's a lazy Nightmare edit, true, but it provides a greater incentive to promote before level 20, makes Iron Weapons actually worth using beyond damage control, raises the completely fucking arbitrary 5-move of Archers to 6, makes bows actually usable, makes terrain FAR more useful (and makes hitting bosses a far more difficult), among possibly changing enemy/promoted unit growth rates.

    My current patch is here, but I'd hold off on playing it until I update it to v0.5, which I should have done by today.

  16. I'd like to see a manakete as a lord.

    A Manakete main character that uses <not swords>, and also Dragonstones, but at the cost of his/her health.

    Character-plot wise, he/she could, through either deciding to command his/her army to kill this/that person, decide to either establish either iron-fisted rulers that oppress the masses, or compassionate rulers/congresses. It would affect which characters you'd recruit, the kinds of weapons you'd be supplied with by your allied nations, and ultimately, the ending, where you'd either defeat Medeptyrmawhatever or Naga. One playthrough you'd recruit one duke or bishop, whereas in another you'd end up killing them. Some units might even desert your army for different reasons; a healer might desert out of disgust if you end up killing defenseless enemy clerics, or you might make the decision to go on a sidequest chapter to destroy an ancient library to avoid letting enemy mages ambush you in later chapters, but at the expense of a magic user who values preserving history and magical theory.

    So basically, you'd be Morgan.

  17. It's not even just the level design of Thracia 776 that encapsulates its genius: it's the fatigue-HP system, the Capture-Build system, the 20-cap for stats that levels the playing field for combat against units in the endgame as well as bolster stat boosters and provides a greater incentive to promote before level 20, the personal weapons/skills that allow a character's objective strategic worth to be more than just their growths, and the "turn-the-series'-tropes-on-their-heads" plot that pits Leif in losing battles as well as winning ones and, in effect, grounds a "boy vs. empire" story more realistically than any I've seen in the series.


    To put it in the nicest way possible... It's because he shits all over Marth's character development and the story shoehorned him in. It's hard to enjoy the plot when Marth keeps thanking him at every turn. Not to mention he isn't even a good self insert since he is such a dunce and every other line is "I must protect and serve milord!".

    And to put it in not the nicest way possible, the character's basically a living, breathing, walking, and talking Gary Stu/Mary Sue fanfic character wannabe who's instantly recognized by Marth and put into his Honor Guard above, you know, the already existing Altean knights who aided him in destroying Medeus. His rise to Marth's attention is not a gradual one, rising and rising higher and higher until he's recognized as a master tactician, no, he/she's pretty much besties with Marth after the story dictates you defend him from an assassination attempt. The only thing not making this character completely awash in fanfiction territory is if the story didn't write Caeda out to make room for a romance option if you chose a Female avatar. The unit gets growths that, in conjunction with Marth's inexplicably boosted growths, trivialize using almost every other unit in the game, as opposed to perhaps letting your unit's growths rise over the course of the game to not only add replay value to either letting your unit's growth be a slow, yet steady one, or Est-like in the mid-to-endgame, or as a much easier to implement alternative, toning the growths down.

  18. Any reason why 6's earlygame is "interesting"? Is it a matter of map design? Story?

    Regardless, can we all agree that Thracia 776 has the best earlygame? The game throws you for a loop and separates you from your already established group to have you pick up and utilize new units, all while looting chests and breaking prisoners out AND being ambushed in the final room. There's so much going on in the chapter.

    Let's break that down. Gameplay-wise, and in just one chapter, you:

    -Break the main character and new allies out of prison

    -Loot chests to get your equipment back and arm your new allies in the process

    -Break civilians out of prison and make sure they're not re-captured

    -Fight off the prison guards that come from the exits

    -Are helped by 3 Brigand allies

    -Are ambushed when you unlock the final room

    -Potentially recruit the chapter's boss with Leif/Lifis

    -Escape the prison and are forced to leave whatever units still on the map behind, assuming you didn't have everyone else but Leif exit the map

    That's 8 things going on. How many things are going on in other games' earlygame? Probably not as much.

    TC needs to play Thracia 776.

  19. Doubled attack != negated defense

    As in, FE5 Crit= (Mt*2)-DEF.

    Though that would be a hell of a thing, if Radd got Luna (as well as a skill that increases SKILL based on HP Loss/Strength difference)? A legitimate reason to use Radd as opposed to the other 3 (4 if you count Athena) Myrmidons/Mercenaries? The reasons for Arch porting Exalted Legacy to FEXNA keep adding up, here.

  20. Too bad FE3 is not like FE4 - FE5 where critical hits negate defense so in FE3 it is still possible for Radd to inflict 0 damage on like a general or something.

    Which is why Arch's FE1 remake should migrate to FEXNA where someone could easily re-code the critical calculations, draw the maps, insert the custom battle animations, and rewrite the events/script.

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