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Posts posted by Kysafen

  1. Title pending, but it's pretty self-explanatory. The future of this project hinges on public feedback.

    Basics: Shadow Dragon "K" or: how I learned to stop hitting and love the Weapon Triangle is a result of this thread being a result of my utter dissatisfaction in Shadow Dragon's implementation of the Weapon Triangle as a whole. So I did a couple of lazy Nightmare edits and broke the game to make it stupid-easy on Normal. Right. Like you guys'n'gals play this game on Normal/H1 anyway.

    In any case, this hack's ultimate goal is to give incentive to actually using the weapon triangle for dodging. And I bumped up the critical hit rate of most weapons by least 5 because

    1. 2RNG makes it even less of a chance to get a critical in this game
    2. Less hit=less of a chance to crit=more incentive to hit/miss=more incentive for WTA
    3. I liked Thracia 776, shoot me.

    Now of course this patch isn't going to be perfect (it's at v0.14, for fuck's sake). I'm expecting to be bombarded with criticism, so all I ask is that it's constructive.

    Will update with a changelist soon, but in the meantime, here's the XDelta UI-compatible patch:


    What I want to know is

    1. How does this affect the balance of the units you'd use typically? Does it make otherwise nigh-pointless units (Radd/Caesar/Rickard) more usable, or less?

    2. Is it now more favorable to go onto superior terrain, or the same/less? And does this lessen the tactical influence of flying units?

    3. How much greater incentive does this patch give to WTA? Game-changing, or negligible?

    4. Are bows more usable, or less?

    Suggestions and criticism are more than welcome.

  2. Since Shadow Dragon totally sucked and, characterization-wise, was inferior to FE6/7/8 in every way, I decided "fuck it, I'll just write dialogue for it."

    And thus, what you're about to read. Tell me if any of the lines are out-of-character, or verbose, et cetra...

    [spoiler=Gharnef Boss Dialogue]

    [spoiler=VS Marth]

    ...Gharnef. The source of all of
    my troubles. Here you stand before
    me, and yet...
    ...and yet you falter, cowering
    away in fear? But look! Here it
    is: the Golden Fang.
    Look at how it glistens in my
    hand, so elegant. Yes, a fine
    trophy indeed!
    At one point in time, I would
    fantasize your end with my hands
    around your throat.
    I would I have your head dangling
    from my hands right now.
    But here I stand knowing it will
    not be by my hand that I see you
    end today. Not by my sword.
    Hmph. After all, to hold your head?
    I'd find my fingers too dirty from
    the greasy hairs in your skull.
    Ha! I will create a fear so monumental
    it would be an entire dimension unto
    itself that you would dare address me such!
    In one hand the device of your doom
    as well as your father's, and in the other
    the heirloom you hold so dear.
    I shall end you and the line of Anri
    in writhing, fearful agony, just like
    how I ended your father!
    Let's have it, then!
    Do your worst!

    [spoiler=VS Marich]
    Gharnef, in the flesh.
    Hmph. Just a pathetic little boy.
    I have always wanted to ask
    you something, had we met.
    How did it feel to kill someone of
    as much magical talent as Pontifex
    No words, for someone so high and
    mighty? Such a shame, then.
    (if Marich is wielding Starlight)
    Well, I do suppose I'm
    about to see for myself.
    You see, you've left me quite insulted.
    You've a stolen possession that belongs
    to a most trusted friend of mine,
    you've killed many of my colleagues
    in Khadein,
    and most of all, you've imprisoned the
    one who I will pledge my heart and my
    life to.
    Yes, I've had no taste for the magical
    killings I've had to do in this war,
    but this I will most certainly enjoy.
    Die, Gharnef.

    [spoiler=VS Linde]
    We meet at last. After all these years
    of running and hiding, finally we meet.
    Ah yes, Miloah's daughter. A most amusing
    sight! Kneel before your superior, girl.
    Or will you wave your hand and murmur that
    dusty Aura tome at me? I'm afraid that
    won't do a thing.
    (if not wielding Starlight)
    Whether I'm to live or die by your hand
    is of no consequence. Marth will make it
    to your source, and you will disappear.
    But if I am to die, I will not die in
    submission to you...!
    Then I will find great pleasure in
    bringing you to your knees, girl!
    Then, and only then will I grant you
    the death your bloodline deserves!
    (if wielding Starlight)
    I have a different incantation in mind.
    Your fate -to end here, by my hand- is
    written in the stars...
    What are you babbling abou...what?
    No, that's...! You! How did you...?
    You have caused me much fear and
    anguish, Gharnef, and here you expect
    me to bow to you?
    No. I will not. I will not kneel, I will not
    run, I will not bow to you, not now, not ever!
    You will taste the sorrow and grief that
    you have inflicted upon me and
    Archanea itself.
    This day... you will bow to me!

    [spoiler=Death Quote]
    Oh, Gotoh, you scheming bastard,
    you flimsy little insect!
    I was the one who was supposed
    to succeed you!
    Only me! Me and me alone!
    Not that pretentious, upstart
    little bastard, Miloah!
    I came first! I was diligent!
    You want to speak of talent, I unsealed
    and mastered the power of Imhullu!
    How's that for talent, eh?!
    I was older! I was wiser! I was the
    greater one! I always was!
    Do you hear me, I am always the
    greater one!...guh!
    I'm... I'm fading...

  3. Edits so far, tell me if these are horrible ideas for implementation:

    1. Gave all weapons (sans Devil weapons) a minimum crit rate of 10 to emphasize WTA
    2. Changed Devil Sword/Axe's stats to have a motif of 6 (Hit rate: 66, Might/Uses/Weight: 18 (6+6+6), Weapon Experience/Crit: 6. Tell me if I should change this to "7," since, you know, "Devil's Luck" and all that.
    3. Gave Iron weapons greater weapon experience to make using them after hitting "D" rank actually meaningful beyond controlled damage output, and lowered Silver Weapons' WPEXP.
    4. Generally lowered all weapon hit rates. It'll emphasize WTA and give greater incentive to increase Hit if you decide to Forge.
    5. Changed all of Mercurius' stats to be divisible by 5, since Mercury corresponds to the number 5 in numerology; (Hit: 70, Uses: 25 (5*5), Might: 5, Critical: 15, Weight: 5
    6. Increased the crit rate of bows. The lower the tier, the higher the crit rate. I might increase some bows' range to 3, and the longbow's range to 5, and make further durability/damage output balances.
    7. Lowered the Rapier's might to 4, lowered hit to 80, lowered weight to 3, and increased critical to 20. Even if he'll down a cavalier/armor, he'll still feel the effect of WTA.
    8. Goddamn it why did Nintendo have to name the lance "Ridersbane"? Why couldn't it have been "Jouster" instead
  4. So I've been exposing my mate to Fire Emblem for a little bit now, and I want to do playthroughs of Shadow Dragon, but the hit rates are way too fucking high for me to actually strategize my use of the weapon triangle. Or actually enjoy the game.

    So is there a way I can hack either of them for any (or a combination) of the following:

    1. Can I edit the hit rate effectiveness of WTA?
    2. Can I edit the damage effectiveness of WTA?
    3. Can I edit a unit's dodge-speed calculations (so I can make Thieves actually good at dodging)?
    4. If all else fails, can I change a weapon's hit/damage statistics?
    5. Can I edit enemy unit placement, to place more units on a map?
  5. I am already looking forward to the possibilities of this software; the creative fun of making Fire Emblem levels done mostly in hacking, with the ease of use of RPG Maker? Amazing. Now just include a FE5 capture mechanic and I will be all kinds of Van Gogh for BwdYeti.

  6. Chapter 24 Rewrite (text version, v0.5, or whatever)

    [spoiler=Chapter Opening][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01][ToggleSmile]Dragon Temple...[A]

    The air here, it feels so different.
    It strains me just to breathe...[A]
    Did the Eight Heroes fight under
    such pressure as well?[A][LoadOverworldFaces]
    [OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01]You would enter our
    realm again, humans?[A]
    Wh-who goes there?[A]
    How did you-[A]
    [OpenMidLeft][CloseSpeechFast]I am Yahn.[A]
    I am the last pure dragon
    left in Elibe...[A]
    What does that make the dragons
    we've fought thus far?[A]
    Or the Dark Dragon?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]To answer your former question:[A]
    They are morphs,
    also known as War Dragons.[A]
    They are but bodies without souls.
    Not people, but instruments.[A]
    Your latter question:[A]
    The Dark Dragon is an entirely
    different beast than I.[A]
    I am a full-blooded dragon,
    naturally hatched into life.[A]
    Wasn't the Dark Dragon supposed
    to be the leader of the Dragons?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]No. Like the morphs you faced,
    she is but a thing.[A]
    An item to be used like the swords
    in your hilts. A weapon.[A]
    A leader it is not.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]It's all so different than the
    legends passed down...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Ha ha ha... how amusing.[A]
    There is a difference between
    legend and truth, human.[A]
    Your kind has much to learn.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]You said "she"...
    ...that girl I saw...Tell me![.....]
    What is the Dark Dragon?[A]
    We... I want to know the truth![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]I've no reason
    to tell you.[A]
    And yet, I've no
    reason to not.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]...very well.
    It is a test, then.[A]
    Show me your power, human.
    Fight before me.[A]
    Pass through these hallowed halls.
    Come to me.[A]
    And the truth shall be yours.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]But you're right here![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]An illusion is right here.[A]
    I will wait, deep in the temple.[A]
    If you are strong enough to hear
    the truth, then you will hear it.[A]

    The truth of your "Legends..."[A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 1][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01]

    Are you real this time?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]This is but the entrance.
    You have a long way to reach me.[A]
    But I will grant that you didn't
    die immediately.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Of course.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I've gone through too much
    just to die here![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]So I see. Very well.[A]
    Then I shall shed a small glint
    of truth to you:[A]
    The Dark Dragon was not the
    leader of dragonkind.[A]
    It was forged to bring us victory.[A]
    Does that mean you made the
    War Dragons, too?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The Dragons you speak of are correctly
    referred to as morphs.[A]
    As I said before, they are different
    from pure Dragons such as I.[A]
    They are not forged by us,
    but by the Dark Dragon itself.[A]
    And the Dark Dragon itself was born
    of the Naga, the Divine Dragons.[A]
    [OpenRight]Divine Dragon?
    Then a Naga-born... agreed to become
    the Dark Dragon of its own free will?[A]
    To be brief, we shattered her, so as
    to force her obedience to our leader.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]A dire act, but an act of
    If you would but know
    the power of the Naga.[A]
    Such incredible strength they possess...
    then you would know our desperation.[A]
    The desperation of an entire
    species on the brink of extinction.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I can understand that your
    species was at stake...[A]
    But what I don't is why you had to
    break her down until she obeyed![A]
    As if there really wasn't a single
    Naga that wanted to save you people![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Why, indeed.[A][.....]
    Come, and I shall tell you.[A]

    Now fight, human.[A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 2][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01]

    [OpenMidLeft][ToggleSmile]Not bad, not bad at all.
    I wonder how far you will come.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]As far as it takes
    to end all of this.[A]
    You promised to
    answer my question.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The human body. What a parasitic
    reproduction system it has.[A]
    We would light village after village,
    city after city ablaze...[A]
    And yet, you would just keep
    multiplying, like venison.[A]
    Your strength against us
    was in numbers.[A]
    Your numbers didn't decrease,
    but ours did.[A]
    And so, we decided to make a use out
    of your numbers: your quintessence.[A]
    Your life force would fuel the fire
    to create the morphs you have fought.[A]
    But only those of strong magical
    talent can harness it.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So you turned to
    the Naga...[A]
    But the Naga abhorred
    such a tactic.[A]
    They dubbed it- something to save
    our race- an "abomination."[A]
    While we contemplated how we would
    persuade them, they vanished,[A]
    leaving us to die against the
    humans' vast numbers.[A]
    But we were able to seize one
    before she could flee.[A]
    Her name was Idoun: young, naive,
    but useful all the same.[A]
    She couldn't bear the thought of
    our species fighting amongst ourselves.[A]
    She hesitated to leave when her
    kin had spirited away.[A]
    Hesitation, compassion... What
    inefficient human inventions.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]But that "foolish hesitation"
    worked to your favor, didn't it?[A]
    Because you whisked her away
    when she did, didn't you?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Hmph. I concede that,
    in hindsight, it did.[A]
    And it didn't: she still refused to
    harness human quintessence.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So you just... destroyed
    her heart?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]To be more specific, we took
    her to the firefields...[A]
    We massacred whole villages before her.
    We showed her every detail.[A]
    They would flee from us before
    being splattered beneath our paws.[A]
    Their mothers would hold their children
    as their flesh melted off their bones.[A]
    All while we forced their
    quintessence into her.[A]
    She broke easily. At last, she was
    obedient, silent... pure.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Pure?! That's sick! And twisted!
    The Naga were wrong:[A]
    The Dark Dragon wasn't an
    abomination...you people are![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Well, it looks like you've
    heard quite enough for now.[A]
    If you want to know more, then

    show me more of your power![A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 3][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01]

    [OpenMidLeft][FastPrint][ToggleSmile]You have taken another step forward.
    But the way is still long.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I'm coming for you...
    ...you can count on that![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]What do you wish
    to hear next?[A]
    [OpenMidRight]You made your Dark Dragon.
    You produced your morphs en masse...[A]
    How then, could you
    possibly have lost?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]With the abundance of War Dragons,
    victory did seem inevitable.[A]
    The humans had thought they
    miscalculated our population...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]...until they discovered our harvesting
    and harnessing of human quintessence.[A]
    And they thought: what happens when
    it's done with dragon quintessence?[A]
    Their tactics changed to single us out
    one by one, to take our life force.[A]
    They went to the forges with us, infusing
    our power into different kinds of weapons...[A]
    The result is what I believe you
    humans call "The Divine Arsenal."[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Nowhere in my texts did I read anything
    about dragon quintessence...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Putting these weapons in the
    hands of your most skilled warriors,[A]
    The humans sallied the Dragon Temple.[A]
    However, in that moment when our power
    and your divine arsenal clashed...[A]
    ...something unexpected happened.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Nature began to fold onto itself.
    Snowstorms in the summer.[A]
    Stars shining in mid-day...[A]
    [OpenMidRight]The Ending Winter...[A]
    Our legends say your vast power had
    torn nature's stability asunder.[A]
    And the power of the Divine Arsenal
    brought order to nature once again.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]So the humans say it was
    entirely the fault of dragons.[A]
    How thoroughly expected.[A]
    Does it hurt to hear the
    truth of my words, human?[A]
    [OpenMidRight]That's why the Divine Arsenal
    was sealed and trapped...[A]
    To prevent us from a second
    Ending Winter from happening again.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]You sealed them off?
    An intelligent decision.[A]
    And yet, here they are, in
    your hands right now.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]But worry not.[A]
    Their quintessence has faded from
    a millenia of unuse,[A]
    unable to bring about
    such a disaster again.[A]
    In a way, your divine arsenal struck
    more than one kind of blow to us...[A]
    [OpenMidRight]What do you mean?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Your answer awaits,

    in the next chamber...[A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 4][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01]

    [OpenMidLeft]You have come here again.
    You are doing better than I expected.[A]
    [OpenMidRight][ToggleSmile]...you were dealt "more than
    one kind" of blow?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]When the order of nature collapsed,
    we Dragons took a fatal blow.[A]
    What was left of Elibe's- or perhaps...
    ...the world's natural order-[A]
    was an environment where
    dragons could not inhabit.[A]
    It took all of our energy
    to merely breathe.[A]
    Some of us tried to endure this
    unforgiving new order...[A]
    ...and they turned into rabid,
    wild beasts gone insane.[A]
    We had no choice but to seal away
    our power and change form.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So wait, does that make
    Dragon Stones..?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The source of a
    dragon's power? Yes.[A]
    To think, that we assumed the form
    of the species we had been fighting.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]H-human form? But why?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]We had known humans for millenia.[A]
    Many of us already knew how to transform
    into such a shape. And in this new order...[A]
    It was the most efficient form we could
    assume that could still maintain sapience.[A]
    But our bodies were weak... no, crippled,
    compared to the humans we fought.[A]
    Your eight "heroes" massacred us, taking
    advantage of our human form.[A]
    It didn't matter if they surrendered,
    or tried to stay out of the war...[A]
    They just killed, and killed, and killed.
    The young, the old, the peaceful...[A]
    Durandal sliced paper-thin skin.
    Armads crushed bone and brain.[A]
    Forblaze ravaged our homes in fire.
    Aureola melted the flesh off of all
    that were trapped in its radiant halo.[A]
    Malte collected our bodies on its shaft.[A]
    Miugre's bolts shot through our fleeing
    kin who had no hope of escape.[A]
    Apocalype cut a dark rift that
    swallowed us whole.[A]
    And the Holy Maiden healed the humans
    with our own quintessential power...[A]
    I, too suffered a deep wound.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]We did that? Even after you
    had surrendered...[A]
    ...if you bear a grudge against us,
    I... can't say it's unfounded...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Grudge? Only humans have such
    ridiculous emotions.[A]
    We battled against extinction and
    lost. That's all there is to it.[A]
    ...but, this time may be different.[A]
    Hartmut's bloodline freed the Dark
    Dragon he so sealed, after all..[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Wait, sealed?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft][ToggleSmile]If you wish to know more,

    proceed into the next chamber.[A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 5 (apparently, this points to 01FB and then to 0779, for some reason. Maybe it was space issues?)][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01][FastPrint][ToggleSmile][OpenMidRight]Come out, Yahn!

    I know you're there.[A]
    Well, if you defeated Zephiel,
    you may be worthy to face me yet...[A]
    [OpenMidRight]What relation did the
    Dark Dragon have to Hartmut?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Hartmut, founder of the Eight Heroes,
    founded the kingdom of Bern.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I already knew that.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Then did you know that he didn't
    kill, but sealed the Dark Dragon?[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I know that as well.
    What I don't know is why.[A]
    I see.[A]
    The Eight Heroes defeated our leader,
    and charged into the inner chamber.[A]
    Steeling themselves to face what
    they had only heard about,[A]
    they found but a mere girl, vacantly
    staring off into space.[A]
    With our leader dead, she no
    longer had any orders to take,[A]
    leaving her to only stand and
    stare until she'd rot away...[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So what did the heroes do?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The Eight Heroes were human. It was
    only natural for them to hesitate.[A]
    Their expectations of a towering icon
    of draconian intimidation were broken.[A]
    All they saw was a girl who wouldn't
    even answer their words.[A]
    They readied to slaughter
    her human form,[A]
    And reacting to hostility, she, like
    the morphs before her, retaliated.[A]
    The heroes and Dark Dragon clashed,
    and in the final moment,[A]
    Hartmut raised his weapon- a strange
    blade that outshone the divine arsenal,[A]
    and struck into her scales.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]The Sword of Seals![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]I don't know what you humans call
    it, but that may have been it.[A]
    Anyway, when the final blow struck, the

    dragon transformed back... unconscious.[A][X]

    [OpenMidRight]How did it not die?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Apparently, the blade had
    reacted to Hartmut's feelings,
    and changed its power to only
    knock her unconscious.[A]
    When he saw her vacant stare,
    he couldn't help feeling pity.[A]
    Pity, another pointless human
    In my view,[A]
    I wouldn't have shed such foolish
    mercy to such a threat.[A]
    Hartmut had then decided:[A]
    The Dark Dragon would be sealed
    with both gem and blade,[A]
    or what you call the Sword of
    Seals and the Fire Emblem.[A]
    Hartmut was then entrusted these
    lands, to ensure her seal would[A]
    never be broken.[A]
    That was the origin and purpose
    of the kingdom of Bern.[A]
    In a way, Zephiel was a complete
    failure as its king.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]To witness the birth of
    Bern firsthand...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Actually, I wasn't there myself.
    Remember I was wounded, human.[A]
    I had taken up a hidden life by then,
    to heal my deep wounds.[A]
    It was Zephiel, who had told me of his
    studies of Bern's ancient archives.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]You met Zephiel?
    Face to face? Why? And how?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Why? ...I shall tell you if you
    reach me.[A]
    Oh yes... the way isn't
    far now...[A][X]

    [spoiler=Throne 6 (Combines input indexes 01FC and 761)][OpenMidLeft][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01]

    [OpenMidLeft][ToggleSmile]You have come so far,
    descendant of Roland.[A]
    I lie in wait in the next chamber.[A]
    It has been so long since I have met
    a human in my pure form.[A]
    One thousand years of waiting
    within my home...[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So you... you were waiting
    in this temple?[A]
    For an entire thousand years?
    That's insane![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]In our longevity,[A]
    one thousand years is not such
    a stretch of time to my kindred.[A]
    The Scouring over, I remained here,
    healing myself as you humans ran about.[A]
    I waited in the darkness,[A]
    waiting for the day that would bring
    hope to my kind once again.[A]
    And that time came...fire coursed my
    veins. My power rapidly returned.[A]
    The Dark Dragon's seal had
    finally broken.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]What does the Dark Dragon have to do
    with your draconic power?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The Dark Dragon's power not only
    goes into the creation of morphs,[A]
    but it also fuels the Dragon Temple's
    aura that protects my kind.[A]
    The power I gained that day would
    never be fully restored without it.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]I see...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Once my power was restored,[A]
    the first thing I would do would be to
    seek out the human who broke the seal.[A]
    My illusion soon found that human,
    sitting on the throne of Bern.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]You made multiple illusions
    to spread out and find him...[A]
    But how? You said yourself that your
    human forms are practically crippled...[A]
    How did you make your illusions?
    How are you making them now?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]The Dragon's Temple is our haven.[A]
    Even our human forms can use our
    power here. And among my kin,[A]
    I was fairly powerful. So long as I
    stay here, creating illusions is nothing.[A]
    And... I wouldn't dare step outside this
    temple, into a human-infested world.[A]
    [OpenMidRight][ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]so you found Zephiel.[A]
    I asked him, 'For what reason have
    you awakened the Dark Dragon?[A]
    Zephiel was an odd human.[A]
    He didn't seem to be the least bit
    surprised to see me.[A]
    He looked me right back in the eye
    and asked me who I was.[A]
    After I told him that I was a Dragon,
    a smile crept across his face.[A]
    He then told me,[A]
    "I intend to give the
    world to your kind."[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]Even then I did not trust him,[A]
    but as the Dark Dragon's new master,

    I had no choice to cooperate with him.[A][X]

    [OpenMidLeft]He had ordered the Dark Dragon to take
    humanity's dominion as her own.[A]
    "Humanity has proven itself incapable
    and unworthy to lay claim to these lands.[A]
    You will be the one to take it from
    them. Free the world."[A]
    That is what he said.[A]
    [OpenMidRight][ToggleSmile]But Zephiel is dead. She can't act,
    as long as her master is dead, right?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]No. She still lies in wait, creating
    her morphs. And when there are enough,
    they will all march out and bless
    Elibe in fire, and assume control.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]But her master is gone!
    Are you her new master?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]I needn't become her master.
    She was told to follow out her order,[A]
    even if Zephiel was to die.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]So is this her fate?[A]
    To be captured and psychologically
    tortured by the people she cared about?[A]
    To have her soul crushed and then put
    to sleep for a thousand years?[A]
    Only to be woken up and take the insane
    order of a man who's now dead?[A]
    And then what?! Just stare into
    oblivion when her order's done,[A]
    until her body rots into nothing?
    That's... that's beyond cruel![A]
    [OpenMidLeft]You pity her?
    Just like Hartmut did?[A]
    ...You humans are truly an
    unsolvable riddle.[A]
    That is why the Scouring was
    a necessary event:[A]
    Dragons and humans will never
    be able to live together.[A]
    We are two different worlds
    apart, never meant to be one.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Does that make the time before the
    Scouring a mere folly to you, too?[A]
    Even today, there is a place,
    in the Nabata desert.[A]
    The people living there saw the
    savagery of the Scouring,[A]
    and wanted no part of any of it.[A]
    Because they knew the truth,[A]
    that belonging to a different species
    means nothing in a civilization![A]
    We were all born on this continent.
    We can all live on this continent![A]
    You can stop now, Yahn.
    Come on. Live in Elibe again...[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]...I've heard human nonsense before,
    but this goes beyond.[A]
    Dragons and humans living together?
    Even if such a 'utopia' existed,[A]
    it'd only a matter of time before
    a second Scouring occurs there.[A]
    And me? Live with you humans again?
    What an insane proposition.[A]
    I will listen to your
    folly no further.[A]
    Now enter my chamber,
    and let us finish this exchange![A][X]

    [spoiler=Boss Dialogue][LoadFace][0x4C][0x01]One thousand years...[A]

    My strength has long
    I can feel it...[A]
    And now,
    you shall feel it as well![A]
    Feel the wrath of a race

    on the brink of extinction![A][X]

    [LoadFace][0x4C][0x01][ToggleSmile]So, I have lost...[A]
    And so with me, all
    of my kind goes extinct...[A]
    Farewell[.....].[.....].[.....]. [.....]E[.....]l[.....]i[.....]b[.....]e[.....].[.....].[.....].[.....]

    [spoiler=Chapter End][OpenMidRight][LoadFace][0x02][0x01][FastPrint][ToggleSmile]In the next chamber...

    she's waiting for us.[A]
    [OpenMidRight]Fa? Hey, are you doing okay?[A]
    [MoveRight]You look like you're about
    to burst into tears.[A]
    Can you tell Roy
    what's wrong?[A]
    Is Fa also a bad dragon?[A]
    When Fa gets big, will Fa
    become a bad Dragon too?[A]
    [OpenRight]Wait, Fa.[A]
    Tell me what want to
    say, slowly.[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]That man said...sniff...[A]
    He said dragons and people
    can't live together...[A]
    [OpenRight]But he couldn't have been
    right, could he?[A]
    You were living in Nabata
    with people, right?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]B-but the Dark Dragon is a
    Divine Dragon like Fa![A]
    And you're g-going to fight
    Dark Dragon, right?[A]
    What about Fa?[A]
    [OpenMidLeft]If Fa grows up...[A]
    And becomes like the
    Dark Dragon, then...[A]
    [OpenRight]...Fa...You don't [ToggleSmile]have to
    worry about that.[A]
    Idoun, even after she became
    the Dark Dragon, is still Idoun.[A]
    So no matter what happens,
    you'll always be Fa.[A]
    Even when you grow up,
    you'll still be Fa.[A]
    And you'll always live and play
    together with us humans.[A]
    Always. I promise.[A]
    [OpenRight]You bet![A]
    And, I actually want to
    help Idoun.[A]
    [OpenRight]The Dark Dragon is not acting
    on her own will.[A]
    Her poor, fragile soul
    was mercilessly crushed.[A]
    She has to be shown
    I have to show her that: a world...
    a life beyond the Scouring.[A]
    She's been through so much...
    I don't want her to die, Fa.[A]
    [OpenLeft]...Fa doesn't get it.[A]
    [OpenRight]You'll understand when you
    get a little older.[A]
    ...when you struck the Dark Dragon,
    you posed a question, didn't you?[A]
    A question of the Dark Dragon... and
    humans, dragons, Elibe... the world...[A]
    ...and my actions will be
    that answer![A]

    Just you watch...[A][X]

  7. Only did this because I was doing a live LP of the game for my mate. Wanted to do something special for the final chapters, so I might as well post 'em and have you guys critique.

    No more than 2 lines for each sentence on average (three if you're using FEXP) or maybe 4 at most if you can't convey the wording in a simpler term. (Ex: Really wordy character with long winded speeches)

    Play through the first couple of chapters of FE7, and you'll notice multiple instances of 3+ lines of dialogue. Tell me if I've improved, regarding the above videos.

  8. My own personal Word of God is that

    1. The War Dragons are actually Morphs.

    2. The way they broke Idoun, in addition to where she got her power from was from the fire dragons forcing the quintessence of all the humans they slaughtered into her. If humans really did initially overpower the dragons in numbers alone, then using their quintessence against them would only be logical.

    3. Nergal lived in Ilia with Aenir along with their children. He took his children away to Valor and then went back for Aenir. Nils and Ninian just followed the other dragons into the Dragon's Gate (or were forced to) while Nergal became shattered by Aenir's death.

    It seems resurrection is possible with enough power.
    See: Brammimond and Ninian.

    See also: Renault's history with Nergal:

    Renault: ...Nergal, do you remember me?

    Nergal: Hah. You are... Renault. So you're still seeking out a wretched existence?

    Renault: I went astray. I listened to your honeyed words... I dreamt of the impossible... the return of a lost soul. But...what you gave me was... a puppet... It was soulless...nothing more than an empty vessel!!

    Nergal: Just an empty vessel... Isn't that what you wanted? You desired to bring back your dead friend. You were my experiment, and I completed my morph. I'm grateful, Renault. Thanks to you, I gained power.

    Renault: You villain... You cursed him! Your crime can never be forgiven! I will end you with my hands. In the name of my lost friend!

  9. The stat growths aren't that bad compared to blazing sword.



    Like, compare Rutger to Guy, Lugh to Erk, Miledy to Heath, Alan and Lance to Kent and Sain, Clarine to Priscilla. And Miledy/Rutger even have way better bases!

    Well, the enemies are stronger in SoS and the hit rates are problematic, but I don't see the growth rates being a problem at all.

    So who do I compare my 20/1 Bors with only 14 Strength to?

    Or my 20/5 Shanna/Tate with 9/10 fucking strength to?

    Or my 12 Ward with 9 Strength?

  10. Oh I removed weight. I took a long time to come to that conclusion and since the enemies are plenty challenging I just did it.


    I really need to know how this is justified, and what steps you're taking so that this doesn't completely break weapon balance.

    Shadow Dragon's weapon weight problems were just a result of making the weapon weights too low so that it becomes a non-factor by midgame.New Mystery? "Oh look, a Steel Sword. Guess there's no point in using an Iron Sword anymore!" It made the weapon durability the sole reason to keep holding on to lower tier weapons. FE GBA's weapon weight at least gave players a reason for Alan to use an Iron Sword instead of an Iron Blade.

    Removing weapon weight entirely from a game that uses it well, though possibly imperfectly? I... I don't even... please help me understand this...

  11. Concepts that'd work in a Thracia 776 Remake, originally posted 2/1/2013, revised 3/14/13 (revised text in bold):

    -Have Leaf as a portable convoy

    -Have mounted characters automatically dismount when they go into indoor terrain. If they have a captured/rescued unit they can't carry on foot, have their movement range stop before indoor terrain.

    -If mounted characters wield their mounted-wieldable weapon instead of a sword when dismounted, give on-foot soldiers a statistical boost for balance (indoor fighter?)

    -If Shiva is released in chapter 2x, Finn/Leif can recruit him as well as Saphy in Chapter 7

    -Any house in chapter 3 will take any child. Have a pre-battle convo about the children from the villagers trapped in the Gate of Kelves to give the player a hint on what to do.

    -Give overfatigued units stat penalties instead of sitting out entirely in easier modes

    -Give Rogues the Pick skill

    -Unit position switching in battle preparations

    -Support conversations

    -Remove Chapter 8x's "boss captured" requirement

    -Make Lara's Dancer promotion the final promotion, make the "promotion conversation" between her and Pahn give her a "dancer promotion item". If the player doesn't see the convo in Chapter 12x, make the conversation after the chapter. Do not make her unable to class change to a Dancer if she already promoted to Rogue.

    -Have Trude/Tina auto-join after 12x if Saphy/Pahn are still alive

    -Give players the option to do sidequest chapters, like in FE7. Other than if you needed the experience and S Drinks there was absolutely no reason to do the pain in the ass that was chapter 14x

    -Change Escape missions so that all units left behind aren't captured in easier modes, and have them captured in Normal mode

    -Remove the enemy's "auto inventory steal" when they capture your units. Make them steal it on their next turn

    -If there's a Geneaology remake, link it with Seisen no Keifu to have Leaf's final stats imported into any save file before Seisen's chapter 7.

    -Make Healing staves unmissable. Make status effect staves able to miss

    -Make status effects (except Stone, obviously) temporary in easier modes



    --Multiple trading between units so that you can trade items from captured units and give them to the unit carrying them, along with possibly dropping them

    --FE5's original stat/hit/dodge/critical calculations

    --Leveling up movement

    --Crusader scrolls

    --Elite Mode


    --The SNES version's soundtrack, toggle-able a la Final Fantasy IV PSP

    --Thieves able to steal weapons

    ...and you'd pretty much have a masterpiece.

  12. SCAN0003_zps3984c9c2.jpg

    Notice the difference from the uploaded version? I don't know anything about the SFC Memory Cart, and just how many blocks are on a single cassette, but this apparently takes 8 "F blocks" and 16 "B blocks". :\ (also, yes, I did screw up on the flipped corner. If you guys want me to upload a "fixed" version, let me know) If someone could explain the ins and outs of the SFC Memory Cassette, this could probably be better explained...


    This is the front boxart for it. It's just a normal SF Memory Cassette box, same as any, with the only thing making this any different is the Fire Emblem sticker up in the corner. Other than that, the box has no other FE-related material on it.


    This is the sticker that came with the cartridge. If you look at the SFC Memory cart, you'll notice some squares on the cart's sticker label. I'm guessing this is the label you would stick onto the squares. I'm obviously not removing it and doing so, but...

    Anyway, that's all I got for tonight.

  13. The only noticeable difference I'm seeing here is the cover, which probably has something to do with the NP Cartridge storage space, or something. I guess I'll scan it, and


    You guys don't have the Sacred Stones manual? Really?! because i guess i could salvage my usefulness and scan mine...

  14. So I just received my Nintendo Power Memory version of Thracia 776 today (box and all), and I'm wondering what to do with the stuff that ISN'T the cartridge

    I don't know if Serenesforest.net hosts any of the instruction manuals for any of the games (which they should, by rights they GOTTA have all the media) but if you cool cats want me to cheaply scan the manual, please recommend me any decent software/methods to make a decent-looking .pdf out of the images.

  15. It started out as a kind of re-wording and rearranging of the godawful


    formatting, but then Chapter

    1 just ended up like this. And then I did Chapter 2 a year or two later.

    Note that I edited up Chapter 1 a couple of times over the years (changing buffon to "buffoon", and some re-wording so that the formatting is a bit more orthodox,) but I didn't post a video of it.

    So yeah, should I even bother doing chapter 3?

  16. Wellp, looks like I now have a reason to read The Champion's Sword manga.

    Lyn mug is made of pure win. Tiena's mug looks a little... well, maybe the way she was drawn in Hasha made her look younger than she actually was, but... here she looks at least 20.

    but for how bad the writing is, it's gonna be a hurdle. damn my literary sensibilities!

  17. He and Caesar both are trying to "save her" in Shin Monshou, according to the fanslation... Radd's SD ending said he "fell in love during the war", so it could be someone in Marth's army. Do we get any hints as to who it could've been, possibly?

    Then again, considering Frey and the fact that Castor just turned out to be a swindler instead of actually having a sick mother it's disputable whether SD is supposed to be absolute canon at all.

  18. Why do you bother with making yourself look worse

    My gripe with SD/SM is because dodging is unreliable, making the myrmidon class just as for their low attack power. Yes, swordmasters can dodge, but until they're at least 20/1 promoted the myrmidon's only redeeming factor is doubling, not dodging, something that looks laughable from a design standpoint. I haven't played any other FE where I could have a sword user in a forest approached by an axe wielder and have my unit have a 70% chance of getting hit before. And the reason I said that fighters/warriors were "broken" is because their main draw is their sheer attack power and high HP growth, and even though I don't rely on them to dodge a hit as much, their role of giving and being able to take damage remains the same in both the GBA and DS series. The myrmidon class, on the other hand, got shafted, because their high speed also meant that they could dodge a lot more frequently than other units on average, but now with current dodge calculations in addition to axe hit rates, that advantage is, in your words, "less reliable". And again, it's only "not rendered null" once they're promoted and near/maxed out speed.

    Whatever. I've made my statement.

  19. Because MU isn't broken as any other class.

    And berserker/hero totally don't trivialize Warrior.

    Barst is only curbstomping normal mode and maybe H1. Even then he's not the best unit in the game.

    Explain how is that a good thing for Swordmasters when everybody can do it and take more hits to boot.

    It'd be an advantage for Swordmasters because they inherently have higher skill and their weapon type inherently has a generally high hit rate (excluding Blades), and can therefore dodge and hit more, making up for their low attack strength with their high critical hit rate. Swords are supposed to be characterized by a higher hit rate, but generally lower attack strength in comparison to lances and axes. This is thrown out the window with Shin Monshou's hit calculations and the idiotic Devil Sword/Axe that can still easily hit a Swordmaster.

    And why would a luck-based thing be reliable to begin with.

    The same reason why it's a good idea in FE6 to send Chad up against the pirates in Chapter 4: Because even though they have a possibility to hit, it's not a probability. I generally consider 0-45% hit rate an acceptable margin for characters to dodge. It was a reliable tactic then, and it should've been designed that way now, especially so if the developers decided to implement the Weapon Triangle, a system that, in Chapter 1 of the first Fire Emblem that American audiences were exposed to, could decide whether or not a unit would be hit or not. Now when you have Tomahawks with 80% hit rates, you have no reason to send a Sword user with 20 speed up against it, because you know they're going to end up hitting with at least 50% anyway.


    Cool maxspeed lategame cherry picking, bro. Give me some early-mid game <45 hit rates without Drill Grounds/Arena abusing and maybe I might actually take you seriously.

    I know its intentional that the AI prioritizes damage above all else, but its still hilarious (especially considering earlier games' AI didn't do this)

    What's really hilarious is how FE4's AI sucks so much for all the times they could've put in the coup de grace for my units in my playthrough, but didn't. At least Shin Monshou knows that you're just going to spam a healbot, anyway.

  20. Fighters Warriors broken in DS games...hahahahahaha



    Sorry but WHAT?


    Also, while its true that dodging is tougher in DS games, its not hard to see hit below 60s at all even in H2. Plus, if u really want to dodge, swordmasters are THE way to achieve it. 30spd cap, 30 lck = 15 more avo + 10 natural avo and then supports add up to that too. Its not tough to get really low hits if you want them.

    Except in most other games you could have everyone else dodge. And I'm fully aware of Swordmaster dodge rates. Still doesn't keep them safe from being hit by devil weapons/magic, and everyone else H2 and up.

    Well, since there are no such romhacks that would make Shadow Dragon/Shin Monshou a legitimately enjoyable game to play, I guess I'm done with this thread.

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