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Posts posted by Jave

  1. 15 minutes ago, Othin said:

    It's better than them taking New Heroes spots.

    That Resonance Battle starts on 9/8, the day this banner launches. So this is the only chance to add TMS units in time for it.

    Next Harmonic unit will probably be on the Halloween banner in a month.

    Imagine if the next seasonal banner is Idol-themed, with mainline FE characters wearing TMS-styled outfits. And they continue the tradition of using yet-unreleased characters for it. "Jill, one of the most requested characters, is finally here, wearing a gorgeous idol outfit!"

    Now that would be a pretty crazy Monkey's Paw.


    I'd still summon for her.


  2. 4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    TMS was far more fun than this game ever was for me. And setting aside the uniqueness of FE gameplay, which I do like, TMS was personally more fun than Three Houses too.


    The same on Kain/Alva/Robert. Some people are still just plain acidic when it comes to TMS, the time for that passed in the weeks after June 24th 2016.

    I'd also say some other mainline FE characters who do have a lick of personality, are less deserving of entry than TMS characters. Aran, Laura, Gareth, Devdan, Vika, Macellan, maybe Chulainn (he's filler-y), Barret, and definitely Brigand Boss and Memebot Jorge. Now mind you, a few of the characters named above could leverage a rare weapon/class type to compensate for little personality- Vika and Aran definitely could. I'm not saying the TMS cast is amazing beyond belief, but against the very bottom of the mainline FE barrel? There is no reason they can't triumphantly contest that.

    I'll add that I wholly support adding the "little guys" to FEH, I'll throw a cheer if Frost or Conomor or Zelot gets in. It isn't like TMS would prevent many of the little guys from getting into FEH either, there are only 10 hero characters in TMS. And Barry I would be fine with leaving out, middle-aged magical girls-liking otaku is a little creepy even if it's supposed to be silly; as I would the mostly nonexistent TMS villains though some of their visual designs might be exotic. But I don't see having the other nine heroes with the occasional alt as being a grand theft of character slots.

    This is pretty much how I feel. I find the reactions towards TMS to be over-the-top ridiculous, and it's baffling that so many years after the fact some people still hold such a grudge against the game. I'm all for including as many characters as possible in FEH, but the early games (read: the Kaga games) are filled with so many nobodies that I can't say I'll lose any sleep if most of them never make it to FEH.

    And yeah, a second TMS banner can have Touma, Yashiro, Maiko and Tiki. Barry is not a character I'm crazy to see show up in FEH either.

  3. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Not really. Expanding your barracks costs precious orbs which are obviously better used for summoning. It only costs one orb to expand your barracks, but you only expand it by a measly five slots.

    This is quite the statement coming from you, considering in the past you've purposely passed on easy orbs for no other reason than "I don't like any of the units in this Voting Gauntlet".

  4. I have plenty of saved orbs so I will try for Legendary Corrin. Not sure what I'll pull besides colorless. I have all of Red, Blue and Green except for Nils and Fallen Ike, so I probably won't chance a pity breaker with those colors. Colorless is very attractive with potential for Mila merging, and I still don't have Brammimond.

    Also I think people are looking too much into this element thing. It's not any different than the affinities in previous FEs, and there are tons of "this makes no sense" examples in those.

  5. Got Claude, Dimitri and Lysethia until I reached 40 pulls so I got Edelgard for the Consolation Pull. Still haven't used the initial freebie, but I think I'll get anothe Lys to remove her Spd bane (She's +Atk!).

    Wow, this banner was good to me. Got all the units before even claiming the freebie and no pity breakers!

  6. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Well this kind of sucks. The tips and tricks video about Claude and Lysithea was removed because the narrator was an idiot and got the description for the latter's weapon wrong. Something that could've been helpful to players is gone now because of this guy's dumb mistake.

    I liked watching these videos because of the ideas you could get from them. I hadn't yet watched this one and now I can't and I would've liked to see the tips on Claude. 😕

    That's a huge shame, but let's not jump the gun on blaming or insulting the Narrator over this. He was more likely given a wrong script to read.

    I do hope they eventually re-do the video.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Eh, I still doubt it. Ike, Lincy, and Miccy are enough for Tellius imo. And I'm saying that as a massive Tellius fan.

    I mean, who knows for how long IntSys is planning to keep this game around. If it's for the long run, they are eventually going to run out of candidates, so they have to get them from somewhere.

    Heck, if you ask me, Tellius probably has more Legendary candidates than any other continent. Pretty much any character in those games that is Royalty is qualified for Legendary status (sans Deghinsea who is Mythic material).

  8. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Desperation is effectively useless in Rokkr Sieges. If you don't have Witchy Wand or Melancholy, use Guard. Otherwise, use Seal Def or Chill Def to increase your damage output or Renewal to keep yourself healthy.

    Galeforce is generally the optimal Special, but Astra can also be used if you don't have the feathers.

    For Idunn, you'll want the Heavy Blade Sacred Seal to break through Sturdy Stance 4, though you can theoretically pass on it and just let it charge on enemy phase.


    13 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I run Whitewing Spear for armor effective and quadding, Noontime for self healing, Death Blow 3 for extra damage, Guard 2 to prevent cooldown on Rokkr opponent and Breath of Life 3 in both the C-Slot and Seal to heal my dancers. I'm also running three flying dancers with Goad Fliers, Drive Atk and Spur Attack in their C-Skill and Seal slots. Also worth noting that I'm only playing through on intermediate difficulty since getting 160,000 points per round is easier than trying to go for 200,000 points on advanced.

    Wow, did that ever work. Galeforce + Guard + Heavy Blade seal did the trick in spades. This is a mode I never bothered much with since I could never come up with a set to get the highest rewards, but now I finally managed to get 150k for the first time:



    Thanks to both of you for the tips. Est is definitely a keeper now.

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