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Posts posted by Jave

  1. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Players with +10 mythics and all already get the highest scores anyway though. And not everyone wants the highest scores all the time, I just want to be able to get one silver throne and gold throne because I like how they look.

    This is not true, plenty of people on this very forum have reached Tier 27 and even Top 1,000 without the need of +10 Mythics. Removing penalties would only make that more difficult.

    Thrones are rewards for the best players which is why they're rank-based and not Tier-based. Lowering penalties makes the game easier for everyone, so it won't make you get a throne any easier.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    IS seriously needs to remove the score cuts taken when your units die in modes like arena and AR. Or at least lower the amount your score is cut by a large margin. It's become far too difficult not to have deaths. I'm sick of my score being severely lowered due to having had just one or two deaths overall.

    Removing the penalty for lost units in AR means the mode becomes true Pay2Win because the highest scores would be achievable by those who have +10 Mythics in their teams. It would also completely change the meta, since now people can play Sacrifice with their units, basically sending units out to die with no penalty, as long as they get one unit to survive.

    Lowering the penalty would only make the mode more frustrating for most players because, AR being a ranked mode, it would make the score ceiling higher to reach higher ratings, thus making stuff like thrones much harder to get.

  3. 9 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Yes, Forsyth should have been infantry from the start just like Lukas. Lance armourers are in no short supply. Grant total of infantry I could see them possibly do. I don't really see them giving us Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn versions of any characters aside from Ike and Sothe. Their designs are just too similar. Maybe Devdan and Danved with one coming a significantly long time after the other.




    *Great Lord!Dmitri (you could say his original should have been infantry, but I do kind of like that they're mixing up the default and likely Master Class Three Houses lords)

    *Fallen Dimitri using his High Lord design.


    *Maybe Sylvain. He's always mounted as an enemy and has mounted proficiency, but they could still make him infantry without contradicting anything that's really established.


    *Possible Bride!Eirika, given Eirika introduced Brides in Awakening and they use lances there, but then again you could just say bride or Christmas anyone.

    *Male or Female Kris (no real infantry lance available in Archanea games, but on the other hand Faye can't use bows and these two characters have no association with anything specific).

    *Merchant Anna

    *Dismounted Shiida finally using the Wing Lance?

    *Maybe dismounted Glade or someone else from Thracia (which let's face it is the group of characters furthest down in the list for cries to get into the game).

    I really can't think of any more beyond that that don't go into minor boss territory. And even there I can only think of the previously mentioned Hinata and that one lieutenant that serves as boss at the start of Marth's prologue in Shadow Dragon who doesn't even have a name. Even Levail is pretty damn minor, probably salvaged only by having some kind of associated wepaon. Only the first four from what I mentioned there seem really likely. Jarod could probably get away with having a good res stat since his whole deal is being Miaciah's bitter enemy and he's cannonically taken down by the Black Knight and not her in that one chapter.

    There's also Mozu, who starts as a Villager wielding a lance like Donnell, even though most people raise her as a bow user.

  4. 2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, since Lewyn lost, I'll skip the final round. I don't care about Nino or Nagi since I really don't like the former and know very little about the latter (and I don't have Nagi either).

    You could at least pick whoever and do the five battles in quick succession for 4 orbs. It takes less than five minutes and you don't even need the actual character.

  5. Finally got Flora last night in a session with two reds.

    Today's ticket pull gave me... Ophelia. Now that's a truly welcome off-focus! And she's +Atk too! She's getting merged as the base with my previous one, which was -Atk.

  6. Sniping green with 130 orbs, first 80 orbs got me nothing, until the next circle gave me Queen Celica. Went to finish that circle and also got a Hrid. Already had them both, but these ended up both being +Atk so I got them both with best boons after merging.

    33 orbs left, decided to go all in. Two circles with no greens gave me Abel and Oboro. Next circle, One Green, it's all or nothing... and I get +Def/-Res Empress Edelgard. Very happy with these results, so I'm done with this banner for good.

  7. My picks:

    Teacher: Micaiah (21st). Wow, surprisingly high. Nice to see her getting love in this category.

    Dancing Duo: F!Byleth and Edelgard (19th). Nice, but recency bias certainly helped.

    Villain: Hardin (40th). Huh, was seriously expecting him to rank higher. Guess it can be atributed to a lot of people not playing FE3/FE12.

    Detective Duo: Lute and Artur (38th). Interesting. Was expecting less, to be honest.

    Sibling: Marianne (86th). Huh. Was really expecting higher for this one. Oh well. Fun poll overall.

    5 hours ago, Cimikat said:

    Best teacher - Titania (67th place, nice. Would have been surprised if Byleth didn't win this since that's the whole initial gimmick of 3H plus recency bias)

    That's RD Titania. PoR Titania actually ranked 20th, and the highest Tellius character.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, my bad, but tbh you're not the only person I've seen call them a trio unit. I think there was another post or two in this thread that called them a trio and I saw Twitter comments saying they're a trio too.

    They're a trio because it's three people.

    They're a duo because it's a Duo Unit per the game's rules.

    They're a solo because they're a single summonable unit.

    Call them whatever. Who cares?

  9. Cute banner. I'm low on orbs so I'll probably won't pull much, but I'd love to get that Ultra-broken Caeda.

    For those wondering why Minerva is not on a Pegasus. She's notably older than the other characters in the banner, so she's probably not young enough to be in her Pegasus Knight days. I'm going to guess this is "Just got given her Wyvern" Minerva.

  10. I have two sisters and a brother, all younger than me, so I'm used to being the big brother. So I went with Marianne, I feel like she's someone who would like having a big brother to watch and care for her.

    My votes:

    Teacher: Micaiah
    Dancing Duet: Edelgard and F!Byleth
    Likeable Villain: FE3/12 Hardin
    Detective Duo: Lute and Artur
    Sibling: Marianne

  11. I'm going for the "Lead Detective that over analyses everything but misses out the obvious" and the "Sidekick that thinks more rationally and points out the obvious" archetype.

    So my vote was for Lute & Artur.

  12. Ended up spending around 170 orbs in the Fates banner. The results:

    Paladin Chrom (+Atk -HP): He's new to me and showed up in the first circle so I'll take him. Great IV too.

    Forrest (+Spd -HP): Also got another one at 4*.

    Rinkah (Neutral): Consolation pull.

    Perceval (+Res -Atk): Was hoping to end with Lilith but got this pity break instead. He's new to me though, so he's welcome. That IV though, ugh.

    Still, not a bad haul for what I spend. The Consolation Pull definitely makes things more manageable, so it's a welcome feature. Too bad it's not for Seasonal and Legendary/Mythic banners.

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