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Posts posted by Jave

  1. I've seen this being done at some other sites and looked fun, so let's give it a go. Essentially, you pick the five remaining DLC characters but you're limited to choose from the current Top choices from Demo4Smash's fan poll, as seen in the image on the tweet below (If the embed is giving you trouble view the full image here😞

    Arle and Phoenix Wright are my two most wanted characters so they get my top two choices. After that, I'd probably pick Crash. For the last two I'd be fine with Shantae and Rayman, even though I'm not as excited for them as I once was. I'd give Monokuma and Paper Mario runner-up positions since I wouldn't mind them getting in.

  2. On 7/16/2020 at 9:39 PM, vanguard333 said:

    Pretty much no one I've seen talk about this thinks that the survey Nintendo did was any good for the very reasons you're mentioning. My best guess would be that the survey was done through some magazine, so most people who filled it in hadn't even played Super Paper Mario. I've seen that a number of times: people reference surveys that were put in magazines, only for it to be revealed that most of the people who filled it in didn't even consume the piece of media in question.

    For the record, the only official way Nintendo did surveys back during the Wii era was to buy the game, enter the included code in the now-defunct Club Nintendo website, and then fill up a survey were you stated your opinion of the game. The survey was mandatory if you wanted to claim the coins you used to get rewards.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    ...What? Where are you getting this idea?

    And I have a right to get pissy if I feel I'm being mistreated.

    And yes, I misunderstood something. This does not mean I don't know how the game works. And why are any apologies needed for anything? I don't see anything anyone needs to be sorry for. Well, I guess except for mistreating me, I suppose.

    Oh wow. You actually pulled the "Everyone should apologize except me." argument.

    I'm honestly not surprised coming from you.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I didn't say pitybreakers are bugs. I'm saying it's always possible that a bug can happen with a banner because this game is not immune to bugs. I simply suggested there could be one, not that there definitely is.

    Sure, it'd be strange as well if most people were getting focus units only. It'd be equally strange if most weren't and got non-focus units or no 5 star units at all.

    Sure, there "could" be a bug. There "could" always be a bug. Even when things are running smoothly there "could" be a bug. Why even bring it up? If you can't point out solid proof that there's a bug going on there's not even a point of discussing it because there's no way to prove it.

    The people on this forum make up... what? 0,001% of the player base? Even if not a single person here pulled a Focus Unit that wouldn't be indicative of a bug.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Of course you aren't. But if a larger than usual number of people are having this kind of "bad luck," it starts to look like it's actually more than just bad luck. I'm pretty sure this game is not immune to bugs. There have been a number of mistakes fixed in it in the past.

    A few people on a forum getting many non-focus units is not indicative of a bug. Heck, in the grand scheme of things it'd be strange if there WEREN'T people with that kind of pulls since the odds of pulling a Focus 5* are the same of pulling a Non-Focus 5*. Plenty of people out there are getting lots of Focus Units, while others are getting pitybroken all over the place. It balances out, and I'm pretty sure it happens to lots of people in all communities.

  6. Used up 80 saved orbs and very first sessions gives me a Laevatein (She’s getting merged), and near the end I get a 4* Sylvain and Ingrid (+Atk -HP!) I was pulling all colors on this banner so this was a nice haul. No Dorothea sadly, but I’ll wait until I save some more orbs before deciding if I go for her. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    If that's the case, then they're idiots for thinking that a number of consecutive purchases automatically means something suspicious.

    Banks have been operating on a "Better Safe than Sorry" style for years now, since Stealing/Cloning/Hacking cards and accounts have become more of a serious issue as time goes by, so nowadays any sort of suspicious activity is immediately blocked. It's either that or letting everything slide, and since banks can't tell what purchases are legit or not, they'd rather deal with the inconveniences of costumers getting their cards temporarily locked, but also catching the majority of fraudulent purchases, before they escalate into something worse.

  8. 4 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Thanks! And yeah. lol

    Me too. I don't know how long it'll take either...

    Tip: If it was the bank that blocked your card for too many consecutive purchases (as mentioned above by daisy jane) this is not going to be something that will fix on its own. It's very important you give the bank a call tomorrow to see what happened and how can you solve it. Best case they unblock the card through the phone call or worst case you have to go to the bank to get a new card.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    This thread was first by one minute, but the other thread has more replies.

    Nice to see plenty of new characters in. It means those who like Ingrid etc have something rather than nothing.


    Actually, you're right. I'll be keeping my post in this thread.

    Still haven't fully decided what to get from the banner but Dorothea is top priority. Ingrid is tempting and might go for a couple of Sylvains to keep for fodder.

  10. 2 hours ago, AlexArtsHere said:

    So I've been reading through this thread and, although I'm white and across the other side of the pond, I've got some input here directed @Anacybele because the thing is, yours is a similar mindset to one I had in high school, when I was less aware. You're where I was maybe 5 years ago, so I understand you're coming from a place of innocence, but this mindset is one borne of indoctrination. I'm going to repeat some stuff that others have said throughout this thread but there are some really important points you need to understand on this.

    First, and I think most important for you to understand, is that we, as the privileged race, are not meant to feel comfortable about protests. When we're comfortable, it means we can look away and pretend all this isn't happening. When we're debating about the validity of a protest and whether people are protesting "correctly", the people who don't want the world to be a better place, who want to keep minorities underfoot, the same people who want you to be an outcast for having autism; they're winning. These protests aren't polite and they aren't pretty because that doesn't grab attention. This is happening now because those with power and privilege didn't listen in the past. Now we're being made to listen because things need to change. I understand the impulse to question the morality of the protests, but ask yourself what's more important: brick and mortar or real, human lives? If there's something you don't like about the protests, acknowledge it, but also accept that it's happening in the service of a brighter future (bad actors notwithstanding).

    Second, police in America are systemically corrupt and racist, we just don't see it usually because it doesn't affect us. If you use Twitter, then you must have seen at least some videos and posts about the horrific and reprehensible acts being committed by police during these protests. One of the more notorious examples of police brutality was committed against an elderly white man who approached the police in a non-violent manner; he was pushed back by the police until he fell over and began bleeding from his ears. His name is Martin Gugino. I won't link the video in the interests of keeping in line with the rules on forbidden content, but a quick search will turn up the relevant information. Bear in mind this is but one of the many documented incidents of police brutality that has occurred in the wake of the protests. This in particularly was something I had difficulty accepting because I, like many people, had bought into the idealised version of the police that we see on TV and in the movies, when in reality that isn't necessarily the case.

    As such, when people talk about defunding and abolishing the police, the idea is to redistribute these resources into other areas of society to improve quality of life in order to prevent crime. Now, I say this as someone who doesn't necessarily believe in the full abolition of the police, but the 2019-2020 police budget for Los Angeles alone was $1.8 billion. This money could and should be put into other services to fix the system and take away a lot of the factors that prevent crime. For example, a better schooling system that actively helps disadvantaged kids, allowing them to go into the world as adults with the same opportunities and basic standard of living as everybody else, so they won't be motivated towards theft out of necessity. People don't talk about defunding the police in a vacuum, they want to use defunding the police as a means of putting more funding into other essential services so the police won't be needed as much. And sure, there are some people who are just rotten, and we will need to deal with those people, but just because we might not see a way to make the system perfect right now doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve it at all.

    And finally, there's Trump. Some people expected the Trump administration to turn out the way it has, some people didn't. I won't hold it against you for voting Trump because it ultimately achieves nothing, but throughout his term he has shown himself to be an unstable, selfish demagogue. Through these protests alone he has taken George Floyd's name in vain by baselessly claiming that Floyd would be happy to see Trump send in the national guard to quell the protests against the police brutality that lead to his death. He tried to pin the blame for Martin Gugino's serious injuries on the man himself by saying that he fell harder than he was pushed. Is this really the man you want to support? Consider that you're in a minority. You have a developmental disorder. Others with such disorders have said that their communication difficulties have led to tensions with the police in the past. If you're murdered by police brutality one day because they couldn't understand or respect your challenges (god forbid) and people protest your murder, would the man claiming that you're happy for people to be violently subdued in support of your murders really be someone you want to stand behind?

    If you take away nothing else from what I've said, take away this: It's never too late to change your mind. We won't think less of you for it. Adjusting your mindset based on new information as it's presented to you isn't defeat, it's growing as a person to respond to a more accurate view of the world. You're uncomfortable about protests which have been visible to use for about a month. You're uncomfortable about Disney retheming a ride and the idea that it may have come about because of these protests. People of colour are uncomfortable because there are government sanctioned officers on the streets who can and will brutalise them for any perceived slight. People of colour are uncomfortable because their existence is, for some people, reason enough to hate them, simply for the colour of their skin. There are people in this thread who have explained things better than I ever could, and there will be more who will do the same, but I'm trying to reach out to you because I understand where you are and I don't want you to fall into a mindset that turns a blind eye to suffering, and I think everyone else who's disagreeing with you would share that sentiment. As a final request, please give this video a watch, it's helped me understand so much better how privileged I am. It's not a hard or unpleasant watch for a white person, but it is an important one


    I have to say this is a great post and everybody needs to take a couple of minutes to read it. @Anacybele I strongly suggest you to reflect on that post, because I don't think anyone here could have summarized it any better.

    (Can't watch the video right now since I'm at a meeting at work, but I definitely will later on.)

  11. @Anacybele Please watch the video @Johann posted. It's only seven minutes, and it addresses in a very easy-to-understand way what is currently happening and why it's happening.

    Yes, I know you already said why you're not watching it, but that's a small price to pay when discussing issues like this, specially as the thread's OP. Blatantly ignoring other people's arguments only makes you look like you didn't make this thread to debate in good faith.

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