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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. Yeah... And Naga's definetly royalty. Nagi's history is just so weird...But the battle convo with Medeus just about confirms her.
  2. Alrighty, Merric's confirmed. As for Linde, I don't know, as Fire Emblem may have some different meaning for the title Pontifex - realistically, it would be a No. And just checked the Notes again: Ogma's father was a noble of Akaneia, so I guess that makes him eligible as well.
  3. Alrighty, so I'm thinking about only using units of some Royalty or nobility...Just because of sick of people not saying anything when they are recruited and having no real importance... And I realized that hardly any of the units have any backstory at all. So far, I have this list of units that can be used... Absolutely can use -Royalty Marth Caeda Hardin Maria Minerva Tiki Elice Seemingly can use - Noble Merric - Altean noble Wendell - Pontifex Linde - Miloah was a Pontifex Horace - Akaneian noble, we're guessing Nagi - Naga reincanate...or something Can use because of Designers notes - Noble Lena - According to the Designers notes, she is a Medonian noble Matthis - '', And his ending title is 'Dashing Noble' Jeorge - According to the Designers notes, he is an Akaneian noble, of Menidy Midia - '', of Deil (where Maria was kept) Ogma - According to the Designers notes, His father was a lower Akaneian noble These are units I CAN use...I think. Am I missing any one?
  4. geradgerad: "Maria is awesome. :]"

    True dat!!

  5. Oh man did I hear that! I make a point to do that. All the time. FE 11 Caeda Norne Athena MARIA!!! Minerva ELICE! - I don't know why people think she's bad, she RULES. FE 9 Mist Rolf Astrid Elincia FE10 Laura FIONA!!! Elincia Heather Mist Kyza I love doing this. My saying is that it doesn't matter how they start, when used, any unit can be awesome. :D Oh, and in FE 12... MARIA!!! Nyna Elice Anyway! That's right! :D
  6. Ha! Oh wow, that set up is pretty funny, but it works nonetheless! Thanks!
  7. Awesome sprites!! I hope you work your way to a certain Red-haired princess cleric soon! And nice artwork as well! I think your Marth turned out the best. May I ask what program you're using?
  8. Wow, I'd be nice to gain experience like that with healers if they accidentally get attacked. But the no exp for healing just sucks. I've had a question for awhile now... What does the 'luck varies' thing for characters that start out as enemies equate to? I mean, how much does it vary by, or do they just have some random number for luck?
  9. Great! Ah, no Maria. Dangit.
  10. Does anyone have some really good face sheets for Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon? I'm trying to get some of the characters actually smiling, like Norne, Palla, Minerva, Elice, Maria, etc... Does anyone know where I can find some?
  11. Wow. Personally, I sometimes find myself liking some of the faceless characters... Like a faceless cleric I got on in SD on Lv 4, ch 4... Trained her up to be a bishop and she beat out Lena... ...And then they get killed by a Cavalier with a 73 hit and 1 percent crit, who gets the crit. So, I guess Luck does mean something. I hope it works out for you!
  12. Sniper Minerva rocks, that's for sure. Best class change for her. And Castor seems like a pretty safe bet, I just hate his speed and Luck. Eh.
  13. I just can't do it! I end up going back again and again, just for Norne! First off, on almost every playthrough I've used Norne, and she's just too dang useful for me to pass up. Her speed is amazing, and, for the first few chapters where the only characters I can bring myself to use are Marth and Caeda, she's a great support. As the game goes on she gets better and better, and I end up bringing her to my wifi squad with nice capped stats, and ...she's so freakin' cute. My playstyle for the first few chapters involves Caeda weakening and Norne finishing, and Gordin just sucks... Augh, why, why can't she be recruitable on Hard mode?! And I have no idea who to replace her with! As far as archers go, early on, she's the only one I use. ...And I really like doing all girl runs, so... I.... I need some help here.
  14. Miffed, but looking forward to New Mystery!

    1. Darros


      Agreed, with the looking forward to FE3DS. :D

    2. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      I'm playing (Old) Mystery right now. It'd be interesting to see the changes in gameplay between the two.

  15. Honestly I think the wifi is the best part of this game. My code is in my sig, let's go! I love a good fight!
  16. I said 'usually', as in, I do that in most playthroughs, as I'm trying to get the X chapters. But this isn't my 'usual' playthrough, so of course I'm gonna recruit him. That was making a sarcastic remark to say 'I'm not going to use him'. ;)
  17. Not a problem, as a usually just kill him with Caeda.
  18. Honestly I love the arena in this game. I love how you can keep going and going, so I can make enough money for a good wifi team in less than 500 turns with a good Arena dog like Radd or Marth. I love how you can cancel a cancel (it you used the touch screen) now as well. I abuse the arena in this game - love it. It gets me a completely forged inventory for wifi. :D
  19. Maria and Caeda are my only all-timers. They never dissapoint. ...I definetly have a thing for princesses. Other than that, consistent ones are Catria, Est, Norne, and Athena. First three are cute as heck, and Athena's accent makes me laugh.
  20. Yup Yup. Imhullu doesn't even scratch her and she killed Gharnef in one hit (as a Sage; As a Bishop it takes two). ...Cuz she's awesome. NP! I just hate it's uses because it almost breaks when I get swarmed by all the other peons around Gharnef.
  21. Oh. Well I'm thinking of trying to use all the chars important to the storyline and have them fufill the duties the game / story wants them too... And unfortunately in Shadow Dragon hardly anyone has any importance and even less have personality. (Thankfully Maria is chock full of both.) Including alot of the knights and the people that join you without saying anything... Anyway, it looks like it's either Merric or Linde that's ''supposed'' to wield Starlight...
  22. Whoa whoa whoa! I'm not backtracking to FE 1, just taking the storyline hints for what / who to use etc for sake of the story. Wow, I never use any of those guys...
  23. Well that's true, I didn't think about his teachers. And there's the fact that Gharnef has Merric's crush. I usually always use Maria with Starlight, but I just want to know who the game wants to use it for the Canon.
  24. Unfortunately, I've never been able to play this game - I'd like to simply to see how far the series has come. But I am curious... By about how much does the Luck Stat of recruitable characters that start out as Enemies vary? And how? Do you just restart the chapter until they have a Luck that you like? And...there is actual text in this game, right? I've never actually found any of it.
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