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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. And my point is that Shade doesn't do anything about it.
  2. Worst: Shade in Radiant Dawn. They always go for the person who won't attack back or has the least defense, and that's it. I tried it out with Rolf and gave Mist provoke, had them sit right next to each other, and they still attacked Rolf. He had higher defense, and the enemy actually got a no-damage, but the fact that they still attacked him makes this skill FAIL. Best: Steal in Radiant Dawn. There are so much free great stuff. Steal + Disarm = 3/4 free weapons each map. :D
  3. Let's just say that this unit has maxed HP, Str, Spd, Skill, and Def, but the standard res. It's a competitive team.
  4. I hardly ever use Lance Users due to their lack of speed, but which one is better for wifi squads? I've been hearing conflicting reports... Should I use a Paladin or Dracoknight?
  5. Celebrating that Maria won for the FEwiki's featured article of the month!

  6. Ah, ok. So the magic triangle is Wind<Thunder<Fire, like usual. Dark and Light are unaffected, maybe? Other than that, I got nothing. Can anyone read that?
  7. A few questions - how much does the maturity drop increase growth rates by? And do the starsphere shard/shield of seals bonuses still work if the stat is capped?
  8. Yeah, they make new cards for the promoted chars. Any luck on identifying some staves? What do the healing cards do? Was there a magic triange as well? It seems like some magic users are getting bonuses from other magic types, but it makes no sense. From a few cards I gained: Thunder beats Fire, Fire beats Wind, Wind beats nothing, but flying units? And Light beats dark, which beats Light again?
  9. Personally I'm really interested in this game (one of the main reasons being the artwork that is woefully missing from SD), but I can't read any of the cards and have no intrustions. Does anyone know how to play/translate, or know what the some of the different cards do? It would be awesome to print some cards and play it.
  10. Lol, my L button DID break from all my resetting in when I used save point upgrades. Then I switched to another DS and the R button broke from it. So I guess that's why I'm not totally against clocking now...
  11. The entire point of the wifi is the fun and competition. That's truly pathetic.
  12. Thanks! It is nice, isn't it? :D

  13. Does everyone use clock hacking for wifi teams? Personally I find it kinda...wrong. You could honestly get a completely capped out char without reclassing or anything, like a hacker. I just think it takes the fun out of the game, especially on wifi - people quit on me now and I'm not a hacker or clock abuser, I just use save points. If everyone does, though, I'll make a squad from my clock abused playthrough...
  14. Ok, found it: FE3, Final Chp pt 1 End Gotoh: To awaken a dragon requires the life force of females with pure and noble blood. So...it has nothing to do with the Aum staff. And Lena's noble. The pure blood thing probably refers to them being Bishops. I guess he wasn't fully ressurected yet, then. He was about to be before that meddling Marth got involved and messed up his dinner plans.
  15. Does anyone know why Lena is kidnapped? If Gharnef is kidnapping for resurrection powers, wouldn't that be the ability to use the Aum staff - a.k.a. Princess? So why the heck is Lena there - or is it a different reason?
  16. Your avatar is great!

  17. Best: Renning. Only one in the series who pulls off a mustache well. Worst: Lekain. Just.....*shiver* EDIT: Nominate: Best/Worst Non-recruitable Female Boss (if it's based Stats or storyline doesn't matter. Not counting Ashera)?
  18. In all honesty, I have no problem with what Elice said. My problem is who she said it to. If she feels that Marth has that many flaws, tell it to his face. They're related, and Marth feels much differently towards Elice than she does to him. If she really feels that way, then she should tell Marth to begin the transition to a wiser king. Don't backstab him to some stupid new recruit, not when Marth wouldn't even tolerate something bad said about Elice. Now MU'll be consending to Marth. It's awful, Marth doesn't deserve that. And about Marth's personality, I don't know if he is naive. I've only played SSBM, SSBB, and SD with him in it, and his personality is extremely hard to read from only those. What I've gained from it is that he's fairly conceited and confident in his own abilities (his taunts, and ''Watch!" from SD). But naive? I'm not sure. He was in the prologue of Shadow Dragon, but since then he seemed to grow out of it. Wanting his soldiers to survive does not make him a bad king, quite the contrary in my opinion. He's one of my all time favorite characters, and my favorite Lord character hands down (though they've gotta let him have higher speed). About the B-point, yeah, I think she earned it fairly with that low blow. She's still one of my favorite characters for her elegance, telling Malledus off, awesomeness and hotness, but, yeah, she needs to stop berating her brother to complete strangers. If she does that more often than we know, than yeah, she'll have completely earned her title. But we've all known Elice was like that when she laughed at Merric in SD. She was rather condensending to him as well, so in truth I do not think she thinks all that differently of Merric, her rescuer. My theory is that because Marth is in her family and thus destined to become King she holds him to a much higher standard than she does Merric, and since Merric does not have any real obligations she finds what he's trying to do cute, so she probably thinks he's sweet or one of those other rather non-commital terms. My theory for why Marth can't wake her is that upon seeing Marth coming to rescue her, she does not feel anything - she'd only think of how he'd failed again, is a weak king for allowing this to happen to her - despite the fact that she sacrificed herself, she subconsiously blames Marth's weakness, so she does not think of the grief Marth must have fealt and the fact that he's done all he can to correct the situation and has come to rescue her. When she sees Merric, however, she is surprised, and her nonexistent crush blossoms on the spot, as she thinks of what Merric had to go through, and she realizes that she's the reason. So basically, she realizes the depth of his love for her and is surprised but deeply pleased, so she decides to give him a chance. So I honesly don't think she really loves Merric on the spot, but first simply loves the fact that he's saving her life - she loves his actions, but not him, at least at first. That's my theory. Eventually it works out though, according to the FE3 endings. Man, I hate Merric for that. Lucky chump. I'm now thinking Elice's affinity is Ice.
  19. Well, I'm a superfan who analyzes things too much. Maria's also got a great history and more personality than half the cast of SD put together. If the character is someone like Radd, its hard to improve their page, but Maria's different. If you're on the wikia, you should vote for her for the next featured article. ;D

  20. Yeah, haha. I'll move on once I think it's perfect. If you're on the wikia, you should vote for her for the next featured article!

  21. Rickard - Thunder Gordin - I wanna say wind due to his green-ness, but...wait, yeah, Wind. Just wondering - Marth Shiida Maria Elice EDIT: Double post accidental.
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