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Everything posted by LycopolisKing

  1. FE 11/12: MARIA!!! And Nyna. Not so much Elice, and definetly not Miss Bad Hair Day. Ahhh, can't wait to use Maria! She's gonna be AWESOME! P.S. This title is deceiving!
  2. How much does the luck of characters that start out as enemies vary by in FE 1?
  3. Ha, If you'll notice I did not make a huge deal about her combat skills, as this is a nomination for a support character. I only noted that she could defend herself and that she isn't as much as a liability compared to other 'bards' like Nils, Ninian, and the Herons. I'm not nominating her for her combat skills. I'm nominating her for her ability to support you without being a huge liability like previous dancers. And by previous, I mean in FE 6 - 11. I have not played any others, so please excuse my ignorance.
  4. Ha! That's a good one.

    But what does hating Kurth have to do with it? :?

  5. About the 4 Bishops, just wondering... Why can't Marth, Michalis, or Matthis wake their sister? Marth - He only bit his nails for years worrying about Elice, did everything he could to make Starlight and rescue her, and he would've used it himself if he had a magic growth ('cause that cap is fantastic) and use magic, then had an insta support with her. She's always sacrificing for him and he's always worrying about her, why can't he wake her? They had years and years together and have a positive relationship. Michalis - Maria loves this guy to the point of willingly agreeing to go to Dolhr to please him (ok, she didn't know she'd be imprisoned), and then she stays by his bedside nursing him back to health until he recovers. Then he pledges his life to trying to find her and does all he can to rescue her, and he can't wake her? They have an auto A support, Maria's forgiven him more than he deserves, so...what up wit dat? Matthis - Ok, they can support in Shadow Dragon, and... he cares. I think. Good enough. If Marth could do it, it would reduce the unit count that's already pushed to the limit, and if they brothers could do it in general the game would have more options. More choices are always better. The brothers at least talk to their sisters after their recruited, right? (Or at least Michalis, hopefully.) I'm really looking forward to using the princesses (not Rena), especially Nyna due to it being her first time. Her bases are actually decent for a preAdvanced unit, but her level's her downfall - but she's got good growths as well and her luck alone explains how she survived Chapter 20 of Shadow Dragon without being eradicated by the bastillians. That Bishop headress is really annoying, though.
  6. I wanna know some more about you before I friend you. :D

  7. Best: FE 12 Feena. I have not played this game yet, but I'm voting for her nevertheless. The only dancer that can attack, has great growths. Not only can she support with dancing, you don't have to worry about her being a liability on the field due to her being able to defend herself. Great. Worst: FE9 Sothe. He got insta-killed by a Bolting. Even though he's free, he's a major hassel. Especially with Blossom not allowing him to gain anything. And if you take off Blossom, you're kind screwed in Resistance. Though I believe every unit can be great when leveled, Sothe has some seriously restrictions: Not being able to steal anything from people with a higher speed than 20, not being able to steal weapons that weigh more than 20, not being able to forge weapons for him... It's a recipe for diaster. And personally, I like Sothe. I'm uncurably biased, but sometimes you have to look at things differently than they initially appear. In defense of the Sisters... How is Nyna the worst? When compared to the rest of the 4 Sisters, actually pretty good. That Luck alone explains how she survived Ch 20 of Shadow Dragon. And she comes in with a Fortify and an A in staves so she can use all staves (except the Hammerne). Her growths are good, so she's a great a support unit, and with some steriods she becomes an able fighter. Clearly I'm biased, but in defense of Maria, how can she be a redundant Boah or Elice when she joins before them? If anything Elice is a redundant Maria as her main aspect (besides her awesome growths) is using the Aum Staff that Maria can use, and if she was used then she's already at a much higher level. And Wendell is most likely surpassed by a trained Maria. Anyone. Seriously. As if Matthis is going to make a better 'cleric' than Maria. Gordin, Roshea, Vyland, etc - none of them are going to make a better 'cleric' in terms of staff utility and support. Actually, in the first few she has a great Weapon Level and growth in that area, combined with good defensive stats, (both better than Lena's), so as a support unit, as she easily gets weapon level and can use many staves easily, she is extremely able, especially at a distance with Physics.
  8. In just a bit, I'm trying to make sure I don't over look anyone - because I'm only gonna have a few peeps. There's no way I'm using everyone on the list seriously, like Wendell.
  9. I may have been a bit iffy before, but after reading some of the nominations I know.... FE 11 MARIA! NORNE! RICKARD! FE 10 FIONA! DANVED! MIST! I care more about personalities than I do stats, honestly. And Maria's just so important and has more personality than half the SD cast put together. I honestly don't know why people bag on them so much. The game provides options and its simply up to the player to decide which ones they want to use. Personally, I value personality alot higher than I do bases, as if they have a growth rate all of that can change.
  10. I guess that confirms Wendell too, as he says he's a pontifex.
  11. Happy Birthday Tobi the Good Boy!

  12. Just wondering, has anyone found a time for a perfect Marth upgrade in Shadow Dragon? And if this can be used in New Mystery, I'm requesting a time for these growths... 35, 0 40, 40, 35, 75, 5, 40 If found, that will be my only instance of using this... I don't want to screw with the clock, so I'm content with using save points and simply praying for great natural upgrades, which is quite effective. :D So this only works with attacking? Hm, so say I had a Lena and an arena - I couldn't use the clock for her upgrades? Note: The Maria in my sig was produced by watching and just plain getting blessed. ;)
  13. FE 3 Ending - Miroa’s daughter Linda Under Nina’s protection she became a female official of Pales.
  14. Oops, I meant to imply a player unit by saying 'weapon', instead of tome. I'm sorry for any confusion. :D

  15. I'm saying what if they attack one of your units that has a ranged weapon (1-2)...
  16. What's with the 'mini'? :|

  17. Nyna used her Fortify... Does that mean that the sisters are active enemies? Will they attack you if you get too close? ...Man that would suck, what if they attack someone with a ranged weapon...
  18. Seriously, how much does the luck of characters that start out as enemies vary by?
  19. Never seen any text like that, but I do remember Rausten's pontifex, which made L'Arachel a princess, so I guess that about confirms Linde. Is that it?
  20. Yeah, I was wondering about that. And the villagers do say he inherited the land and things about his father, so I guess he's eligible as well.
  21. ...So...how much does the luck of characters that start out as enemies vary by?
  22. For Est, I usually train her in the arena until she caps something - anything - as a Falcoknight. (Usually it's speed). Then I take her back to the base and reclass her into a Sniper, for a good defense growth. After obtaining it for awhile, she's reclassed again into a swordsmaster for the best health points growth, and she stays as a Swordsmaster to set off the Traingle attack, as Palla is always an Archer for the best speed, and Catria is arbitrarily a Sniper or Swordsmaster. If you aren't willing to reclass much, then I recommend a Sniper due to balanced growths and the best HP base, as she does not really like getting HP.
  23. I decided to use Minerva - 1. she's royalty, and 2. she's Maria's sister, and that A support is awesome (though you have to work for it). So I thought I would give my overview. Minerva, though a pre Advanced unit, has solid bases and solid growths that keep her in the game. She is an Erk - her growth rates are incredibly fickle at almost exactly 40%, so she varies incredibly with her upgrades. For her first 9 upgrades when I used her, she gained 3 stats or less. However, for the last 10, she pulled out all the stops and got 4+. I reclassed her into a Sniper, which only furthered her improvement and growths, and I was sick of her getting incredibly crippled when hit with a bow. Her bases for skill and luck are incredibly low, so she may be a little shaky in those respects and get critted a few times (once in my runShe also has a lot of defense when compared to many other units. She capped in Chapter 23, right after killing Michalis. Her A support with Maria takes the remainder of the game to achieve, including all of the X chapters (except for 1) in which they must be deployed together. It drastically boosts the crit % and even helps your luck. Her stats - Level 20 Sniper HP 40 Str 19 Mag 0 Skill 23 Spd 26 Luck 18 Def 21 Res 3 Bow - B And what's more, since I normally use those who can cap stats on their own, I had so many steriods left over that she got almost all of them. Her stats afterwards - HP 54 Str 24 Mag 0 Skill 30 Spd 29 Luck 18 Def 21 Res 7 Bow - A *I don't know how to clock hack, nor do I want to know. I just play normally, though I do use save points. If you're going to use a pre advanced unit period, I suggest Minerva. She's awesome. Going to try out Midia next.
  24. I've heard alot of stuff about those guys (not on this site), mostly just haters. Especially about Mist and Elincia. ^Like that. But she rocks whenever you user her...In my opinion. I just buy a boatload of staves and EXP grind on the laguz bosses in Chapter 4.
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