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Posts posted by kcirrot

  1. For a brand new player there are three characters that could be very helpful, now and in the future.  

    Summer Robin, Summer Tiki and Gray, all currently available have a skill called [weapon] valor.  Robin has lance, Tiki has Axe, Gray has sword.  These are very valuable skills as they allow you to train units who use those weapons.  All three characters are decent to good at what they do as well.  So if I was just starting that's where I would start.

  2. Did Lunatic and Infernal with:

    All 5*

    Lukas (+Squad Ace seal - standard kit otherwise)

    Azura (with Wings of Mercy and spur defense seal)

    Lyn (with Res+1 seal)

    Robin (F) +1 (with Atk +1 seal)

    Azura and Lyn below, Robin up top, Lukas in the middle. 

    Very easy on Lunatic, harder, but not too bad on Infernal, took a couple of tries, but no stamina potions.  I think different units can do it, you just have to pull Berkut and the archer to the upper units and get the greens, mage and other lancer below.   

  3. Late to the party, but here's my 2 silver marks:

    Thane's first question: I don't question his motivation for a second, but his methods are ridiculous.

    I don't agree that taking out Duma was the best idea though.  If Rudolf was attempting to keep the Duma Faithful and Duma himself from recognizing his goal, what better way than to play the role Duma set for him.  

    While it is true that Mila was currently not a threat, it is absolutely inevitable that she would be.  It is an unerring truth in FE that dragons eventually go chaotic evil, no matter where they start.  So taking Mila out before she loses her mind is almost a kindness. 

    More shaky was the effect it would have on Alm.  It seems to me it would have been A LOT better to spill the beans to Alm early; have the princeling and dad take on the Duma Faithful together.  Given the times you could easily have just made Celica marry Alm as that would have been a perfectly sensible political alliance anyway.  But it probably wasn't necessary given that Mycen shipped them pretty well when they were kids.

    Re: the second question.  He died so Alm could take over the continent unburdened by his dad's baggage.  It's not clear that the vast majority of Valerians even know that Alm is the heir to the Rigelian throne. They just think he's the scrappy kid who took on the gods and an emperor and won.

  4. I have a slightly different perspective on this. I don't think the DLC is too expensive.  Even though it costs more than the game, the game itself is rather cheap.

    Being old I remember buying (well begging my parents to buy) Atari games at $30 back in the early 80s.  That's the equivalent of $75-80 in today's dollars.  And that was for games that were significantly more rudimentary than almost any game today.

    So from my POV, $40 for the game is a steal.  I don't mind paying an extra fee to play the other maps.  Honestly without the shipping and eugenics of Awakening and Fates, there's not much to do once you've beaten the game.

  5. 3 hours ago, Roy's Our Boy said:

    I've' tried - Res and I end up crying myself to sleep every night. - Magic maybe, but I like my dual threat Nohr Noble. - skill, def, strength or speed really makes the first few chapters extremely difficult so yeah. If I could choose I would just go no bane and no boon but that obviously isn't an option. And grandmaster is surprisingly good for a + magic male Corrin. Rally spectrum and Ignis are really good skills. 

    This might be heresy, but I often go +Health/-defense.

    Health boon comes with a bonus to defense that mitigates the bane and doesn't leave you hurting that much.

  6. In my opinion it has the same problem that the Star Wars series has with Luke.  That is, there is absolutely no reason to hide Alm's origin from him.  None.  

    Rudolf's purpose of protecting Alm was met when he was an adult.  At that point it would have been much better to spill the beans and get Alm and Celica together to take on Duma.

    Just like they should have trained Luke and Leia Skywalker from birth so they would be prepared to take on dad.  

  7. 7 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Welp, they definitely don't care about how much of a joke the Voting Gauntlets are.

    They just did the same thing they did with the previous two, putting an overly popular female character against a group of not-well-knowns. More wipeouts are coming.

    It's not like the other side is a bunch of unknowns.  Robin is playing for the guys.  I think he might give Tharja a run at least.

  8. 2 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

    I mean... I do, but I can see that this was a really one-sided competition at the get-go lol... Putting Camilla alongside characters like Subaki, Beruka, and Palla is kind of a death sentence for all of them... If she weren't there, they might very well have stood a more reasonable chance at winning. 

    Any lineup where you can look at the characters and predict a winner pretty accurately is not very good. Thus why I left Tharja out of my 'dark mages' group even though I like her too lol.

    OMG a dark mages gauntlet with Tharja would be hilarious.  The internet would not disappoint.

  9. Just now, Duwang said:

    I have to disagree there. Memes are great, (take a look at my title) but when it comes to something that is advertised as a competition... I expect an actual competition. People would still do the gauntlet if there were less fan favorites, but the votes would be more spread out amongst the different competitors, therefore resulting in more exciting and close battles, much like the Chrom vs. Ephraim match of the first gauntlet. 

    Plus I generally don't like Camilla very much...

    The Chrom v. Ephraim battle didn't excite me very much.  I mostly just didn't care even though I was on Chrom's side.  I was just trying to game it, because I knew that the action would be on Girl Marth.  

    I would trade an 'exciting' competition every day of the week for videos like this:  


  10. I disagree that there should not be a "fan favorite" in the Gauntlet.  Why?  Because otherwise, no one would care.  What made this gauntlet so much fun was the fact that Camilla was going to ROFL stomp everyone and the memes, humor videos and the like celebrating that fact.  There was exactly nothing fun about most of the other fights.  They were just something to do while waiting to get murdered by the purple waifu.

    If you pick 8 semi-popular characters to go head to head, then people will basically pick at random and would just do the gauntlet for feathers.  Here, even the game theorist has the option of going with the less popular choice for more ranking versus the stronger choice for the guaranteed win feathers.  

    Honestly, I've had more laughs over the last few days than I have in a long while.  I'm hoping they put Azura as the next easy winner.  

  11. I picked Revelations.  It's story isn't bad so much as perfunctory.  The plot, such as it is, only serves to justify bringing everyone together.  It clearly assumes you've played the other two paths first (and the game tells you to do so if you can't figure it out), so the lack of any character development outside of supports is OK.

    But the deciding factor for me is that only in Revelations does: Azura, Xander, the Awakening trio, and especially Corrin all seem plausible.

    In Birthright, I can understand Corrin's motivations and maybe Azura's because she never has occasion to learn that Corrin is also a Vallite.  But Xander is just plain idiotic in that route and the Awakening trio just ignores what they came there to do.  Even if the didn't know which legendary weapon prince was the one, the whole dragon thing should have tipped them off.

    In Conquest, I just can't accept anyone's reasoning to do what they do.  The Nohrian royals all clearly know Garon is a lunatic.  Xander could have deposed him and if he honestly cared about Nohr would have for the good of all.  Conquering Hoshido was just unnecessary.  

    Also, Azura had Corrin in Valla and could have spilled the whole story, but just decided not to. Lastly, Corrin would have to be a delusional idiot to go back to Nohr, as Garon helpfully points out as soon as you do.  On that point, Garon had no reason to keep Corrin alive and seeing that he/she wielded the Yato would likely have killed him/her immediately.

    So, for all its faults, Revelations makes the most sense to me because its thin plot doesn't allow for the nonsense of the other two.

  12. 1 hour ago, KuraiFede said:

    Swift Sparrow seems very interesting, ATK/SPD +4 without lose bulk it's a great addition IMHO.

    But pulling an Easter Lucina will be hard, so...

    I got her in like 40 orbs and got Spring Chrom in about 80.  I'm hoping that the appearance rates are higher than posted because my bunny Camilla has forsaken me.  Although bunny Lucina is the cutest thing EVER!

  13. 1 hour ago, immatx said:


    Did Effie not get dragged back into Michalis' aggro zone for y'all? I tried the same exact thing (I think), both times Effie got dragged back and was almost ORKO by Michalis.

    Not at all, she and Jeorge were behind the wall and Michalis never approached either.

  14. Did Lunatic on first try, if you don't count early bird window, I took him down with Lucina 5*, Jeorge 5*, Effie 4*, and Sakura 4*.

    Moved Effie to the right side of map to bait the sword.  Moved Jeorge just beneath her behind the wall.  Had Sakura under Jeorge and Lucina to the left of Sakura.

    The fliers moved with the sword cav.  The other two fliers walked right into Jeorge's arrows, Michalis got chewed up by Lucina.  Lance fighter's heavy spear neutralized by Effie's Svalinn Shield.  Sakura didn't need to do any healing but she did and everyone ended at near full health.

  15. I ran out of time, but I got really close to beating Lunatic with this team:

    Lucina 5*

    Jeorge 5*

    Effie 4*

    Sakura 4*

    If Effie had Svalinn shield I would have done this easily, but my team was unable to take down the heavy lance wielder.  Effie and Jeorge were also not 40 yet.  Having corrected those flaws I'm looking forward to another run Friday.

    By the way, has anyone confirmed whether we'll be able to earn Michalis twice on the maps we finished early.  I do have the 3* and I'm wondering if I can get another along with the 4*.

  16. 16 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Do they sell those on sale ever?  I thought they were basically gift certificates, and didn't know they ever went on sale.  I'll have to check out Target tomorrow, to see what they're selling for.

    They go on sale all the time.  Target often runs a 'buy one, get one 20% off' sale.  Which works out to a 10% discount.  

    You're right they are basically gift certificates, but there are still deals to be had.  And since you get to spend the full face value you save a bit.

  17. So I haven't spent any money since launch.  But after a couple of days of my family begging me for money for various stupid crap, I decided to waste my money on myself for a change.  :lol:

    So I went to Target (they have a sale on Itunes and Google play cards) and bought some Itunes cards and then 75 orbs in the game.  My plan was to do four summons and see if I got anything good.

    First role on a colorless - 5 star Jaffar.  Hmm...  One of the ones I'm looking for.  OK cool, but I still have all these orbs so screw it, I'll keep rolling.

    I go through a full summon, a few four starts inheritance fodder.  Then I start another full summon.  First roll:  5 star Jeorge.  

    So yeah.  Knowing how quick your luck can turn, I stopped.  Will wait for the next banner.  These games know how to get you.  I can literally feel the dopamine from those two 5 stars giving me the happy feeling.  While I know all these gatcha/F2P tricks, I know I'm going to be back.  Hopefully, I can wait at least a month again.  :B):  Just needed to (happy) vent.  

  18. I have three 5* sword lords: Lucina, Lyn, and Seliph.  I like Seliph a lot, but Lyn and especially Lucina are just better in every way.

    Seliph is like an armored unit with his HP and speed, but that's not enough to use him when I have the franchise wide best girl (Lyn) and her spunky upstart rival Lucina.

  19. Don't beat yourself up too much.  This game is designed to feed dopamine to your brain to get you hooked.  If you feel the need to gamble, try distracting yourself with something else you enjoy.  Just not: drinking, drugs, binge eating, unsafe sex, etc.  Don't trade one addiction for another.

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